Teen Bible Study Volume 1: Religious Study

Course Content

In this study we will cover basic religious truths.

Lesson Content

Is there a more fundamental question than does God exists? If God doesn't exist, then humanity is on its own in determining how to live.
In order to appreciate more fully what we believe, it may help to understand the religious beliefs of others.
We need to know without a doubt, who Jesus Christ was.
With so many religions in the world, does it really matter what you believe?
Is the Bible the true word of God?
When one wholeheartedly begins to seek God and desires to obey His Word, the question that frequently comes to mind is, Does the Bible contain all of God's revelation to man or are there other books?
God, our Creator, realizes that we all face circumstances which are difficult and at times overwhelming for us. Throughout our lives, challenges will arise that will appear insurmountable. Knowing our weaknesses and limitations, God offers each of us a helper for these kinds of situations. This helper is called the Holy Spirit
Is there really a Devil? Or is Satan a man-made myth, a human attempt to explain evil? If God is perfectly good, how could He create the devil? And why?