Beyond Today Daily

What Is the Torah?

What is the origin of the word "Torah"?


[Steve Myers] What do you think of what you hear the word "Torah?"

Most often times people will think of the law. They'll think of the first five books of the Bible. Maybe you think of the ancient texts in that way.

Now, if you looked in up in Hebrew, it can mean a law, or it could mean, more specifically, instruction. It's more of a general term. Instruction. Now when you think of Torah, it actually comes from another Hebrew word. If you transliterate it into English, it's Y-R-H, and it literally means to shoot an arrow. To shoot an arrow. And the word "Torah" comes from that. It's a military term. It's one of those like you would imagine, shooting that arrow into a target.

So, you can't help but think, "Well, what does Torah, what does instruction and the law have to do with shooting an arrow?"

Well it's kind of interesting when you begin to put those two things together, because what's the common denominator between God's Word and shooting arrows? Well it's hitting the target. It's hitting the target. And so when you consider God's Word, we need to be accurate when it comes to understanding God's word. So, next time you hear the word Torah, you're thinking about being instructed by God, you pull out the Bible, His Word. Think about this connection to shooting an arrow and God's instruction. Let it shoot straight to your heart. Let it shoot straight to your heart and your mind so that you can understand His word, and then, you'll be that much more able to apply it in your life.

That's BT Daily, we'll see you next time.

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Steve Myers

Steve is the Operation Manager for the Ministerial and Member Services department of the United Church of God. He is also an instructor at Ambassador Bible College as well as a host on the Beyond Today television program.  Together, he and his wife, Kathe, have served God and His people for over 25 years.

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