Your Life

A five-part BT Daily video series. When it comes to our lives, and the mind-set that we establish and have throughout our life about ourselves, about other people, about life, about God, and what we can achieve. Do we live a life that’s half-empty, or do we live a life that is half-full? Pessimistic or optimistic?


What's Your Legacy?

Kobe Bryant left behind a rather large legacy. So did Adolf Hitler. Do you ever think about what your legacy might be? Will you have have one? Will it be good or bad? In this message, we'll talk about legacies…

God's Vision for You

Have you ever thought about your future? God has! Not only has He thought about your future, He has a vision and plan for it!
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Your Life, Part 5: God's Plan

The prophet Jeremiah had a half-full approach to life when it came to God's promises. He had faith and he acted upon that every day of his life. Jeremiah's example is a tremendous lesson of faith for us today.
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Your Life, Part 4: Consequences of Mindset

Where you are in your life right now? Is your approach to life half-empty or half-full? An example of Paul's mindset found in Philippians 4 defines the positive, half-full approach we should be striving to have in our own personal...
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Your Life, Part 3: Personal Story

Don't let any adversity, don't even let any tragedy that might come into our life, one we might create, one that comes beyond our own control, to determine how we're going to finish. Decide to live a life that is...
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Your Life, Part 2: Parable of the Talents

What lessons can we learn from the Parable of the Talents, mentioned in Matthew 25, when it comes to determining if our mind-set of life is half-empty or half-full?
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Your Life, Part 1: Half-full or Half-empty?

When it comes to our lives, and the mind-set that we establish and have throughout our life about ourselves, about other people, about life, about God, and what we can achieve. Do we live a life that’s half-empty, or do...