Beyond Today Television Program

Philadelphia: The Faithful Church 

Christ was pleased with this congregation since it held firmly to God’s Word while enduring great opposition.


[Darris McNeely] The last book of the Bible begins with Jesus in heaven as the anointed King of the world, personally writing seven letters to seven of His churches. Of these, one letter stands out. It is the letter from Christ to the congregation in Philadelphia. It is the letter of open doors and victory, but also of patient endurance. Join us as we explore "Philadelphia: The Faithful Church."

With all the churches that are available to us today, have you ever wondered why people pick the one they choose to attend? You think it's because of the music, that they might have really good music? Maybe it's the speaking ability of the pastor, dynamic, charismatic. Maybe that church has a very good outreach program in the community and people are attracted by that. Or maybe it's because they offer Starbucks coffee in the lobby. You know, I have actually known people to choose a church that they attend because of good business contacts that they can make there for their business, and that's it. Well, how about choosing a church because it teaches the truth, because it teaches the Word of God? Why not choose a church because of that? On "Beyond Today," we have been going through a series of programs on the book of Revelation, and we've been covering the messages to these seven churches of Revelation that are mentioned in Revelation chapters 2 and 3. There we find seven distinct messages written to seven congregations that existed in the first century in the area of what was called Asia Minor, today Turkey. There were seven congregations beginning with the one in Ephesus, and then Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and finally a church in a location called Laodicea, all there in the western area of Asia Minor in the first century. The messages that were given came from Christ and they show the challenges and the opportunities that the church had in the first century world of the Roman Empire, which was the dominant power at the time.

Now I ask, why do people pick a church today to attend? As we look at these seven congregations and you look at the messages there, here's a question that you might want to consider. Which one would you choose to attend of these seven based on what you read in the messages Christ gives to them? It's an important question because these messages, every one of them speak to God's church, God's people today. They speak to people of faith. And what we learn from the pages of Revelation has relevance to faith now, today. The church of God that is spoken about here in the book of Revelation in these pages is a small but strong body of believers.

Now, let me say something at this point in the story that might be a little bit surprising and even shocking. When I speak about the church of God that these messages are addressed to, I'm not talking about your church that you might attend on Sunday morning. I'm not talking about the large megachurch that you drive by in your neighborhood, or the large stone church building with a steeple and a cross on top occupying a nicely manicured, suburban lot down the street from your home. That's not the church Jesus Christ is talking to in these seven messages out of the book of Revelation. Does that surprise you? Really it should be shocking to think about that, and it should send a real searcher and a believer to study into whether or not I'm right or wrong. These messages refer to the church that has the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Now what are the commandments of God? Well for starters, all of the 10 commandments, which includes the ones that forbid the worship of idols, and relics, and images of saints, the commandments that shape a family and a marriage, of a man and a woman in a faithful relationship, the commandments that shape godly character and morals, and finally the one commandment that says to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. The church that keeps those commandments mentioned and spoken of here in Revelation is a small church. It always has been. And yet it's alive today and Christ is its head.

Now these seven messages out of the book of Revelation, they speak to that one church which is the spiritual body of Jesus Christ and the members of the congregations of that church they are led by and filled with the Spirit of God. Revelation lays out a description of events that are occurring today in the world around us. Everyone wants to study the book of Revelation today because we are living in serious times. Those times are described in detail in the book of Revelation. We're seeing war, we're seeing false religion, we're seeing pandemic and famine all begin to stalk the earth and the peoples of the earth today. And frankly, as we look at the world and we can see the storm clouds of tribulation and trial beginning to gather on the horizon. In fact, our comfortable lives today are going to be disrupted more than they already have been, and it is time for us all to take notice of what this message is and what it says to us. Christ's message to the church throughout all of these seven, essentially says, "Wake up, time is short." A war rages around us and we have a role to play.

Revelation tells us that there is more to the present events that we read about in our headlines than we can know with the eye or the ear. The earth, the nations are caught up in a battle of spiritual forces, and Christ shows us how to survive and how to win. And the messages to these seven churches is a message for us to hear and to heed now. And so today in this program, we're going to study the message to the church in a place called Philadelphia. It's a church that had a message for not only their time, but for our time and our hour today. When we look at all of these messages, we can see that there are common threads of danger that were facing these churches during the first century. Through the other examinations of the messages of these churches, we've seen that they all had external threats. When we studied the message at Pergamum, we saw that the Roman government had actually killed one of their members named Antipas because he refused to denounce Christ and participate in the cult of emperor worship, the Roman emperor. There was also internal danger to each of these churches, such as the church that we studied when we covered that message to the church at a place called Thyatira. There, we read about a female member called Jezebel where she was teaching fellow members how to practice pagan rituals while actually remaining as a part of the church of God. So when we look at all of this and understand the fullness of the gospel, we come to understand that this message to the church at Philadelphia can be understood, that Christ holds something called "the keys to the Kingdom of God." He is the door, He is the way by which all have access to eternal life, and He is with His church through all time.

Let's then look at the message there. The members at Philadelphia withstood the time of trial that was upon them and the time of testing. When we turn to the book of Revelation chapter 3, and we read what Christ says there, it begins this way. "To the angel of the church at Philadelphia write, 'These things says He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens.'" Quite an opening there. Christ appears to this church in Philadelphia as the holy one. Now to understand that term, "the holy one," it's a term that is used by Christ to really affirm that He is God. It's a title attributed to God. We find it several times back in the book of Isaiah, one of the major prophets of the Old Testament, where he describes God over and over again as holy. God is described as Himself being true, not false. And so Christ sets Himself in this message as divine and as genuine and understanding that gives us a key to the background to what the members in Philadelphia were facing and how noble it was that they were enduring in a faithful way. In this opening passage the next thing that Christ says to the church is that He has something called "the key of David," and He opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens. Now all three of these descriptors that we read about holy, and true, the key of David, they speak to the supremacy of Christ and that counters the challenges to the faith that those people had in the city at that time and for us today.

Let's look at this idea that is mentioned here called "the key of David." What did that mean? What did it mean when the members of the church heard this letter read to them there in that city of Philadelphia? Well, they would've thought about a scripture from a little known passage way back in the book of Isaiah that is not always even read today. It's in Isaiah chapter 22. It is talking about the time of King Hezekiah, one of the kings of Jerusalem, and he was a descendant of King David and He lived in Jerusalem. Now, King Hezekiah had a top official there in his court called Shebna. This is the story in Isaiah 22. Shebna functions as a chief of staff. He's kind of the top person on the staff to the king. He is the one who controls access to the king, the appointment manager. He manages all the innermost workings of the royal office there in the palace, including the staff and appointments and everything else. However, the role begins to give Shebna thoughts of grandeur and ambition beyond his job. So he goes and has a grave carved for himself among the tombs of the past kings, sort of like these that you see here on the screen. Isaiah comes in though and delivers God's judgment upon Shebna, and he tells him that he's going to be sent away to another land and die there, and he'll have no need for the elaborate tomb that he's bought. Furthermore, Isaiah goes on to say that Shebna will be replaced by another man named Eliakim, and Eliakim will have a different nature. He's not going to be impacted by the office and that authority. And Eliakim will be given something else called "the key of the house of David." It's Isaiah 22:22. Used here in Isaiah, the term, "the key of David," the key is a term for a metaphor. It's a metaphor for power and authority that only Eliakim would have. He only has access to the king to either close or deny people coming and going and seeing the king because he has the key or the access. That's what it means.

