Beyond Today Daily

Roe v Wade - Part 1: It Isn't Over

Abortion is a silent holocaust ending the life of 20% of all pregnancies in the United States. While the overturning of Roe v. Wade is a great move away from this practice, abortion isn't over, the decision has just been returned to the individual states. 


[Darris McNeely] Friday, June 24th, 2022, will be going down in American history as a landmark day. It was on that day that the American Supreme Court handed down a landmark ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade, which was the 1973 ruling that legalized abortion in all 50 states declaring that it was a constitutional right.

And for nearly 50 years, this has been probably the most, if not certainly in the top tier of divisive issues in American politics. No Supreme Court Justice has been nominated without first discerning what they're view about Roe v. Wade was about. Even presidential candidates had to come down on one side or the other.

And now, it's overturned. In that ruling, the Supreme Court basically said that there was no constitutional right to an abortion. To quote what they said, "The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion. Roe and Casey, which was another ruling dealing with abortion are overruled, and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and elected representatives."

The court went on to say this, "The right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the nation's history and tradition. In fact, before the passage of Roe v. Wade in 1973, more than half the states considered abortion a criminal act."

The perspective on this is something that you're not going to always get unless you really read a wide perspective of media reporting on this. There's a lot of bias, polarization. I went and just read the ruling of the Supreme Court that was handed down, and to get most of my information about this.

The abortion debate, however, is not over in the United States. It's just been returned to the states. And so it will be up to individual state legislatures to enact laws regarding abortion. Many already have them on the books.

And so that's where the battleground will be. It's not over. But it has been declared unconstitutional. There is no constitutional right. Will this receive this debate in America? Well, we can hope and pray that it will. But unfortunately, the latest statistics show that abortions have been on the rise in recent years in the United States.

One report that I read said that one in five pregnancies are terminated by abortion, one in five, that's 20%. Think that through. What that means is that in five years, there'll be 20% less children in kindergarten, 20% less children on the playgrounds, the parks, and schools of America. That's the current situation.

But we certainly hope that there has been a corner turned in this. At least we can hope and pray that it will be. The United Church of God has had a very clear view about abortion, and our "Beyond Today" magazine and television. We have done programs on the sanctity of human life. We have written cover articles about the silent epidemic, which abortion has indeed been. Where children have been killed in the United States through abortion, fetuses that have been aborted since 1973, at least in the legal sphere, than were ever killed in any known past Holocaust among the nations and warfare. And that includes the World War II Holocaust of the Nazis against the Jews where nearly 6 million were killed.

It is a holocaust. Abortion, it has been a silent epidemic. God does regulate life. He gives life and only God can take life. This issue ultimately is not a political issue. It's a moral and certainly a spiritual issue. Life comes from God. He created it. It belongs to Him. And He sustains all life on this planet. He speaks very clearly through His Word about this very fact.

It is God who breathed into man the breath of life. And laws that He even gave to Israel and our teachings of Scripture show the sanctity of human life. Men like Jeremiah were known in the womb by God before their birth. It is a viable life. It is a human life. It is not some life form or anything less. We need to keep that in mind as we think about what has taken place. It was a landmark decision. There's a lot to think, and to talk about, and to understand regarding abortion. But first and foremost, keep in mind, that it is God the giver of life who sanctifies life.

That's "BT Daily." Join us next time.

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Darris McNeely

Darris McNeely works at the United Church of God home office in Cincinnati, Ohio. He and his wife, Debbie, have served in the ministry for more than 43 years. They have two sons, who are both married, and four grandchildren. Darris is the Associate Media Producer for the Church. He also is a resident faculty member at the Ambassador Bible Center teaching Acts, Fundamentals of Belief and World News and Prophecy. He enjoys hunting, travel and reading and spending time with his grandchildren.

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The taking of life is not a political issue. It is a moral and spiritual matter. It is a sin. Life belongs to God. He created and sustains all life on this planet.

June 24, 2022 will be remembered as a landmark day in American history. The United States Supreme Court released its ruling on a Mississippi abortion law that turned back the impact of the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling which legalized abortion in all 50 states. Pro-life proponents are overjoyed, while pro-abortion advocates are outraged. The debate over abortion has polarized America more than any other issue in recent years.

