A cell.

Creation According to Plan

The natural world around us offers compelling proof that it was made by a Supreme Intelligence with foresight and purposeful intentionality. Will you embrace the purpose intended for you?
Articulated Dinosaur fossil

The Giver of Life

How did life begin? How did our planet's amazing variety of animals and plants come into being?
Jay Richards

Interview With Intelligent Design Proponent Jay Richards

Dr. Richards discusses the history of the intelligent design movement and how recent areas of research increasingly point to a Designer.
Up close photo of a brown cow.

Beliefs Have Consequences

Evolution leaves mankind blind to our purpose, wandering and wondering in the dark.
Magazine Issue

Beyond Today Magazine: November–December 2019

In the 160 years that have passed since the publication of Charles Darwin’s book On the Evolution of Species, the theory of Darwinian evolution has dominated science and education. But new explorations in scientific study are exposing more and more...
A night sky filled with stars.

Darwinism Is Not the Same as Evolution

A word of caution on the use of the term evolution: It can mean different things to different people.