And so when Christ uses that term in Revelation 3, from Christ, the head of the church, and Him being the rightful heir to the house of David, comes the acknowledgement that the members of the church are His. They're the Israel of God. And the church has as part of its mission to go to what Christ called "the lost sheep of the house of Israel." And so Jesus is saying here to the church, "I have the key that gives access to God and to the Kingdom of God." So Christ has such a deep affection for the church of Philadelphia because they've endured trials and their faith has been tested. And that's further recognized by what Jesus goes on to say next to them. He says, "I know your works. See that I have set before you an open door. No one can shut it. For you have a little strength. You have kept my word and have not denied my name." Philadelphia has good works. They're commended for that. But Jesus says, "See, look what I've done. I've set before you an open door and no one can shut it." If you look at this in "The Message Bible," it paraphrases this this way. It says, quote, "I see what you've done. Now see what I have done." Christ keeps the focus on what He is doing to guide the church. In the New Testament, this term "an open door" can mean an opening to preach the gospel. Paul uses this term when he speaks to the church in Colossi, and he says to them, "Meanwhile praying for us that God would open a door for the word to speak the mystery of Christ through which I am also in chains." In the New Testament, an open can and does refer to an opportunity to, with a clear path forward, in preaching the gospel. Is that what it means here in Revelation? Well, the focus of Christ having the key of David as we have seen, does refer to Christ giving access to the Kingdom.

What does it mean for us today? Well, it means that the church is to preach the gospel of Christ and the Kingdom of God to the world as a witness before the end of the age. The true gospel unlocks the mystery of God's will to unite all things in heaven and earth through the work of Christ, and that includes His sacrifice for sin and resurrection to life, the means by which eternal life is given and by which Christ then when He returns to this earth in the power and the glory will bring with that the rule of the Kingdom of God. Christ gave to His disciples the commission to go to the world with the gospel message, and the commission also includes God's commission to go to that lost house of Israel. And so this phrase carries the understanding of God's enduring faithfulness in His promises to the descendants of Abraham. And it carries a commission to warn today's nations of all of mankind through Christ who holds the key of David.

Something else was happening in Philadelphia that we should also understand. There they encountered opposition from those who should have been brothers and fellow workers with them in the Kingdom, the Jews of the city who did not accept the truth that Jesus was the promised Messiah. They shunned the church of God treating them as enemies. Notice what Jesus says in verse 9. He says, "Indeed, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews and are not, but lie. Indeed I will make them to come and to worship before your feet and to know that I have loved you." What was happening in the church at this time late in the first century is this. The Jews had shut the door of the synagogue to the church. Remember that the church began among the Jews and from among them. And yet, by the time of the end of the first century, things had changed. There's a phrase for this. It's called "the parting of the ways." Jews and Christians separated, and this began to work against the Christians. Persecution from Rome was growing, and in some cases, unfortunately, even the Jews were betraying Christians to the Roman authorities, and that's the friction that we see Christ addressing in this letter. Jews were not only denying Christ, who was the Messiah, the one who was holy and true, but they were denying even their own scriptures describing their role as a part of the larger nation of Israel, the covenant people, holding the promises that God made to Abraham. And so there was a very serious spiritual problem there. And Christ is telling His church that He will correct this injustice in time. He says, "I have the key of David, the authority to make it right."

So this message to Philadelphia, it speaks to the church of God today during a time of growing world upheaval. Preaching the true gospel to a distracted world today brings many challenges. The promise of Christ being holy, true, and holding the key of the authority of the Kingdom of God should not be lost on those of us who live at the culminating period of world history. The messages to these seven churches, they were written in the first century. They were real congregations in real locations in Asia Minor, which is today Turkey. Yet there is a sense of movement through time when you read all of these messages beginning with Ephesus and going to Smyrna, where you have definite statements that fit the early church. When we come to the message to Philadelphia, we see not only descriptions that fit the early church, but statements that can only be interpreted at the close of the age before the coming of Jesus Christ. Notice what Christ says in verse 10 here. "Because you have kept my command to persevere." Christ commends them here for their ability to hold to the Word of God and to persevere in the face of incredible opposition that was thrown at them, the opposition of the Jews, as we've seen, and even Rome itself, all engineered by Satan. And Christ reveals Satan as the persecutor through human powers and the real enemy of the gospel and the church of God, the people of God.

Now Christ goes on to make a more direct reference even to today's world here in verse 10 to the church. He says, "I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I'm coming quickly. Hold fast what you have that no one may take your crown." That statement there points to a global time of trial. The phrase, "Those who live on the earth," refers to the power described in Revelation as the beast power which rises from the nations and will specifically persecute those identified as the church of God. The hour of trial he mentions, it's the same referred to by Christ in his prophecies by the term called "the tribulation." It's the same event, even created by the man of sin mentioned by the apostle Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians. There's a coming time of world trial that is foretold here, and it matches perfectly with other references of Christ through this message to Philadelphia.

Jesus is promising for his believers not to be removed from the earth by something called a "rapture," which many people believe today, rather he's promising spiritual protection from an event that will impact all people, believers and non-believers on this earth. It's a promised time of protection from the forces of evil that will bring persecution upon those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. This message has meaning for us today. It's a comforting promise as well as a sobering reminder of the times in which we live. Christ looked into our modern time and He foresaw a time of global trial. And as He provided spiritual protection and safety for the church in the first century, so He will to do the same today, but we must hold true to His Word and to His teachings. Christ's messages through all of these churches have application for the church today. It's worth reading at this point something from the book of Matthew chapter 16, where Christ said to His disciples and therefore to the church. He says, "I will build my church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

This message to Philadelphia speaks to the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God. And it contains a promise of protection from the worst of the storm to come upon the world. Christ means it as a twofold encouragement for the church to be confident, confident in doing his work. He's with it and it will prevail. When we examine the last message of the seven, the one to the church at Laodicea, we will see that there's one glaring obstacle that the church has in the last days, but that's for the last program in this series. So with all that is happening in the world today, it seems, as I mentioned earlier, everyone wants to understand the book of Revelation. These messages to the church, they fall within this last book of the Bible, Revelation.

Our study aid that we're offering today on our program is a booklet that we have written called, "You Can Understand Bible Prophecy," and it lays out a foundation to understand what the Bible teaches about the developing prophecies of today's world. With war, with disease, spiritual confusion, we are seeing many prophetic foundations that are being laid. You can receive this free booklet, free, by calling the number on your screen or go to and download and begin reading it today. Very helpful, very informative as an overview of prophecy.

When we look at the ancient world, upon the ancient temples of that time, men would write their names. They wanted their work and their memory remembered by future generations. Yet it was all vanity. God is making pillars today in a different temple. The church is described as a spiritual temple that God is making and is composed of individual members who have the Spirit of God. And God puts his name on the one who overcomes and endures through the events of the end of this age. And the question is, is God writing his name on you? When we go to the conclusion of the message to the church at Philadelphia, Christ says this. "He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God. And I will write on him my new name." And He concludes that message by saying, "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."

[Narrator] Please call for the booklet offered on today's program, "You Can Understand Bible Prophecy." Prophecy is God's inspired revelation to mankind. God shows us who He is and how He has an amazing plan for all people. It shouldn't be a mystery. This free study aid will help you see the true magnitude of prophecy as it places the past, present, and future into clear perspective. You will learn about amazing biblical prophecies that came to pass centuries later exactly as they were predicted. Call toll free 1-888-886-8632, or write to the address shown on your screen. You will see how God keeps His promises and covenants, and how those promises explain the news you see every day. When you order this free study aid, we'll also send you a complimentary one-year subscription to "Beyond Today" magazine. "Beyond Today" magazine brings you understanding of today's world and hope for the future. Six times a year, you'll read about current world events in light of Bible prophecy, as well as practical knowledge to improve your marriage and family, and godly principles to guide you toward a life that leads to peace. Call today to receive your free booklet, "You Can Understand Bible Prophecy," and your free one-year subscription to "Beyond Today" magazine, 1-888-886-8632, or go online to

[Gary Petty] Hi, I'm Gary Petty, a pastor with the United Church of God. If you are looking for a church that encourages living what the Word of God really teaches, you've found the right place. We're a community of believers dedicated to seeking the truth and preaching the good news of the coming Kingdom of God. We'd like to welcome you to come and join us on this spiritual journey. We have hundreds of congregations around the United States and across the world. Visit to find a church near you. We're looking forward to meeting you soon.

