
The Principle of Quarantine - Physical and Spiritual

In a sermonette directed to the webcast audiences of the Buford and Atlanta congregations, Jon Davies discusses God's instructions about the use of quarantine to protect physical health, and applications that protect us from damage to our spiritual health.

Health and Healing

Pastor Joshua Creech, during the present world pandemic, examines the topics of health and healing from the most basic principles of staying healthy and natural healing to the ultimate divine intervention of God—the true Healer of all mankind.

Coronavirus, Pestilence and Dis-ease

A practical approach to keeping ourselves healthy in the three areas of our lives.

Preparing for the Coronavirus

A new epidemic known as the Coronavirus has affected many nations, killing thousands in a short period of time. We should prepare now and seek God's mercy and protection during this pandemic.

Coronavirus and the Pale Horse

The recent outbreak of the coronavirus that started in China has made world news and triggered a “global health emergency.” Where do these new viruses come from? And how might they relate to the fourth horse of the apocalypse—the pale…

Coronavirus and the Pale Horse

The recent outbreak of the coronavirus that started in China has made world news and triggered a “global health emergency.” Where do these new viruses come from? And how might they relate to the fourth horse of the apocalypse—the pale…

Principles of Healthy Living

What does the Bible teach us about physical health, and how important is it? Let us consider eight principles that when followed, can maximize our health and fitness.

The Plan A For Thriving In Illness

Tim Pebworth 4/27/19 When we become sick or are faced with a physical handicap our Plan A is often to seek medical treatment, and if we believe in God to ask for health, but if it doesn't come we can…

What Does God Say About Healing?

The subject of healing is often mentioned in God's Word. However, when does God heal; why some and not others; why not always immediately? In this split-sermon before the combined Atlanta and Buford congregations, Philip Aust, discusses the subject of…

Contributing to the Health of the Body, Part 2

Part 2 explores the health of the Body of the New Testament Church. What has happened to diminish that dynamic state of the body? What can we do to contribute to the health of the body? The next part will…