
Monumental Battle for Control of the World

A look at the astounding end-time story of the Middle East and the future of this crucial region that was laid out thousands of years ago in the Bible. We need to understand what's prophesied to happen in the Middle…

Dragging Egypt

The Israelites left Egypt, but they “carried” Egypt with them. In like manner, have we have left the world but are we dragging sin with us in our lives? The Israelites departure from Egypt and their mistakes are there for…

Passover Parallel

We know the story. The nation of Israel was enslaved in Egypt and Pharaoh would not let the people go. A profoundly significant event was about to take place and they would be saved through a final plague. But examining…

Lessons From the Desert

Sometimes it's best to learn lessons through the experiences of others. Israel coming out of Egypt offers us a number of spiritual lessons we can learn so that we don't have to experience the same trials and consequences.

Lessons from the Desert

Speaker: Fred Crow 4/18/20 Sometimes it's best to learn lessons through the experiences of others. Israel coming out of Egypt offers us a number of spiritual lessons we can learn so that we don't have to experience the same trials…

Coming out of Our Egypt

Leavening is a perfect symbol used for what it pictures for us as a lesson for sin and what it does to us. We must continue to put sin out of our lives. We must leave behind what plagues our…

God Has A Plan - Lessons From the Story of Joseph

God has a Plan! In this split-sermon before the webcast audience of the Atlanta and Buford congregation, Charles Graby, a deacon serving in both churches, shows how God worked out his plan for Israel over hundreds of years. This culminated…

Leaving Egypt Forever

The concept of "forever" is difficult for humans. Can it even be quantified and defined? God's commands are not just to be kept when convenient, or for a certain period of time, but rather FOREVER! In this sermon we will…

The Journey from the Red Sea to Mount Sinai

In a form of baptism and a final break from Egypt which signified sin and death, Israel crossed the Red Sea on the last day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. They witnessed the great work that the Lord did…

Don't Stay Camped on the Edge of Egypt

Are we just on the edge of coming out from sin, or are we fully committed to God's way of life?