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Darris McNeely

Darris McNeely works at the United Church of God home office in Cincinnati, Ohio. He and his wife, Debbie, have served in the ministry for more than 43 years. They have two sons, who are both married, and four grandchildren. Darris is the Associate Media Producer for the Church. He also is a resident faculty member at the Ambassador Bible Center teaching Acts, Fundamentals of Belief and World News and Prophecy. He enjoys hunting, travel and reading and spending time with his grandchildren.

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The Churches of Revelation: Philadelphia - The Faithful Church

43 minutes read time

This is the seventh part in the Bible study series: The Churches of Revelation. God’s inspired words to the congregation at Philadelphia are an uplifting message of hope and encouragement. Unlike the other letters to the churches in Revelation 2 and 3, correction is not to be found. But there is an admonition - to continue what they were already doing. Christ promised them great rewards for their faithful perseverance. Join us a we study the church in Philadelphia for timeless instruction for us today.


[Steve Myers] Well, good evening everyone. Welcome to our mid-week Bible studies. Good to have you here with us, right here in the room, in Cincinnati. Welcome to those of you joining us on the web as well.

Tonight, we're going to be continuing our series on the churches in Revelation. We're getting near the end, we're down to the church at Philadelphia, is the topic for tonight. And then, our last in the series will be two weeks from tonight, where we'll close out with the church in Laodicea. So we're going to be wrapping up this series in two weeks, so we hope you'll join us for that last study as well.

But before we begin, let's ask God's blessing on our Bible study night. If you'd like to stand and we'll bow our heads, and ask God's blessing. Good, loving Heavenly Father, thank You so much for Your wonderful ways, Your truth, Your love, Your mercy. Thanks for Your Word. We are so blessed Father, to be able to have Your Word in front of us, to be able to open it up and study it whenever we want. What a wonderful blessing that is. And so Father, we just ask for Your presence tonight, as we do that very thing.

We open up Your Word and look at the inspiration that You have there for us. So we pray for Your inspiration, we pray for Your guidance, we pray for Your direction in our lives, Father, so that the things that we hear, we can come to a deeper understanding, not just that we can know it but that we'll be able to apply it in our lives and become more like You and our elder brother Jesus Christ. So we thank you for the study, we pray for Your guidance and presence, and we pray and ask all of this, by the authority of our Savior, Your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Well, tonight's study is on the church in Philadelphia. We've got this beautiful map behind me. Philadelphia was on that mail route from Rome. You can see how it came down through Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis. Philadelphia was a major stop on that road, where the mail, the imperial post road is what they called it, the mail route is an easier way to think of it, the mail route from Rome, a direct access there. It became a very important city.

We can probably take most of this time during the study to give you a lot of background on the city but I decided not to do that. Rather than do that, I thought that it might be a little more helpful to jump more straightway into the Bible itself and talk about the message to the church in Philadelphia.

Now, it was an interesting spot, maybe just a tiny, little bit of background. It was founded by one of the rulers I guess you could say, someone who was in charge, his name was Attalus, Attalus. And the reason it became known as Philadelphia was because of this guy named Attalus, this was like 150 BC or so. And you'd never guess how he felt about his brother. He loved his brother, in fact, he had a nickname, brother lover. And so, that's the name Philadelphia, to love your brother. And so, it's the city of brotherly love, not much unlike Philadelphia in the United States, which is supposed to be the city of brotherly love, as well. That's what the name means.

And so, that's where this particular city got its name from, as well. Of course, if you look in history, it had a whole lot of bunch of other names as well, Decapolis and others, but we won't get into that tonight. But it is interesting that this particular founder was a lover of his brother. He loved his brother and became known as that. The other thing that's significant for Philadelphia is it was in an area that experienced a lot of earthquakes. In fact, this whole region had a history of that. And that becomes important when we consider the letter to the church there, and we'll see how that fits in as we get a little bit further on in our studies, so keep that in the back of your mind for just a little bit.

But let's go to this letter to Philadelphia, it's in Revelation 3:7 is where that letter begins. And it says, "To the angel of the church in Philadelphia, write." So this is to the messenger, not necessarily a spiritual angel as you might think but most likely to the pastor, to the leader of that congregation, to the messenger of that congregation. And he's taking note, this is what is written to him. Notice who is doing the writing. Like all the other letters, there are connections here, whether we read here, these things says, "He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens." Well, who is writing the letter? Well Jesus Christ is writing that letter. We go all the way back to 2:1.

Here, we have the same thing, beginning in verse 1, "These things say He who holds the seven stars in His right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden lamp stands." It's talking about Christ. We go down to the next letter. When we go down to Smyrna, verse 8, "These things says the First and the Last, He who was dead and came to life," that's Jesus Christ. So as you look at every single church, the letter is written from Jesus Christ, every one of them, so this one is no different. Back to Revelation 3:7, Christ Himself is writing this. And we see oftentimes, even here in the book of Revelation, He who is holy and true, is what's significant about this particular letter and the attributes that Christ has, described as His holiness, He who is holy.

You can't help but think of those different passages throughout the Bible that He is holy and we are called to holiness as well. “You should be holy because I am holy.” I think that's back in the book of Leviticus that it talks about that, God even called the Holy One of Israel. That is also referring to Jesus Christ. Because ultimately, who is the source of holiness? Well, it can't be anyone else than God and His Son Jesus Christ. And so, God is Holy, He is true. It's a foundational characteristic of God that He has to be truth. He is truth, He is all that is good and right and holy. God cannot lie. And so, it goes right to the very heart and core of who God the Father and Jesus Christ are. And it begins like that. It can only refer in this case to Jesus Christ. And we see that throughout the other letters as well. So this letter to Philadelphia doesn't start too much different than the other letters started. But pretty quickly, it gives us some more information. It also tells us here in verse 7, "He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no on opens." Now, why would it describe Christ in that manner? Why would it describe Christ as, "He who has the key of David?" What is the key of David all about?

Well, we can try to turn to all kinds of other passages in the Bible that refer to the key of David, but guess what? There's only one other one that really zeroes in on this key of David, and it's back in the Book of Isaiah. So let's go back to Isaiah for just a moment, to get a little bit more information about this concept of the key of David. What is that referring to and why is Christ described as the One who has this particular key? And maybe as we're turning over to Isaiah 2, I could pose a dumb question for the moment, dumb question of the evening, "What does the key do?"

Has anybody got a key in their pocket? Okay, it does something with a lock, right? A key opens things, it opens a lock. Maybe you've got a master key, you've got a padlock, maybe on your shed out in the back or you've probably got a lock on your house that you have to unlock the door to come in, or your car, those kinds of things. So a key unlocks something. I think that's an important principle to keep in mind, as I try to stop talking and turn over to Isaiah 22.

But a key's going to open...and in fact, think of it this way as well. There's another aspect to a key. If you take something is a key or this is a key principle, or a key concept, what comes to mind when you think about it, in those terms, this is a key. Well, it not only unlocks something, but it gets you in where you otherwise wouldn't be able to go. If it's a key, it can also mean this is significant, this is important, this is fundamental, this is necessary. There's no other way without this key.

And so, I think both of those concepts come to mind and are applicable when you think of this key of David. So in Isaiah 22, look at verse 15. This is talking about a steward who worked for the king. And this particular steward's name was Shebna. And so, in verse 15, God says to go to the steward Shebna who is over the house. Shebna was a steward for the king. The steward was the one that basically, well, what would we call it today, maybe he's like the press secretary? He's the one that controls access to the president, in this case, to the king. Shebna it says, in verse 15, is over the house, he organizes all these things. Verse 16, what does God say to him? "What have you here and whom have you here, that you've hewn a sepulchre here, as he who hews himself a sepulchre on high, who carves a tomb for himself in a rock.” This Shebna is bringing glory to himself. So, they're building the king's tomb as something in honor to him. Who is he building this for? Himself, himself. So God says to him, verse 17, “Indeed, the Lord will throw you away violently oh mighty man and will surely seize you.”

