
Christ Our Passover and Personal Good Samaritan

Speaker: Lud Kiramidjian 4/4/20 The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) is one of the most famous of Christ’s parables. It teaches a powerful moral lesson that every human being is our "neighbor", and that we (out of compassion…

A Promise

One of Satan's tools is distraction. It is easy to get distracted by the traditions of mankind and to lose our focus on God and His word.


We struggle against the physical desires of our heart and of the world, tending to look back as Lot’s wife did. To combat this, we are encouraged to focus on having the desire for the Kingdom of God, the spiritual…

Climb the Mountain - the Cure for Spiritual Apathy

Because we live in a world ruled by one who desires to distract and derail us from what's important, it no surprise that God's people from time to time struggle with maintaining focus and energy on God and the things…
A older person reading a Bible.

Bible "Cliff Notes"

A brief look at the New Testament and where it fits in the context of the entire Bible.

Empty Swept and Put in Order

An empty mind is a dangerous things, susceptible to evil influences. Even a mind filled with knowledge can be a danger when focus is not placed on the ways of God. Godly meditation is a tool our Heavenly Father has…
A young man reading a Bible while sitting on a dock.

Bible "Cliff Notes"

The time between the Old Testament and New Testament gives insight into the life and times of Jesus Christ and the New Testament Church.
A person looking up at the millions of stars filling the night sky.

Hearing the Voice of God

How God's Word can bring you out of the darkness and into the light.
A woman holding a Bible opened to the Psalms.

Bible "Cliff Notes"

A short break-down of what the Old Testament books are all about.
A man reading a Bible.

Can I Trust the Bible?

How do we know the Bible is true and its promises will actually happen?