The decision does not criminalize abortion in the nation. What has been settled, for now, is whether the United States Constitution inherently guarantees a woman’s right to abortion. The court has said it does not. The key clause of the court’s ruling says this: “The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey (another court decision upholding legalized abortion) are overruled: and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and elected representatives”. The court further held that “...the right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the nation’s history and tradition.” In fact, before the passage of Roe v. Wade in 1973, more than half of the states considered abortion a criminal act.

The abortion debate is not over. It is now returned to the states for their legislatures to decide. Many states already have laws permitting abortion. Some, like New York, permit an “abortion” after a fully developed child is born. Various state laws limit abortion to within the first trimester of pregnancy. Now the states will become the new battleground. While this is considered a “victory” for democracy and due process within a federal form of government, the greater spiritual and moral question of taking a human life from a mother’s womb remains.

Will the abortion rate in America recede? We certainly hope and pray it will. However, recent statistics show abortions have been on the rise. Approximately 1 in 5 pregnancies end with an aborted life. Translated into reality, this means in five years there will be 20 percent fewer children on the playgrounds than would have been. Since 1973 more than 63 million legal abortions have been performed. That’s in a mid-size, modern nation. When you consider the Nazi Holocaust of World War II killed nearly six million Jews in Europe, this is more than ten times that amount. Abortion in America has been called the “silent holocaust.”

The United Church of God has had a clear voice on this issue. Beyond Today magazine and television have featured articles and programming that clearly shows what the Bible teaches on the sanctity of human life.

The taking of life is not a political issue. It is a moral and spiritual matter. It is a sin. Life belongs to God. He created and sustains all life on this planet.

God through His Word speaks clearly on the sanctity of human life from conception in the womb of a woman. In Genesis 2:7 we read: "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being." God created human life. His breath animated Adam, the first man. As Creator, God holds the judgment about life.

In the book of Exodus we see the Ten Commandments giving the command not to murder. In Exodus 20:13 it says: "You shall not murder." In Exodus 21:22 we read "If men fight, and hurt a woman with child, so that she gives birth prematurely...he shall surely be punished accordingly as the woman's husband imposes on him; and he shall pay as the judges determine." Going on in verse 23 it says, "But if any harm follows, then you shall give life for life." In other words, if the injury to the woman results in the death of the unborn, considered here in this verse a life, then it is called murder—murder in the first degree as we call it today. A life for a life. The Bible considers the unborn in the mother's womb a life—nothing less. It is considered murder to take an action that destroys that unborn life.

The scourge of abortion is a form of idolatry. It has been considered a human right a woman has by virtue of choice. When humans decide to take life from the womb of a woman for the sake of convenience or personal right as a matter of liberty, they cross the divide between man and God, and take to themselves the prerogative only God has—the authority to decide right and wrong. Man puts himself as God. That is idolatry, and for that all nations, not only America, will suffer the judgment of God when it comes upon the Earth.

We rejoice in the Supreme Court decision but know it is only one issue where the court has decided matters contrary to God’s law. In 2015 the court ruled that same sex marriage is legal. Marriage is of God and is defined as an institution between a make and a female (Matthew 19:4-6). Will the court rescind that decision as well? We should pray they do but it is not likely to be soon, if at all.

What can we learn from this decision? The story of Abraham negotiating with God over the fate of Sodom offers a thought. When he learned God’s intent to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for their sin Abraham sought to convince God to change His mind if there could be found a righteous remnant. Starting with a bid of 45, Abraham eventually got agreement that the cities would be spared if there were ten righteous to be found. In the end not even ten could be found as only three made it out alive (Genesis 19:24-33).

We do not know what the righteous remnant might be in America at this moment. Only God, “the Judge of all the earth” knows the answer. But we know we are to stand as a watchman and cry aloud to a people to repent and turn to God with a new heart. This we should do with renewed fervor considering this recent decision. God has those He will yet call to salvation. May we be about our Father’s business in proclaiming the good news of the coming Kingdom of God.

Darris McNeely works at the United Church of God home office in Cincinnati, Ohio. He and his wife, Debbie, have served in the ministry for more than 43 years. They have two sons, who are both married, and four grandchildren. Darris is the Associate Media Producer for the Church. He also is a resident faculty member at the Ambassador Bible Center teaching Acts, Fundamentals of Belief and World News and Prophecy. He enjoys hunting, travel and reading and spending time with his grandchildren.