So Shebna is out of line, misusing his authority, misusing all of those things that a steward would do, as he helps control the activities of the king. Verse 20 then, let's jump down to verse 20. And verse 20, it says, “Then it shall be in that day, I'll call my servant Eliakim, the son of Hilkiah.” It says, "I will clothe him in your robe and strengthen him in your belt. I'll commit your responsibility into his hand." So, Shebna's out, who's in? Now, we've got Eliakim. Eliakim is in, Shebna's out. Well, what are Eliakim's duties now? Well, it says, in the middle of verse 21, "I will commit your responsibility, Shebna, into his hands. He'll be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and to the house of Judah. The key of the house of David, I will lay on his shoulder. So he shall open and no one will shut. And he shall shut and no one shall open. I'll fasten him as a peg in a secure place and he will become a glorious throne to his father's house." And keys in ancient times were no different that keys today. They opened gates, they opened access. The steward would have given access to the king. He would set his schedule, he would help him with all of these various things. So when he opened something, people could have access. And so, it was no different.

So here we see an important aspect of what this key of David is all about, it's about access. It's about gaining entry, it's having the right to see the king, the right of entry. And in that sense, this key of David implies this kind of a scenario where Shebna is replaced by a godly individual, it seems, Eliakim. And it's also interesting, in these times, he was a man of honor, he was a man of responsibility, he was a man who was faithful. And he took those responsibilities to heart. And one of the interesting things, if you read about what a steward did in these ancient times, and how they handled their responsibilities and even the clothing that they wore, you could walk into a room and you could pick out who the steward of the king was by looking at their clothing. If you came into a military room, you could probably pick out who is in charge by what they wore, "Oh, that guy has got a lot of stars, he must be in charge." You could recognize those kinds of things. And it really wasn't much different in ancient times. If you read some of the backgrounds to those responsibilities of the steward, one of the things that's seen in the outfits that they wore, that there actually was a key that was embroidered on their garment. So you could walk into a room, see that key that was embroidered on their robe, and say, "There is the steward, there's the man that's in charge." It was right there on their shoulder, very obvious to everyone.

And so, this connection seems to have some importance when you think about this key of David. Because He says here, "I'll lay on his shoulder the key of the house of David.” Well, there's this embroidered key that signifies the responsibility that the steward had. Also interesting, if you think about other passages in the book of Isaiah that relate to that as well, when it came to Jesus Christ are the connections to replacing man's government and a righteous government will take its place. We know that's going to happen at Christ’s return. And Christ will be that righteous ruler. He will be, in a sense, like Eliakim, that He is going to replace all of the rulers that had gone before Him that had been unrighteous, and He will have...well, not just an embroidered key on His shoulder, what will be on His shoulder? The government shall be upon His shoulder. And so here we see, there are some interesting connections between this key and the right of access, the right of entry. In fact, another aspect of this particular key is the authority that went along with it, the authority that who had this key, this embroidery on their shoulder, had the authority to gain, to give access to the king.

And so, here we have that representation for Eliakim and also that connection to Christ in Revelation, chapter 3, where Christ is giving access, the access, in a sense, to the kingdom, the access, in a sense that this key was also given, it's the key of who? The key of David. Christ gave this key to David, so in a sense it belongs to David in that sense. And so, this key of David connects to the authority that goes along with it, and that authority hat was given by Jesus Christ. And of course, the tie-in can’t be denied as well, when you think about access, you think about the way that it ties in to the authority. It also ties in to the fact of government, it ties in to government. The key of David has to tie in to government because of the way that the steward was connected to the king, which was connected to the way the whole kingdom ran.

I mentioned a little bit in Isaiah before but if you turn over to Isaiah 9, we'll see how the government ties in with this key that's on the shoulder and this concept of authority, and, well, in his case, righteous government. Look at Isaiah 9:6. You know this passage, it says, "For onto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulder," much like the key embroidered on Eliakim's shoulder. We're talking about a righteous king, Jesus Christ with the government on his shoulder, "And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." And the increase of his government, He says, there will be no end.

And so, we see this righteous government, is what's described by this key of David, the key of David that opens and no one can shut. And so, the government is an important aspect of this key as well. Of course, we also recognize that there was some connection in, especially in Eliakim's case, to the king himself, to the rulership, to what you could call the scepter as well. The scepter was that little baton-like thing that the king would hold that represented his authority, his rulership, and it was an emblem of that rulership. And so, there was also a connection there, as well, that this scepter, this concept of government also tied in with the kings that would rule until the time of Christ, as well.

And so, there's a connection to rulership when it comes to the key of David but is the key of David all about that? Is it only about, well, someone would sit on the throne of David for all time? "It will never lack for someone to sit on that throne." That's a quote from Jeremiah 33. Well, certainly, that ties in, there is a prophetic understanding that there is the house of David that won't lack for someone to sit on that throne until Christ returns. But that's not the only meaning for this kingdom, the key of David, can't be, it can't be. There are so many factors that are involved in that.

To only say it has to do with a physical promise I think would be lacking in our understanding of what that's all about because we see it's got to do with the right of entry or access. It's got to do with authority, it's got to do with the scepter, the rulership, the government. And as you put all those various things together, when you talk about what is it that gives us access to Christ, what is it that gives us the authority of God, what is it that gives us the key in order to be a part of the Kingdom of God forever? Christ in Revelation 3 describes Himself as having the key of David. How does it all fit together? I think there's an interesting passage that points us in that direction. Over in Romans 8, if you turn over to Romans chapter 8, I think it gives us a little bit of direction about this key to help frame exactly what Christ is referring to as we put all of these various factors together.

Romans 8:9, He says, "You're not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed, the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now, if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His.” Can you gain access to Jesus Christ without God's Holy Spirit? Pretty tough. Can you be a part of the Kingdom of God without God's Holy Spirit? It seems the key points to the Spirit of God that is the authority given by Christ, that is directing us to the government of God, through God the Father, in Jesus Christ that guides us and leads us in that direction. Because we know even in Zechariah, it says, "Not by might, not by power, but…” by knowing who the inheritors of the king of David is? Is that what is the key, ultimately? No? You can know that and not have any part of God. No, it's you've got to have God's Spirit, you'd better have God's Holy Spirit working in you because it's “’not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord God of hosts.” That's in Zechariah 4:6. It's certainly a reminder of that. And throughout the New Testament, Christ even describes Himself as being the door and the key to walking through that door is accessing God by His Holy Spirit. So it's something that we don't want to misplace or we don't want to lose it or forget it or put it somewhere and neglect it or with our electronic keys we don’t want to erase them. It's the only way to unlock the door to the Kingdom of God.

So as we look back, let's see how that fits with Revelation 3, as we think about all those various aspects. I think we see, like an Eliakim who could open the gate to have access to the king, we see that Jesus Christ has that key to open access to the Kingdom of God. And so it says in verse 7, "He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens, no one shuts, shut and no one opens." He, Christ can open and close the Kingdom to who He will. He is in charge, and the only way we're getting in is by access through Jesus Christ. It's the only way. In fact, as we go on from there, let's notice, verse 8. He says, "I know your works, see, I've set before you, an open door. No one can shut it." Now, was that referring to the same door or is that a different door that they might be talking about? He just kept on saying, "He who opens and no one shuts and shuts and no one opens," seems to be pointing to his Kingdom but then there's this other door He says, "I've set before you an open door, no one can shut it." What is this open door that is before this church in Philadelphia?

Well, there's a passage in 2 Corinthians 2 that I think ties in, at least gives us an idea of what He is referring to here. If you turn over there, 2 Corinthians 12, we have the example of the apostle Paul. And in this particular example, He uses this same concept of an open door to describe something. Let’s notice the way that Paul refers to it here, 2 Corinthians 2:12. Here, he's describing one of his journeys. As he was on his journey preaching, teaching, he describes it here to the Corinthians, as he says, of 2 Corinthians 2:12, he says, "Furthermore, when I came to Troas to preach Christ's gospel," and he says, "a door was opened to me by the Lord.” And he said, “I had no rest in my spirit because I didn't find Titus, my brother, but taking my leave of them, I departed for Macedonia." Or sometimes this is called the Macedonian Call; you can read about it in Acts 16 as well.

