
On Target

Ready, Fire! Aim. Perhaps too often that describes our spiritual focus. How can we take aim consistently at the right spiritual target? This sermon will address how to hit the spiritual bullseye.
You can’t control people, but you can love them.

Loving When It's Difficult

In times when it is hard to love, and with the people who are difficult to love, will we work hard to reach across the gaps to understand others?

Spiritual Life Hacks

Life hacks are ideas that give you practical directions to become more proficient and productive. Have you ever thought about the fact that God provides us with practical, spiritual life hacks? There are ways to make our time more meaningful…

Love the World / Do Not Love the World

How can we reconcile “Love” and “Love Not” the world? How and why does God love the world, and what is it about the world that we are not to love?
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We all need "sisu;" to dig deep for the tenacity to finish our Christian walk.

You Are Christ’s Disciple - Do You Get It?

Christ’s disciples lacked spiritual discernment when He mentioned the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod. They thought He was talking about physical leaven, bread. They didn’t get it. As Christ’s disciple today, do you get it?

He Told Me All That I Ever Did

The Bible presents an encounter Jesus had with a Samaritan woman at a well which not only changed her life but also affected the lives of the people in her village, and this encounter is included as instruction for us…
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Seals and Guarantees

Do we have the markings of a genuine Christian?
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Live Loud

We are known by how we live our lives. Are we demonstrating a Christian life?
Have you ever felt afraid of being rejected if you express your Christian beliefs in today’s landscape? You are in good company.

In Good Company

There is an old story that Jewish rabbis used to tell their students regarding the building of the temple. They stated that when the temple was built, every stone was cut to fit perfectly and then shipped from the quarry...