Ministry of Reconciliation

All human conflict comes down to one: the need to be reconciled to God. How we solve that conflict will determine how we resolve all other conflicts. At the core of the ministry of reconciliation is God’s desire to restore us to a relationship with Him as His children.


Ministry of Reconciliation, Part 6

Reconciliation defined based on God's way of reconciling us to him.

Ministry of Reconciliation, Part 5

Reconciliation defined based on God's way of reconciling us to him.

Ministry of Reconciliation, Part 4

Reconciliation defined based on God's way of reconciling us to Him.

Ministry of Reconciliation, Part 3

The ministry of reconciliation begins with understanding how God is reconciling with you through Christ. After receiving this help from God, we now have to decide how to react to a brother or sister who has offended us.

Ministry of Reconciliation, Part 2

At the base of every conflict that human beings have with one another, the root cause is that every one of us in in conflict with God. Until that conflict is fixed, we will never truly change all of the…

Ministry of Reconciliation, Part 1

Why do we have conflict? Learn about five major reasons that we have problems internally that cause us to end up in conflict with others.