We see that this open door was a door open to what? Well, in this case it's not directly to the Kingdom of God. This door is open so that he could preach, and he could teach, and he could bring the gospel to Europe. And so, he could go to Macedonia, and so this open door seems to point to the fact there is an open door of being able to preach the gospel that is set before the Philadelphia church. He said, "I've set before you an open door, no one can shut it." And Paul referred to that door here, so it seems that that is certainly an aspect of what's being referred to in Revelation 3, that there's this open door before the church, the church with the opportunity to preach the gospel.

I don't know that it's limited to that, because it seems that it also involves not only an open door for preaching and teaching, that's certainly an aspect, but also on a personal level that we can grow in our understanding. We can understand God's plan and His purpose. And so, there seems to be a two-fold aspect to this open door of preaching the gospel, not only collectively as the Church, but also on an individual basis, the gospel is preached and impacts people's lives.

I'm trying to think of where that passage is, there's a passage that also talks about that, that ties those things together. Oh, I'm thinking of Matthew 24, where it talks about, "Go ye therefore into the world. This gospel will be preached to the world as a witness" in chapter 24 and verse 14 (Matthew 24:14). It describes that very thing, that there is this open door before the church in Philadelphia but it's not also just relegated to those things as well. There's another example in Acts 14 that ties in, if we interpret the Bible, Acts 14:27 describes another open door. Let's see if this ties in to Revelation 3.

Acts 14:27, in Acts 14:27, we'll see how this door was opened. It said, "They had come, gathered the church together, they reported all that God had done with them and that He had opened the door of faith to the gentiles." So they stayed there a long time with the disciples. So there was also this open door for the preaching of the Word. God had opened the door not just for the Jews, but also to those who weren't Jewish. The gentiles had a door of faith opened to them. Is the preaching of the Word of God today strictly for just one race? Of course not. Of course not, it's to all those who God may call.

And so, there is a door before the Philadelphia church, an open door that no one can shut, an open door to everyone, to everyone. And so, that open door is wide open in other words, that even those that aren't of a particular heritage have an opportunity if God's calling them to go into the house of God, to be a part of His people, to be a part of His Church, His family, not only physically but also ultimately spiritually. So it's interesting to think about it in this way, maybe on a more personal level. God's given the Church collectively a job to do, to preach the gospel. But have you ever thought of it on a personal level? Are there any doors that God has opened for you? When you think about it, opportunities to be that example in front of others’ eyes, other opportunities that God has given an open door to me, to you? Has God put an open door in your life? Something interesting to think about.

It's also interesting as we go on a little bit further in verse 8, this open door, preaching the gospel, open door to all that God would call, open door to the Kingdom of God when Christ opens that door, He says, "No one can shut it. No one can take it from us." When Christ opens that door, it is open, because He has authority to have that door open. We know it's not because we're so great and we're so strong and we're so mighty, because right after this, what does He say? If you go back to Revelation 3, notice the middle of verse 8. He says, "You have a little strength. You've kept My Word and not denied My name." So, it wasn't by their strength. In fact, as we read through this little section here, there's a couple of different traits of this Philadelphia church that he mentions. The first one here is "a little strength." Now, if you think about that, why would it be a good thing to have just a little bit of strength? If you go to the gym and you pump some iron, you're going to be happy with just a little bit of strength? "No, I want to get those big weights, I want the mega-lift, that's what I want." Right? But why would a little strength in the description of the Philadelphia church, why would that be a good thing? That a little strength is a positive characteristic that...well, what kind of strength is he talking about? Talking about political strength?

Well, that would probably be true, financial strength? Maybe. Numerically, were they just small in numbers, was that what it was describing? Maybe comparing it to other aspects of the guilds or other organizations that would have been around during those days, are they talking about that kind of strength? Well, it doesn't really say. It doesn't really tell us. But is there anywhere in Scripture maybe that gives us maybe a little bit better concept of what maybe the important aspect of this little bit of strength might be referring to, and why that would be a good thing? Well, hopefully, you remember that passage, you might not remember chapter and verse, but it's back in 2 Corinthians 12:9, 2 Corinthians 12:9. Here, the apostle Paul is describing his power and his strength in the midst of his physical disabilities, I guess you could say, 2 Corinthians 12:9. He had petitioned God for healing. What did God tell him? 2 Corinthians 12:9, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." God's strength was made perfect in weakness. So, if you think about that, in terms of Revelation 3, well, no wonder a lack of strength, or just a little strength is considered a good characteristic, because evidently, the Philadelphia church is reliant on the strength of God, and that's a very good thing.

So, a little strength is a good thing, so that's the first characteristic. Let's go back to Revelation 3. Second trait that's listed here for the Philadelphia church, they have a little strength, a fact that strength word is the word where we get our word dynamite from, we have a little dunamis, we have a little bit of power, we have a little bit of strength. But we're relying on God for His power, and His authority, and His strength.

Now, the next thing it mentions back in Revelation 3:8, He says, "Not only do you have a little strength, but you've kept My Word." A little strength and keeping the Word, the Word of God, they were keeping it. We know Christ often warned about that, that people could say, "Lord, Lord," you know, "I should get in the Kingdom. I should be a part of things. Haven't we prophesied in Your name? Haven't we done all these great things? We cast out demons, we did all these wonders in Your name. We had all these mighty works, things that looked pretty good." But what did Christ say to them? He said, "I never knew you. I never knew you." Matthew 7:21, "I never knew you." And I think that relates to keeping His Word. Why do we do the things that we do? Are we obedient to God? Christ's words are very important. Have we kept His Word? Second trait that was listed there.

Going on in verse 8, "They had a little strength, they kept My Word." Thirdly, "they haven't denied My name. They haven't denied My name." We know that Christ also talked about that in Matthew 10:32, where He said, "Who confesses Me before men, I will confess before My Father who is in Heaven." That's not just talking about words and talking, that's talking about being a doer of the Word. “You haven't denied My name because you've acted like you're a part of the family.” We carry the name of Christ, we claim to be Christian. We carry His name. Does that standard describe the kind of people that we are? If we're not that kind of person, then we have denied His name. And so, no wonder that's an important characteristic for those that would claim to be a part of Philadelphia. They have not denied the name of Jesus Christ. So we are a part of the family, we strive to live by that, we keep His Word and we rely on the power that comes from God. That's what Philadelphia does. In fact, when we go on to verse 9, verse 9, "Indeed, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews and are not, but lie, indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet and to know that I have loved you."

As you read through this section, you might think, "Well, were there Jews that were persecuting the church in Philadelphia and was that a problem there?" Some seem to think that that could be an issue, but it doesn't seem to explain everything that He's talking about in this particular scenario. "Those that say they're Jews and are not," so, they're non-believers. But what are they saying about themselves? Well, it says they're of the synagogue of Satan, obviously, they're not true Christians. They look like they fit in, they say they're Jews, but they're not, and then He says, “I’m going to come and make them come and worship before your feet." So, what is He getting at when we think of it in those terms?

Well, I think first of all, why would being a Jew, "They say they're Jews, and they're not," why would that be important? We're not Jewish, but we are in one sense, aren't we? In the spiritual sense, we are. In Romans...well, maybe we should turn over there. Romans 2, let's see how Romans 2:28 fits in. I think to how Christ is describing these individuals. Romans 2, notice verse 28, Romans chapter 2:28, it says, "For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh, but he is a Jew who is one inwardly. And circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter, whose praise is not from man, but from God."

