Table of Contents

5 minutes
Because Sam had grown up hearing in church about complete separation from the world, for many years he didn't question the way he lived. As he became...
8 minutes
Is finding your "one true love" an impossible dream? How can you know when you have found "the right one"?
4 minutes
I couldn't understand what repentance really meant. I think I toyed with the idea of walking through deep snow with a heavy burden strapped to my back...
8 minutes
Mentally speaking, are you all there? Many people don't realize they're missing a critical nonphysical component.
3 minutes
Even though Solomon was wiser than everyone (1 Kings 4:31 tells us that "he was wiser than all men"), did he ever make decisions that were not wise...
1 minute
More families are choosing to home school their children
8 minutes
Do you know what is involved in applying for college or university? Read this step-by-step action plan for entering and thriving at an institution of...
1 minute
Good sleep is essential
3 minutes
Just as with our annual physical check -ups, each year on the Days of Unleavened Bread and Passover, we should take extra measures to examine...
2 minutes
Stay in shape!
5 minutes
"He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord" (Proverbs 18:22).
4 minutes
Since the Bible teaches that observing the Passover is for those baptized, does this mean that the Passover is irrelevant for young people?
5 minutes
An account of a young Christian living in France
1 minute
Teen pregnancy rates down
7 minutes
Are you having a hard time keeping the Sabbath while away at college? Read this firsthand account by someone who successfully faced the challenge.
2 minutes
Do gay marriages really provide a stable home for children?