
Don’t Look Back

Gaining freedom is a wonderful thing. Who would want to return to bondage? Sadly, ancient Israel did at times, and Christians can learn a valuable lesson from their example. Being freed from sin, we must look ahead and not back…

Never Turn Back

The importance of never becoming like the Israelite's and wanting to turn back. No matter how hard life gets, we must always remain faithful to God and His way of life.

Remember Lot's Wife

As Lot, his wife and his two daughters were being led out of Sodom, they were warned not to look back. When God calls us out of this world, we must follow him promptly without lingering and without looking back.

Remember Lot's Wife!

God`s Kingdom is so close, we can`t afford to look back now.

Be Forward Looking

In our lives, it is easy and natural to look backwards. Our past, to a degree, identifies who we are. But during this Feast of Unleavened Bread, we have been called to not look back to our own individual Egypt's…

Counting "the Cost" of Your Free Gift

Speaker: Lud Kiramidjian 10/5/19 We have been freely given a great calling out of this world. Although free, our cost is to give God the love of Deuteronomy 6:5 because God paid the cost of John 3:16 and 1 Peter…

Looking Back

Ivan Waltner discusses several points on Looking Back and the history of the church.

Looking Back

Ivan Waltner discusses several points on Looking Back and the history of the church.

Let Me First Bury My Father

Jesus said no one is fit for the kingdom if they put their hand to the plow and look back. God has given us a awesome calling, and must become experts at rising above every obstacle which will prevent us…

Run the Race of Your Life

Isn’t Life like the Monte Carlo Race? Winning the race and gaining the prize of eternal life.