The Abortion Quagmire

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Since the Roe vs.Wade United States Supreme Court decision in 1973, well over 30 million babies—enough to populate a small country—have been aborted in the United States alone. Figures worldwide likely run into the hundreds of millions. Many voices shout to be heard in the din of the debate. But two voices are rarely heard - that of the unborn, and that of their Creator. What would they say?

Two unmarried teenagers agonize about the girl's pregnancy. Afraid to confide in their families, the couple manages to deliver the baby in a motel room. They wrap the newborn in plastic and throw her in a trash bin. They are convicted of manslaughter. If they had procured an abortion just a few weeks—or even a few days—earlier, they would not have faced a trial and jail terms. This is just one of hundreds of news stories appearing over the past few years in a nation mired in the moral quagmire of abortion.

Since the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973, the abortion issue in the United States has been a political hot potato polarized into two camps stamped pro-choice and pro-life. Fundamentally, pro-choice proponents claim that a woman has the right to determine what happens inside her own body, including the right to destroy an embryo. Pro-lifers make their stand on the rights of the unborn child as a human being. Both sides claim that their respective platforms rest on an ethical foundation of basic human rights.

Government legislation on this issue often takes the so-called middle ground: that abortion can be legally sanctioned in early pregnancy but forbidden after a specified number of weeks of the development of the fetus in the mother's womb.

The stakes are high. After all, the line between murder—the unlawful taking of a human life—and legal abortion hinges on the question of when human life begins.

Debate over when life begins

The arguments center on the criteria that determine when an embryo or fetus can be called human. Most pro-lifers claim human life begins at conception. Many pro-choice proponents claim that abortion is acceptable only in early stages of pregnancy.

Some argue that human life begins with brain activity, while others claim that abortion should be legal during any stage of pregnancy. This last position has led to procedures such as partial-birth abortions, in which a partially delivered fetus has its skull punctured and collapsed to make the remains easier to remove from the mother's body.

A professor at Princeton University has taken the debate even farther. Dr. Peter Singer, a professor of bioethics, maintains that mothers should have the right to kill any baby that is physically or mentally disabled for up to 28 days after birth. His rationale is that a baby isn't a thinking, self-aware person at this time.

Even most pro-choice proponents would find Professor Singer's position repugnant. Yet the all-important question remains: Who and what determines the point when an embryo or fetus is no longer considered mere tissue but a distinct life with the moral right to live?

The question is vital to the more than 3,000 babies who will be aborted in the United States in the next 24 hours.

The ripple effect of Roe vs. Wade has dramatically changed American society. A 1998 U.S. News & World Report article concluded that, at current rates, more than four in 10 American women may have an abortion in their lifetime.

"The statistic is astonishing: 43 percent of American women will have an abortion in their lifetime, if current rates are sustained. That would mean, for better or worse, abortion is as common a life experience for women as divorce—and more than three times more common than breast cancer. It would mean that more than twice as many women have abortions as get college degrees. It would mean that 25 years after Roe v. Wade, abortions are safe, legal, and not rare.

"Yet the statistic, gathered by the pro-abortion-rights Alan Guttmacher Institute, holds up to scrutiny. (In any given year, the odds a woman will have an abortion are small, but since women have about 30 reproducing years, the odds of having one at some point in life are far greater)" (Steven Waldman, Elise Ackerman and Rita Rubin, "Abortions in America," U.S. News & World Report, Jan. 19, 1998).

When does life begin?

At conception a sperm impregnates an egg about the size of the period at the end of this sentence. Growth and development are immediate and remarkable.

The new life has a heartbeat around the age of 18 days. At around three weeks, usually even before the mother knows she's pregnant, the tenth-of-an-inch-long embryo is already forming eyes, a spinal cord and a digestive system. Forty days after fertilization brain waves can be recorded. Delicate, tiny toes and fingers are beginning to show by the eighth week. By the 18th week the fetus is moving, punching and kicking.

In the United States, during the 18th and 19th centuries, it was a common belief that life started when the baby could be felt moving around in the mother's womb. Abortions before this time, called "the quickening," were accepted by some, even in religious circles. The American Medical Association was instrumental in changing attitudes towards the unborn, and by the early 1900s virtually all states had passed laws outlawing abortion.

The U.S. Supreme Court's decision in the case of Roe vs. Wade overrode all state laws. But the court avoided the critical issue by stating that it could not resolve the difficult problem of when an unborn child becomes a human person. Thus the court's decision was to err on the side of taking life rather than to err on the side of saving life.

