
A Positive Provocation

How do we as Christians bring about a positive provocation? And what should be the result of a positive provocation?

Zeal for God's Work

Satan, the devil, has done a very good job in blinding the minds of people to the purpose of God and truly why we are alive. What is the purpose for life?

Turn Up the Heat!

Christ set an example of passion for God and His house. How important is it for me to have that perspective and how can I have that kind of dedication? This sermon discusses the spiritual intensity God desires.
Do what is needed to fan into flame the burning embers of the Holy Spirit that has been put within you.

Three Parables for Slackers

How can we examine ourselves while we await Christ’s return?

Understanding the New Covenant Passover

God and Christ are solidly vested in a Covenant that offers eternal life to mankind. Passover commemorates an incredible act of humility and service on Their part. But, what about the receiver's appreciation, gratitude, reciprocating gift, and personal investment in…
Does God’s Word increase our anticipation about the breathtaking future that lies ahead in God’s coming Kingdom?  Does your heart burn within you?

Our Hearts Burned Within Us

Discover how two disheartened disciples had their attitudes completely transformed into overwhelming joy and reassurance. What can their amazing experience mean to us on our Christian journey?

Malaise: The Curse of Our Age

What does God expect us to do to overcome the general feeling of malaise, uneasiness, despair, discouragement and hopelessness so common to our time? God calls on us to be zealous, repentant and filled with earnest expectation, excitement and enthusiasm…


If we're going to continue being a servant of God, we need to be zealous about it.

All Things Work Together

Romans 8:28 is one of the most memorized verses in the New Testament. But do we really understand what is being written here? What does God mean "for good"? How do we love God and what is His purpose? Let's…

The 4th Commandment

When God tells us to "remember the Sabbath day, to keep it Holy" what is He saying? How do we remember the Sabbath? Are we free to chose any day of the week to worship God or has God chosen…