
Race to the Kingdom like the Pony Express

In the 1850's, the Pony Express delivered mail from Missouri to California. The Pony Express riders had three qualities that we should emulate on our race to the Kingdom.

Use this Crisis to Correct Your Spiritual Course

Speaker: Jim Tuck 4/25/20 As we fast in this time of international crisis due to the coronavirus how will you respond? Our time is now to break the cycle of humanity and raise the bar in our own spiritual commitment…

The Triangle Of Life

Mr. Beam discusses how we make up the house of God with Christ as the builder & God the Father in charge of it all. The triangle is the strongest shape for bracing. The sides if the triangle are attitude…

Ruling With The King Of Kings

In this sermon Mr. Spigelmyer discusses how we can live in the faith and promises of God. He also goes on to tell us how we need to learn, study and train in God's promises and truth so as to…

Is There a Judgement Day for the Church of God?

What lies ahead for those that are called now? Let's review scripture to find out what the bible says our future holds.

Good Government Requires Good Men

The founding fathers of the United States came together for the Constitutional Convention to establish a new government. God is laying the foundation for His coming Kingdom. He is shaping the spiritual growth of His people for future leadership.

Of Such Is the Kingdom

We are told that one who is like a little child shall inherit the Kingdom of God. David Jones discusses what that means and the attitudes of children who are truly humble, with absolute trust and faith, the ability to…

Life's Journey.

A successful journey leads to the Kingdom of God. We must stay on the path God has set before us. Listen in today to the journey we have all been put on when we are called to make it to…

Who Shall Dwell in God's Holy Hill?

As we strive to live according to God's Way, we need to remember the guiding principles found in Psalm 15. These precepts not only reflect the character God expects of those in His future kingdom, but are also what He…

Staking Your Claim

As the 49ers stated their claims. For God - We have to stake our claim to God's Kingdom.