When, then, does life begin? And when can it be considered human life?

James Drummey in The New American urges us to consider this perspective: "One of the key elements in the abortion debate is the true nature of the victim. If the unborn child is a human being, then he or she deserves the full protection of the law. Though it still may surprise some, there are few things more certain .... than that the unborn are human beings.

"It is a biological and scientific fact that human life begins at fertilization, when the sperm cell of the father impregnates the egg cell of the mother. That unique genetic package, something that each of us was, contains everything that a person will become—the color of her eyes, the size of his feet, even whether he or she will contact diabetes at age fifty" (James Drummey, "Abortion: The Other Holocaust," The New American, Jan. 20, 1986, pp. 21-26).

The fertilization of a human egg, uniting the chromosomes that determine human traits, marks the beginning of a life. If it isn't a human life, what is it?

Is it a legal or religious matter?

Pro-abortion factions argue that abortion is a secular and legal matter rather than a religious one. But is the value of human life simply a legal matter?

"Not since slavery has an issue so polarized American society—and perhaps never has an issue posed a greater moral dilemma. The modern debate over abortion, as it is played out in the nation's courts and legislative halls, is a conflict of competing moral visions and of fundamental human rights: to life, to privacy, to control over one's own body.

"Yet when stripped of the political rhetoric and entangling legal arguments, it is an issue that rests on basic theological questions. What is human life? When does it begin? What is its value and source?" (Jeffrey Sheler, "The Theology of Abortion," U.S. News & World Report, March 9, 1992).

This issue is hotly debated even among church denominations. For Christians the final authority is the Bible . Although God's Word doesn't specifically mention abortion, it does have much to say about the underlying principles and the value of human life.

Genesis 1:26-27  tells us that God made humanity in His image. This statement is profound in that it gives us insight into the purpose of human life. God reveals the potential of human beings when He declares, ".... I will be his God and he shall be My son" (Revelation21:7). God created humanity because He wants children of His own!

By creating man and woman, God chose the method for human reproduction. He told Adam and Eve: "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth ...." (Genesis 1:28).

Human sexual reproduction, sanctified in marriage, is a beautiful expression of the love of two people committed to each other in a lifelong relationship. The children of this union are a blessing from God (Psalm 127:3). Though parents are responsible to rear and nurture their offspring, ultimately the children belong to God as His sons and daughters.
God's view of the unborn

Since God created man and woman, and the method of sexual reproduction, does the Bible reveal His perspective on the unborn?

King David , writing under God's inspiration, said of His Creator: "For it was you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well.

"My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes beheld my unformed substance. In your book were written all the days that were formed for me, when none of them as yet existed" (Psalm 139:13-16 , New Revised Standard Version).

God even told the prophet Jeremiah that He knew him before he was formed in his mother's womb: "Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying: 'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations'" (Jeremiah 1:4-5).

These passages show that the formation of the unborn in the womb is part of God's creative work.The Bible is clear not only about the value of human life, but also that human sexual reproduction is the method God created to begin the process of bringing into existence His own family.

The real issues

The abortion issue is most hotly debated when discussing whether a pregnancy is dangerous to a mother's health. The truth is that abortions involving cases where the mother's life is at stake are a small percentage of all abortions. Most abortions are simply a method of birth control.

According to U.S. News & World Report: "The basic facts are these: Roughly 1.4 million women have abortions each year—89 percent before the 12th week of gestation. Eighty-two percent are unmarried or separated, and 44 percent have had at least one previous abortion ....

"Fewer statistics exist illustrating why women get abortions. In the last survey, in 1987, 76 percent said they were concerned about how having a baby could change their lives, and 51 percent had problems with a relationship or wanted to avoid single parenthood. Thirteen percent cited health of the fetus; 7 percent the health of the mother; 1 percent rape or incest. A U.S. News survey found, surprisingly, that even for most abortions occurring in the 20th week or later, the health of the fetus or mother was a relatively minor factor in the decision to have an abortion" (Waldman, Ackerman and Rubin, "Abortions in American," U.S. News & World Report, Jan. 19, 1998.)

If life begins at conception and gestation is the method by which God begins the process of creating His children, then virtually all the abortions committed constitute murder in the Creator's sight. Worse yet, it is killing for the sake of convenience.

That may sound like a harsh verdict in our pluralistic society. We are used to thinking in shades of gray rather than in terms of black and white or absolute right and wrong. TheBible , however, spells out absolute moral values—not a decide-for-yourself, if-it-feels-good-do-it morality.

