A man's face hiding in dark shadow.

Growing State Tyranny

Recent tyrannical government edicts have trampled the rights and consciences of millions of people. What’s driving this? Does it have any implications for prophesied end-time events?
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Entering 2022: A Time to Be Resilient

Regardless of what the COVID-19 pandemic brings in the new year, we must be resilient.
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Learn to Develop Resilience

We're currently crisis surfing, moving from one crisis to another. In light of these times we need to focus on developing the character trait of resilience; God and Jesus Christ can help.
A finger pushing a "reset" button.

The Great Reset

The world’s elites seek to create a new world order—a better world, as they envision it. Yet what is actually developing is a world heading into darkness beyond their imagining. God says to understand and not be part of that...
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Emotional Awareness

As the pandemic wanes and we return to life we're going to be interacting with others more. We need to acknowledge the emotions, both positive and negative, that will come with working closely with people again.
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As we strive to get back to "normal" following the pandemic, the world is going through massive changes. The Bible can give us guidance on how to navigate these changes.
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COVID Relationships

We need to take extra care to communicate with our friends and loved ones as we continue through this pandemic.
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2020 has been a tough year, but it has taught us to adjust and to cope, it's taught us to be resilient. This resilience is a valuable quality to cultivate.
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Good Riddance

We are all ready to put 2020 behind us; as we do, lets carry the lessons we've learned with us.
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Fed Up

It's easy to get depressed and overwhelmed by the pandemic, we're fed up! It's important to focus on positivity, being productive, and improving our relationship with God.