
The Holy Spirit and the Spirit Behind the Unpardonable Sin - Part 2

What the unpardonable sin truly is and how and what we do as Christians to unintentionally head down that path.

The Spirit Behind the Unpardonable Sin - Part 3

Here in part 3 we conclude the sermon series on the unpardonable sin and tie it in with parts 1 and 2. We also delve into all that we must understand in order to ensure we head onto the path…

Pride and Sin

Join us for this excellent video sermon on Pride. How would you say your attitude is? Does everything have to be your way? Do you understand the unpardonable sin? The answer to these questions and more in this eye opening…

Resurrections and Eternal Judgement

This is a brief overview of the Fundamental of Beliefs account of the three Resurrections and Eternal Judgement.

Justification, Baptism, Laying on of Hands, and the Unpardonable Sin

God and the Word, both co-eternal and uncreated, reached an agreement to reproduce their kind, a family of beings of their very same essence. Every person has sinned or will sin, earned the wages of sin which is death and…

Eternal Judgement

This concludes a series on the foundational doctrines found in Hebrews 6:1-2. Eternal judgement is something every human being will be involved in. The concept of eternal judgement as well as temporary judgement are covered in this sermon.

A Specific Unpardonable Sin

One sin is specific in regard to the unpardonable sin.
A man walking in a field.

What Does It Mean to Blaspheme the Holy Spirit?

God holds us accountable for what we know. To blaspheme the Spirit is to reject God even when we know His power and sovereignty.