Magazine Issue

Beyond Today Magazine: July–August 2023

Can we believe the Bible? Can we really trust that it is the inspired Word of God? Can we be confident that it is His divine revelation to humankind? These are vital questions, and we need to know the answers...
Media Production

Read the Book

Studies reveal a large gap between what many Christians think the Bible says and what it really teaches. Study to know the truth!
A person sitting at night looking at computer screen.

A Biblical Worldview

Does your worldview match with what Scripture reveals about the conditions of human nature, this present world and God’s solution for the problems we face every day?

Doers of the Word

Most agree that Biblical teaching is important. Yet in the religious world reaction to Scripture varies greatly. This sermon addresses the vital role of Biblical teaching and it’s connection to action. w seconds and try to cut or copy again.
A woman reading a Bible.

A Coming “Famine of the Word”

Isaiah 55:6-7 tells us: “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will...
Magazine Issue

Beyond Today Magazine: May–June 2022

We’re seeing a seismic shift in modern society. Western civilization that was built on belief in God and the Bible as His Word is fundamentally changing. God, His values and His commandments are being canceled from people’s lives. Governments, courts...

A Greater Deception Than Evolution

Join us for this amazing video sermon on the different Bible translations, and some of the mistakes in those translations. This sermon also gives guidelines to select the better versions for us to use, and the reasons for it. This…

How Will We Learn?

We can learn lessons the easy way from instruction or the hard way through personal experience. Today I want to encourage all to learn the easy way.
A man holding a Bible.

Are You Doing it God’s Way?

As Christians, we need to really look at what Scripture says. We cannot allow ourselves to be confused by what others tell us it says.

The Surprising Benefits of Bible Memorization

Every time Satan tried to tempt Jesus Christ, He responded with memorized scripture. After spending some extended time practicing daily scripture memorization, I’d like to share some of the unexpected benefits I have encountered.