Matthew's Five Discourses of Jesus Christ

This series is on the fifth and final discourse of Jesus in the book of Matthew. This discourse deals with the subject of judgment and is presented in Matthew 23-25.


Matthew's Five Discourses of Jesus Christ

In the final segment of the series, the parable of the wise and foolish virgins is explained, as well as the parable of the wise and wicked servants.

Matthew's Five Discourses of Jesus Christ

In part 5 of the fifth and final discourse of Jesus Christ found in Matthew, this segment of the series focuses on warnings to the Church regarding Jesus Christ's second coming.

Matthew's Five Discourses of Jesus Christ

In part 4 of the fifth and final discourse of Jesus Christ found in Matthew, this segment of the series uses relevant scriptures from Revelation to explain this discourse about "signs of the end times."

Matthew's Five Discourses of Jesus Christ

In part 3 of the fifth and final discourse of Jesus Christ found in Matthew, we'll begin at the end of Matthew 23 and conclude in the beginning of Matthew 24. This segment covers warnings to leaders of God's people…

Matthew's Five Discourses of Jesus Christ

In part 2 of the fifth and final discourse of Jesus Christ found in Matthew, discover what it means to "take away the key of knowledge?" or to "prevent others from entering the kingdom?" This segment addresses these questions, as…

Matthew's Five Discourses of Jesus Christ

In part 1 of the fifth and final discourse of Jesus Christ found in Matthew chapters 23-25 covers judgement, the end of this age, and Jesus Christ's return to the earth.

Matthew's Five Discourses of Jesus Christ

This segment of the series addresses the proper way to address conflict among brethren.

Matthew's Five Discourses of Jesus Christ

In this discourse, Jesus Christ explains how his disciples are to see themselves, and how they are to relate to their bretheren.

Matthew's Five Discourses of Jesus Christ

This segment of the series discusses the parables of the sower and the seed; the wheat and the tares; and the mustard seed.

Matthew's Five Discourses of Jesus Christ

This segment of the series introduces Jesus' parables and explains their purpose and impact.