Carolyn (Carrie) Trombi was born in West Covina, California in December of 1968. When she was 2 years old, her family moved to Arizona and she has been living there ever since. 

In August of 1986, she met and fell in love with Robert (Bobby) Trombi. They had their first son, Anthony in 1987 and another son Michael in 1989. Soon after this Carrie discovered that the church she was attending was not a true fit for her. Carries' mother, Trudy Babb had started attending the Worldwide Church of God in 1986 and was learning things that differed from anything Carrie had ever heard, so she stopped attending church completely for many years, simply due to the confusion of this new doctrine and to focus on raising two young boys.  As life became more demanding, Carrie became restless and in need of direction, she tried to fill these needs with other things that had nothing to do with God. Actually embracing the exact opposite and of course life only became more complicated and unhappy. In 1995, Carrie watched her mother started attending the United Church of God. By the middle of 1999, Carrie could no longer deny the factual Biblical things her mother shared with her; she began attending and was baptized in April of 2000.

Carrie has always enjoyed writing, but has only ever done it for her own enjoyment or to aid the impaired at services…taking notes etc. Recently Carrie has taken to posting her daily bible studies on her Facebook page as a sort of therapy.