The apostle Paul wrote to the church at Rome some poignant words about society in his day. He described the process that takes place in our thinking when we reject the source of absolute moral authority:

"Thus, because they have not seen fit to acknowledge God, he has given them up to their own depraved way of thinking, and this leads them to break all rules of conduct. They are filled with every kind of wickedness, villainy, greed, and malice; they are one mass of envy, murder, rivalry, treachery, and malevolence; gossips and scandalmongers; and blasphemers, insolent, arrogant, and boastful; they invent new kinds of vice, they show no respect to parents, they are without sense or fidelity, without natural affection or pity. They know well enough the just decree of God, that those who behave like this deserve to die; yet they not only do these things themselves but approve such conduct in others" (Romans 1:28-32, Revised English Bible , emphasis added).

The act of terminating the life of an unborn child doesn't proceed out of a vacuum. Abortion is a symptom. Along with divorces, broken homes, mental anguish and the physical suffering of venereal diseases, abortion is one of many symptoms of a society that has a selfish, misguided and even perverted view of the sexual relationship God Himself designed for human reproduction, which God meant for human beings to enjoy as an expression of love within the bounds of marriage.

Every effect has a cause. The cause of growing societal tragedies is our willful disregard of our Creator's instructions, given for our good (to better understand their benefits, be sure to request your free copy of The Ten Commandments). The healing solution is to return to marriage as the only acceptable environment for a sexual relationship and conception of children.
What if I've had an abortion?

Many women suffer emotional scars from having an abortion. Some describe waking at night hearing a baby cry. They experience pangs of guilt when seeing a mother playing with her child and sometimes fear that God won't forgive them.

It's easy to fall into the trap that our sins are so terrible that even a merciful God won't forgive us. Paul writes that God forgives even though "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23), but often it is easier to apply such statements to others.

Jesus was condemned by the religious leaders of His day because He ate meals with people who were obviously sinners. He told the leaders a parable about a man who had 100 sheep, but one wandered off and became lost. The shepherd, He said, would naturally search for the lost sheep until he found it, then hoist it to his shoulders and carry it home.

Jesus concludes the parable with the statement: "I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over the ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance" (Luke 15:7).

If you've had an abortion, turn to your Father in heaven and repent. Ask Him to apply the sacrifice of His Son in your stead and help you have a Father-daughter relationship with Him. If you continue to suffer from guilt, seek counsel.

Likewise, if you have fathered a child and participated in the decision to abort it to avoid your parental responsibility, you should repent of your part in the taking of an innocent human life.

In either situation, remember the words Jesus spoke to a woman caught in the act of adultery: "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more" (John 8:11). God forgives, but He expects us to stop sinning.
One last case

A man and wife who thought they could never have children sat anxiously while a doctor explained the dangers of her pregnancy. The young woman had undergone a series of X rays before she knew she was pregnant. The doctor explained that there was little hope for the fetus and recommended an abortion. A second doctor concurred.

The pair never doubted their course of action. They prayed for a miraculous healing, prepared to accept God's will and went through with the pregnancy.

Their son, the baby the doctor recommended be aborted, was valedictorian of his high-school graduating class this spring. An athlete with a winning personality, my nephew's major problem is trying to decide which college to attend.

Just in the past hour some 150 unborn children were killed in the United States. Those 150 children will never laugh, attend school, discover the cure for cancer, fall in love, see a sunset, squeeze sand between their toes or write a symphony.

The ultimate solution

God will send Jesus Christ back to earth to establish His Kingdom, to build a new world governed by a higher law. He will create an environment of peace and harmony, a world that is safe for children. It will be a world safe for the unborn.

The prophet Zechariah was inspired to write of this time when theMessiah will reign: "Old men and old women shall sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each one with his staff in his hand because of great age. The streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets" (Zechariah 8:4-5).

Pray for that day.

Darris McNeely works at the United Church of God home office in Cincinnati, Ohio. He and his wife, Debbie, have served in the ministry for more than 43 years. They have two sons, who are both married, and four grandchildren. Darris is the Associate Media Producer for the Church. He also is a resident faculty member at the Ambassador Bible Center teaching Acts, Fundamentals of Belief and World News and Prophecy. He enjoys hunting, travel and reading and spending time with his grandchildren.