That gives us some insight, I think, to what Revelations 3 is talking about here. Here are these individuals who are claiming to be spiritual, they're claiming to be a part of the truth, they're claiming to be righteous individuals, but they belong to the wrong church. They're actually of the synagogue of Satan it says. They're trying to look like true, godly Christians, but they're not. And so as you consider that, they're claiming to be spiritual Jews, "They say they're Jews, but in reality, they are not." Of course, that almost sounds like the things that Christ said, "Why do you call me Lord, Lord? You don't do the things that I say." And so, what's going to happen to them? Go back to Revelation 3, "They say they're true Christians, maybe even outwardly they might appear that way, but they lie." He says, "Indeed, I'll make them come worship before your feet and to know that I have loved you." Especially in ancient times, kneeling down before someone...well, even today, showing honor, showing respect, a symbol of recognizing their authority as well. You could look through so many different prophecies throughout the book of Isaiah that talk about this very thing as well, that God is going to bring those who afflicted God's people before them and make them bow down.

There is great example of that in Isaiah 60, I might look that up later. That describes that very thing. So here we're flashing forward in time to a time when those who claim to be true are shown to be false. "They say they're Jews, and they are not." They are not spiritual Jews at all. And so, ultimately, God's going to make them bow down. So imagine, God's going to make it very clear who He's pleased with, very clear about those who He has loved. He says, "I'll make them know that I have loved you."

It's interesting how He ties that in to these amazing characteristics of these people that He's referring to here in verse 9. Let's notice it in verse 10, He says, "Because you've kept My command to persevere,” and He's going to bring these people to come and worship before them, why? Well He says first off, one of the reasons why here, is because they persevered. And I think that's an important aspect of these people. They've persevered, they have continued fact, some of the translations talk about endurance, that they have endured, and they've been steadfast and they have been relentless in enduring and constant in keeping the Word of God. And so, God describes this church, these people, as keeping the command to persevere.

Where exactly is that command to persevere? That's probably throughout Scripture, when you think about it. Perseverance is part of our calling, it's part of our calling, isn't it? To endure, to endure our trials and struggles and difficulties. And so, these individuals keep that command. They persevere, there is an endurance that they are never going to let go of the truth of God. And so, that's an important characteristic of this church. He also says, the middle of verse 10, "I will also keep you from the hour of trial, I will keep you, I will keep you," which is also an interesting aspect of what God says He's going to do. He says He's going to keep them, keep them from the hour of trial. And then of course, it describes that trial as one that will come upon the whole world to test those who dwell on the Earth, a couple of interesting aspects, when we think about that for a moment. Philadelphians endure, they're steadfast, they're constant. And then God says, "I will keep you from the hour of trials." And of course, He describes that hour of trial, maybe we should go there. “For what is this hour of trial that is going to come up on the whole world, to test those who dwell on the Earth.”

Well traditionally, we've understood that to be referring to the great tribulation. Matthew 24 describes it – hold your place here – go to Matthew 24 for just a moment. Something that would come upon the whole world, there is your key phrase there, what is the whole world that is going to be under this trial? Well, it certainly seems to tie in to Matthew 24. So look at verse 21 in Matthew 24. So we will see how this fits in with what's been described in Revelation 3:10. Matthew 24:21, Christ describes this hour of trial. He says, "For them, there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor shall ever be unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved." But for the elect sake, those days will be shortened.

It seems that this hour of trial ties in with the description that Christ is giving in Matthew 24, "An hour of trial that will come over the whole earth, to test those who dwell on the earth." It seems to tie in very well with what's described as the great tribulation. And so, how will those be kept from the hour of trials? I mean, they don't have to experience it at all? They'll be whisked away and everything will be just peaches and cream?

Well, that's one of the interesting aspects of this word, to keep. Now, can mean, to keep you from the hour of trial, you don't have to go through it, to keep you from going through it. Yes, it can mean that, but it can also mean to keep you through it. So it can mean okay, you won't have to undergo it, it means, I've avoided it altogether but keep can also take on the meaning to keep you through it, to keep you through it.

So that's an interesting aspect of it. We read later in the book of Revelation, there are some that are protected, and that there are others that, for whatever reason, are kept through it, are kept through it. And so, this hour of trial is coming. And so, no wonder with the way that this is described here, this seems to have this meaning that not only applies to ancient Philadelphia, but more specifically, to the time of the end because it seems it’s describing those times that are getting closer and closer. And unless those days are shortened, there would be no one saved alive.

So that's an important aspect, especially the way it's described as testing those who dwell on the earth. And that's an interesting aspect of this particular verse, is this idea of dwelling. It's going to test those who dwell on the earth, and this phrase comes up over and over again throughout the book of Revelation. You could find it many, many times, I won't go through all the different passages, even in the book of Revelation. But I think He uses that term for a very specific reason, because it draws a difference between a Philadelphian and just anybody else that lives in the world because it's going to test those who dwell on the earth. Those who don't dwell on the earth, it says He's going to keep.

And so, do I dwell on the earth? Well, yes, I dwell on the earth, I live here, right? Yeah, but it’s not talking about just the physical type of a thing here. I think there's an interesting contrast going on here. Is our heart and our mind set on earthly things, or is our citizenship somewhere else? You see, I think that's what He's referring to here, to test those who dwell on the earth. Those who dwell on the earth, they're hostile to God. If you look in the book of Romans, we know what the carnal mind is. It is enmity against God. You contrast that with those who are citizens of the Kingdom, those whose citizenship is in heaven.

He's contrasting those two things. When you go over Hebrews 11, where it says, "We're not supposed to be those who dwell on the earth. Our thoughts, our hearts, our minds shouldn't be focused on earthly things. We're supposed to be strangers and pilgrims on this earth.” And so, this hour of trial is coming to test those who dwell on the earth, and I don't want to be dwelling and having my mind set on earthly things. I want to contrast that with my mind is set on the Kingdom. That's where my heart is set, that's what I want. I want my citizenship to be in heaven. We’re to be strangers and pilgrims on this earth. We desire...the other thing Hebrews talks about, we desire, a heavenly city, a different country. And so, those who dwell on the earth are focused on earthly, worldly things.

Those who are focused on Jesus Christ, those who will be kept, their dwelling isn't here. They see it as a temporary thing. The reality is coming from Christ. The Church, those true Christians, those true spiritual Jews are focused on the return of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. And so, that's an important contrast that He makes, as He emphasizes the importance of what our focus really is. I'm going back to Revelation, notice verse 11. Verse 11 in chapter 3, Christ says, "Behold, I am coming quickly, hold fast to what you have that no one may take your crown." Interesting word, this “quickly”. It can mean something that's fast, but it can also take on a meaning of when this starts, there's no stopping it. When it gets to a certain point, there's no stopping it. “Behold, I come quickly.” Those who read this initially, if they thought it meant fast, well, it's been quite a while since that original writing, but when it starts, there's no stopping it, there's no stopping it. And events in this world continue to fast-forward to this very time, toward the fulfillment of the prophecies of the end of time. And obviously, as we look at this, we see that, what else could it point to? What else could this point to? He is coming quickly, hold fast He says, hold fast to all these wonderful traits that these, in the Philadelphia frame of mind, have. They have perseverance, they have stuck to the truth, they have the key that was given to them by God, and He says hold fast because who opens and no one can shut. Well, that's Jesus Christ, when He says, "Hold fast that no one may take your crown." Crown is an interesting word there, that's the stephanos crown and the Greek word stephanos, it's a not the diadem, like a fancy kingly crown. So it's not the crown of royalty but it's the crown of a stephanos, which is the victory crown. That's the crown of wreath or laurels that you would get as you won the race. That's the victor's crown.

So He says, "Hang on to that, so no one takes it from you." Well, can somebody take your crown? How would that be? How would that be? How can someone take your crown? Well if I'm persevering, I'm holding tight, I'm steadfast, I've got all of those characteristics of constancy and I'm enduring, well, I'm hanging onto that crown. Nobody can take that. But what if I'm not doing those things? What if I'm not standing strong? What if I'm not enduring? You see, it seems to point to the fact that if I'm hanging onto it, if I'm doing the things that I’m supposed to be doing, if I'm close in my relationship to God, that crown isn't going anywhere.

