Agape Love

This 11 part sermon series focuses on the word "agape" found several times in the Bible. What does this word mean and how can we learn to express this type of love? As Christians, why is agape so important as an attribute of the character of God to be striving for in our lives?

This sermon series was recorded in 2022 by Gary Petty.


The Greatest of These Is Love

“Faith and hope and love abide, and the greatest of these is love.” A brief study of faith and hope, showing how they relate to love.

Love Does Not Rejoice in Iniquity But in the Truth

Three ways we as Christians rejoice in iniquity without realizing it.

Love Thinks No Evil

Our minds are designed to focus and recall the things we spend the most time thinking about. God a character of agape love does not keep a record of wrongs, and meditates on what is good, transforming our life.

Agape Love: Part 8

Gary Petty's 8 part sermon series defining the very righteousness of God that we are to attain.

Agape Love: Part 7

Gary Petty's 8 part sermon series defining the very righteousness of God that we are to attain.

Agape Love: Part 6

Gary Petty's 8 part sermon series defining the very righteousness of God that we are to attain.

Agape Love: Part 5

Gary Petty's 8 part sermon series defining the very righteousness of God that we are to attain.

Agape Love: Part 4

Gary Petty's 8 part sermon series defining the very righteousness of God that we are to attain.

Agape Love: Part 3

Gary Petty's 8 part sermon series defining the very righteousness of God that we are to attain.

Agape Love: Part 2

Gary Petty's 8 part sermon series defining the very righteousness of God that we are to attain.