
I'll Walk With God

God will be with you if you are walking in His ways. Wherever you go, don't walk by yourself, walk with God.

A Passover Like None Before

The Passover is a most solemn and important occasion for Christians—a time to commemorate Christ’s death and recommit ourselves to Him. The Passover service takes place on one evening, but whether or not it is the meaningful observance God meant…

You are Worthy!

No matter how the world views or treats us, we should take comfort in knowing that we are truly worthy throughout our lives in the eyes of God.

Using God's Blessings to Prepare for the Kingdom

We can prepare for the Kingdom of God by learning what is real and what is worthless. Christians should be able to judge and prioritize what is worthwhile.

Worthy to Suffer Shame

When the apostles were first beaten for preaching in Christ’s name, “They departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name” (Acts 5:41). The Spirit inspired them and they were…

Does God Need Us

Does God need us to accomplish his work? Or should we ask Does God want us to be part of his team to help him accomplish his plan? Sermon looking at why God wants us to be part of his…

Worthy of Being Loved – Friendship

Story of friendship by focusing on the story of Jonathan and David.

Observing the Passover in a Worthy Manner

Through self-examination, we must prepare and observe the Passover in a worthy manner.

Passover Preparation

The Passover, which we will observe in just a few weeks, is a Holy convocation. We should approach the service to glorify God after a process of self-examination. While we should not attend the service in an irreverent or unworthy…

Taking Passover in an Unworthy Manner

With the Passover on our minds, what does it mean to take the Passover unworthily and to profane the body and blood of Jesus Christ?