But I could allow someone to take it from me, I could give it up, I could give it away, I could let down. We've all seen those races, whether it's in the Olympics or maybe somewhere else, someone's winning by lengths in there, right there before the finish line and they slow down a little bit and then here comes the guy that passes them just before they get to the ribbon. You see, we could give up, we could let down. No one's going to be able to take it from us unless we allow it to happen. And so, Christ is, I think, trying to make that point that much stronger to us. Don't give it up, don't let anyone take it, don't let anything take it, don't let any philosophy take it, don't let any frame-of-mind take it, don't let the values of this world take your crown, don't get off track with those kinds of thing. That is what He's talking about here. You have it. Hold fast, don't let go. We've been given truth, we've been given understanding, we've been given the key, we've been given the wonderful character of Christ and it's grown in us. Don't ever turn your back on those things, hang on to those things and continue to grow. In fact, there is maybe one passage that comes to mind, it's over in 2 Thessalonians 2. 2 Thessalonians 2 may tie in to this idea of someone taking our crown, really, the idea of us giving that crown up, 2 Thessalonians 2:9. Here it talks about a little prophetic thing, we're going to jump over some of those kinds of thoughts right here in 2 Thessalonians 2:9.

But it says the coming of the lawless one is apparent in the working of Satan who uses all power, signs, lying wonders, every kind of wicked deception for those who are perishing. The point is, there are those who are perishing. Why are they perishing? Well, something happened. Something happened. Well what happened? It says they're perishing because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Love the truth. If we love the truth, we are hanging onto that crown, we're not giving it up. We're not giving it up for anything. And so, we're encouraged to hold fast to what we have. And so, we might think well I'm a Philadelphian, I'm in good shape.

Well, that's true, in many ways that's absolute...look at these wonderful traits a true Philadelphian has but don't get self-confident. That's part of the message to Philadelphia – don't get self-confident, keep going, keep persevering, hold fast. That's such an aspect that is vital, hold fast to the truth. We must be doing that, holding fast to that crown and don't let anything interfere and take us off-track.

In fact, going back to Revelation 3:12, we see that whole aspect come into play that we just can't take it for granted. "He who overcomes, I’ll make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more." An overcomer, someone who has prevailed, someone who has, and continues to be victorious, hanging onto that crown because they're going to win. They're winning because God is with them. He who overcomes and we see the reward. He'll make of them a pillar in the temple of My God, kind of ties back to ancient Philadelphia, subject to earthquakes, and buildings often fell because of the earthquake that they suffered. In fact, ancient time, one time, the city was totally destroyed because of an earthquake. But here's a temple that has pillars that are solid. And the promise here is that believers, those who overcome, will be a pillar in the New Jerusalem, in the temple of My God. And of course, in ancient time, pillars were often time dedicated to important people, to the magistrates, to the rulers, to the governing authorities, and it would actually have their name on the pillars.

Sometimes not only the name, sometimes the pillars would be actually carved with the image of that particular person, which is pretty interesting. And so, Paul's... Jesus Christ is drawing on that analogy here, that faithful people will be like a pillar in the temple. And this temple isn't just any old temple but it’s talking about the sanctuary of God. It's talking about not the outer court, but we're talking about the Holy Place, which will be include the Holy of Holies as well. And they won't go out anymore. And they are not subject to earthquakes, they are not subject to physical problems.

In fact, the Greek actually points to never going out, we’ll always be there in the presence of God. In fact, that pillar, He says "I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down from heaven from My God, and I will write on him My new name." So imagine this pillar, who may be, in ancient times, carved in the image of a magistrate or an important person also had their name carved on that pillar. Using that illustration, Jesus Christ draws our attention to our name, you will become a part of Kingdom of God.

What would God do? He talks about writing three names on those that are there at the New Jerusalem. One was God's Name. Why write God's Name on an individual? Well, it's signifying who owns you. Who is your owner? When someone writes their name on something, would you write your name on things that belong to you? Probably the front of your Bible has your name in it. You wrote your name in it, maybe you stuck an address label on it. That belongs to you. This is signifying we belong to God, He's written His Name on us.

Also talks about the city, God's city name, is written on us. Why would the name of the city be written on God's people? Well, where do we belong? Well, we belong in the Kingdom. We belong in the New Jerusalem. We have eternal citizenship in the Kingdom. And writing the name of the city on that recognizes that very fact that, this is an eternal citizenship, this just isn't a part-time thing, this is not sojourning anymore. This is no longer a stranger or a pilgrim, now we are set. It's signifying that eternal citizenship in His Kingdom.

And then there's the third name that's written on those who are there, a new name, my new name. It seems to point to the fact the fullness of God. A new name, maybe recognizing this secure relationship that we have with Him, a fuller relationship, a symbolism of eternal relationship, the fullness of His character, His new name written on us as well. So we see it's covering all the bases there when we look at the names that are written on those who will be there. Of course that door is open to us.

The end of that letter then, and verse 13 says "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." Important reminder as He concludes this letter, that not just the letter to those in Philadelphia applies to us. "Hear what the Spirit says to the churches," we can back to chapter 2 and read through those. If we are a part of Philadelphia, we'd better pay attention to who has written to the other churches as well and that should impact where we're at and our mind-set as well. And so, as we consider this letter to Philadelphia, it's an encouraging letter, it's fantastic.

There's not negative things that are said here. But there's certainly a word of encouragement. There's a word that says, "Keep it up, continue to persevere, continue to grow, continue to overcome." Maybe three important aspects as you consider the overall letter, that Christ as the head of the Church, has given us the key. He's given us the key that opens the way to the Kingdom of God. Don't lose that key, that is such a vital thing. Be sure that we use that key every day in our life, that we're submissive to God and His Holy Spirit. That's an important aspect of this letter to Philadelphia.

I think the second important thing is, go through that door He opens and no one can shut. Ultimately, the door to the Kingdom, but He's opened up opportunities to preach and teach, and on an individual basis we must take those opportunities to do His work. If I’m growing more Christ-like, am I doing the work of God? Absolutely I am. It applies individually, as well as it does collectively. And as the Church of God, we must also go through the door. We must also be preaching and teaching the good news of Jesus Christ and the coming the Kingdom of God. We must about our Father's business. We must do the work and through that open door that He's given.

And maybe the third aspect of this particular letter is to remain faithful, and keep the faith, keep the faith. It was something my dad always used to say when we would part: “keep the faith.” Persevere, remain faithful. That is the message to Philadelphia. You've been doing all right, now keep it up, he who overcomes. That's what He said, to keep it up. And if we do those kinds of things, I think no one can take that crown from us. And so, it's such a powerful positive message to the Philadelphia church. So, I'd like to think I'm a part of Philadelphia, wouldn't you?

All right, if we claim that, if we'd like to think that, then what does that remind us of? Well, it reminds us that we'd better be living like that. We'd better be doing those things, we'd better be keeping those things, we'd better be persevering and showing our self to be true Christians, to be truly dedicated to Jesus Christ and God the Father. So, let's live like Philadelphians.

All right. That would do it for our study for this evening. Two weeks from tonight we conclude our series. Mr. Darris McNeely will be presenting the last of these seven churches here in the book of Revelation. We'll talk about Laodicea in our next Bible study, so we hope to see you then.

Thanks for coming tonight and we’ll look forward to seeing you next time.

Course Content

Given In

Cincinnati East PM, OH

The Key of David

Letting God rule in every area of your life.


