
Epistles of Paul 36

In a time of distress Paul addresses various questions from the Corinthian brethren regarding staying unmarried, or getting married.

Epistles of Paul 35

Paul addresses questions from the Corinthians about marriage. They are basically around two issues: 1) Should the unmarried marry under the current stress; and 2) Whether the married should continue to live together.

Epistles of Paul 34

Due to the problems in Corinth Paul explains to them that they need to take corrective actions when necessary. This matter of taking corrective actions (judging) is addressed in this chapter. This study also merges this instruction from Paul with…

Epistles of Paul 33

Paul discusses the matter of how to handle sexual immorality in the church and the need to keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread in sincerity and truth.

Epistles of Paul 32

Paul explains that the apostles, and by extension, God's ministers are servants of the brethren and must be good stewards of God's Word. Paul treated the brethren as a father treats his children, and he wants to vist them in…

Epistles of Paul 31

The Corinthians were carnal, babes in Christ. Ministers are to build the Church with works of "gold, silver and precious stones" for the church's edification. These principles equally apply to every member.

Epistles of Paul 30

Paul preached "Jesus Christ and Him crucified". He did so not with human wisdom but he spoke the wisdom of God in a mystery. It is a mystery hidden from the world, but revealed to those with God's Holy Spirit…

Epistles of Paul 29

Paul pleads with the brethren that they all may speak the same thing and that there be no divisions among them. He then further explains that the message of Christ's suffering and death shows God's power and wisdom, so that…

Epistles of Paul 28

Introduction to 1 Corinthians. The geographical location, and it's social problems which triggered the need for Paul to write this epistle. Paul starts the epistle by reminding the Corinthians of how God has spiritually enriched them and how God is…

Epistles of Paul 27

Paul concludes his epistle to the Galatians with the whole crux of the matter: "Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but [being] a new creation."