
In Brief World News Review Zimbabwe a Crisis Torn Country

Zimbabwe, a once prosperous African nation, is seriously short of food.

The Other Historic Inauguration of January 2009

The inauguration of the new President of the United States was not the only historic inauguration in the month of January.

A Study in Contrasts

Over a month after the voting, the results of the Zimbabwe presidential election still have not been officially announced. The autocratic president of Zimbabwe, who has been in power for almost three decades since the fall of Rhodesia, is clearly...


I have visited Zimbabwe, and I know the creative energies of its people. The land has vast potential for development for the benefit of its own and neighboring peoples. There is no excuse for the suffering the citizens must now...

Africa, Yesterday and Today

In 1960 British Prime Minister Harold MacMillan addressed the South African parliament and talked of a "wind of change sweeping across Africa." The rapid changes in Africa that followed have led to dictatorships, anarchy, economic and political upheaval.

World News and Trends

What will the new year of 2008 mean for Africa's current state?

Zimbabwe's Empty Streets


Reversal of Fortune for Two African Countries

Once one of the most unstable of African countries, Ghana is now a model of stability and success. what turned Ghana around in the past 20 years? What lessons are there in its success story for the other struggling African...

World News and Trends Africa a crisis torn continent

What happens to Zimbabwe now and in the near future may affect the entire continent. The long-awaited African renaissance has yet to materialize. Guns, brute force and political corruption shape Africa's future.

World News and Trends Zimbabwe a crisis torn country

Zimbabwe, at one time a prosperous African nation, is seriously short of food, and a lack of fuel has brought industry to a standstill.