
Say Yes To The Task

Some people have trouble saying 'No' when asked to help. Others have trouble saying 'Yes.' Still others have trouble deciding what to say. Today, we'll talk about saying both 'Yes' and 'No,' and when an appropriate time is to say…

Check It Out

Have you ever had some one 'check up' on what you've told them? Maybe you've had to check up on something someone else said to determine if it was true. Why do we check up on other people and is…

Seeking Counsel - the story of Rehoboam

In this message we look at the history of Rehoboam and the counsel he acted on. God wants us to seek him and rely on his people to help direct us through the many decisions in our lives.

Lessons Learned: While Living in Malawi

Today, I felt inspired to speak on the lessons I have learned while serving in Malawi, Africa, and how to apply those lessons now that I have moved back to America and to everywhere else I may go.

The Wisdom in a Multitiude of Counselors

Throughout the Bible, there are examples of men seeking counsel with others. This sermon takes a look at some of these men.

Jethro’s Advice to Moses

Whenever you put people together in a group of any kind, you are going to have conflict. Judgments and decisions have to be made and to do that in today’s day and age requires a degree of organization and authority…

Principles of Healthful Living I

When we really think of health we realize what a priceless treasure it is to have or to be in good health. What principles govern the maintenance of good health?

Golf and Christian Living

Living as a Christian in this world is never short of its challenges, much like golf. In order to stay on the path to righteousness, we must be disciplined to make every decision with precision and care, so as to…