[Steve Myers] I had a challenging situation happen to me awhile back. I actually was traveling here to Cincinnati and checking into my hotel. I was traveling here by myself, and as I had all of my stuff with me, I was at the desk, the lady was checking me in, making sure to take care of all of my needs. And as I got finished she gave me the key. They had one of these credit card kind of keys. You've seen those types of things? And so she ran it through her special little machine there on her desk and handed it to me and pointed out where my room was. And so I was off and running to the room. It was kind of late. I was tired – ready to relax a little bit. So I had to walk all the way down this hallway, through the doors, around down the next hallway to the elevator where I could take the elevator up to the sixth floor. Then, of course, my room is not the first room on the sixth floor. It's all the way down at the other end. So I walk all the way down to the end of the sixth floor, and I get out my key, put it through this little lock – there's a little slot there you put it through – and the light is red. Oh no! So I thought, “Well, I probably put it in here wrong.” So I flipped the key over and tried it that way – still red. So I tried it a few more times. It's not going to work. So I thought, “Oh no, it didn't work.” So I thought, “Okay, let's go all the way back down.” So I walked all the way down the hallway, got on the elevator, took the elevator down, walked all the way down that hallway down there, all the way around, back to the desk and said, “You know, my key isn't working.” “I'm sorry, sir,” she said, “let me make sure we've got it right.” So she got a different key. She ran it through her little thing. She said, “Here you go. This should be fine. It should be working. It should not be a problem.”

So I said, “Oh great.” So I grabbed all my stuff, got my suitcase, started pulling it down the hall, got all the way down back to the elevator, up the elevator, all the way down the sixth floor, got to the room, pulled out the key, put it through the slot. It's red again. Unbelievable! So I flipped the key over, thinking, “Well I must have just…I got it mixed up.” I turned it the other way – nothing. So I tried it again, like thirty or forty more times, and it wouldn't work. So I said, “Argh!”

So I walked back down the hallway, get to the elevator, down the elevator, down the hall, back to the front desk. I said, “My key doesn't work. I don't understand why it's not working. There must be something wrong with the lock, or something wrong with the keys, or maybe your little machine.”

And she looked at me and said, “Well, what did you do with it?” I said, “I went up there and I put the key in...” She said, “No, no, I don't mean that. After I gave you the key, what did you do with the key?” I said, “I put it in my pocket.” She said, “Oh, okay. Is there anything in your pocket?” I said, “The key.” “No, other than the key, what's in your pocket?” I reached in there and well, my phone is in my pocket. And she said, “Oh, that's why your key isn't working!” I said, “Well, what do you mean?” She said, “Your phone battery is erasing the information on the key that I'm giving you and so that's why you can't get in the room!”

I was like, okay, great. So she gives me another key and she says put this in your other pocket. So I put it in the other pocket, go down the hall, up the elevator, all the way down the other hall, put it in there and it's green! I get to go in. Yay! Finally! Finally made it. I didn't realize it could be so complicated just trying to get into a room – at least nobody else was in there so that was good.

But I was erasing my own key and couldn't get access into my room. Now the reason I tell you that story is that I was reminded of that story when I was reading through this passage the other day. And this passage is over in Revelation 3:7. And believe it or not, it's a passage about a key. This is a little bit different kind of key, it's not a Holiday Inn key. But it's a different kind of a key that gives us some information about what's happening, not only down the line, but also something that kind of hints at something back in the past as well.

In Revelation 3:7a pretty familiar section of scripture – here's where we have the various letters to the churches and this is the one that we love to identify with. Because it's about the church in Philadelphia and there are wonderful traits about this church. So we like to identify and say this is us. This is me. This is who I want to be. And so we have this message that is given to the church at Philadelphia. And notice the way that it's described here in the beginning of that letter in verse 7. It says:

Revelation 3:7 - To the angel in the church in Philadelphia write; These things says he who is Holy. He who is True. He who has the Key of David. He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens.

Now, of course, that's talking about Jesus Christ. He's the one who is Holy. He's the one that is True. And He's the one who has this key. And this isn't a little credit card key, I don't think. It's something different. In fact, it's interesting that this phrase, the key of David, only happens here in scripture in that exact order – the key of David – only once – right here in the New Testament. So I couldn't help thinking, “Well, what about this key? Why is that important? Why is it mentioned, especially in connection with the Philadelphia church and what is it unlocking that couldn't be shut?”

So I thought it might be interesting to talk about this for a little bit – to look at this example of this key and maybe the door that it opens. How can we understand more meaning behind what's mentioned here in Revelation 3 – this key of David? And I think that answer lies in the metaphor of the key in the door.

Let's think about that for a minute. And maybe just thinking about what a key does might be a good place to start. If you think of a key, maybe not as a noun, but as an adjective. As an adjective, what is a key? Well, this is key to winning this football game. Well, that doesn't mean like the key you open your door with. That means it's important. “Here, this is what's significant.” “This is the way – the fundamental – way we are going to win this game.” Or, “We are going to do this job.” This is something that is necessary. It's key. It's crucial. It's important. It's significant. And I think that's not a bad place to start. But there's also a connection, I think, to the noun as well. The key that does open that door.

So, here's a dumb question. What does a key do? That noun key. The one that you hold in your hand that…well, it's supposed to unlock something. It's supposed to unlock, in this case, a door. And the Holy One, that's True, He holds this key. And what door is that key to? Well, Revelation implies Jesus Christ is holding this key, and it's the door to the Kingdom – the door to the Kingdom of God. Christ, it says, has set an open door – set us an open door to the Kingdom. But he says He can also shut that door. But nobody else can. Nobody else can open it. Nobody else can shut it. And it is also kind of interesting, a verse later he says, there is something about works that are connected here. He says:

Revelation 3:8I know your works – in Revelation 3:8.

So, are there any other connections in scripture that could help us gain a little bit more of an insight into what that phrase, and what that key that Christ is holding, is all about? And you guessed it! There is. There is! There is an interesting connection to that phrase, the key of David. A similar phrase is found in the Old Testament. So, if you'll turn with me over to Isaiah 22. It isn't exactly the same because, like I mentioned before, this phrase the key of David is only in Revelation. But a similar phrase with an extra word is found in Isaiah 22.

Isaiah 22 gives us a story about a man who had gained a lot of influence in Judah. He wanted to be like the king. He was supposed to be the king's helper. He was supposed to be the king's steward. But he had gained a lot of influence – a lot of authority. He had taken things upon himself that he shouldn't have. And so we find God talking to this individual. His name is Shebna. Shebna was supposed to be the king's steward. And yet it seems like he was kind of playing both sides. Judah was under threat. It was a mess. It was towards the end of Judah as a nation and Assyria was on the doorstep. But it seems that, maybe, Shebna was in cahoots with the Assyrians. And so maybe that's part of what's playing here. He's kind of a double agent here in some ways and yet just in it for himself.

And so notice what God says.

Isaiah 22:15. Thus says the Lord God of Hosts. Go proceed to this steward, to Shebna, who is over the house and say…. That's kind of interesting. Shebna is over the house. What house is he over? What household is he over? What does he have some authority over? What particular house?

V-16 - What have you here, and whom have you here, that you have hewn a sepulcher here, as he who hews himself a sepulcher on high, who carves a tomb for himself in a rock?

You read that and go, “What does that have to do with anything?” Well, a sepulcher can be a tomb. It can be a grave. But it can be like some of the graves that we used to see in New Orleans – that it wasn't just a grave, but this grave became a monument, and it became a representation of somebody's strength and somebody's authority and somebody's power – so that, even after they were gone, people would look upon this tomb and say, “Wow! Was that a man! What an awesome guy he was!”. And this Shebna has taken upon himself to create a monument to himself. And that's why it says, “…he carves a tomb for himself…” in a rock. Instead of serving the king, he's serving himself. So what's God's perspective?

V-17 – Indeed the Lord will throw you away violently, oh mighty man and shall surely seize you. So God's going to take care of him.

Isaiah 22:20 – skip down just a couple verses. And then God throws him away – removes him.

V-20 – Then it shall be that day, I will call my servant Eliakim the son of Hilkiah. I'll clothe him with your robe and strengthen him with your belt. He says: I will commit your responsibility into his hand. He shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and house of Judah.

So, we find Shebna is going to be replaced and we find that Eliakim will be the one to take his place. Here's an honest man. Here's a faithful man that will execute his responsibility in the right way. So he will be over the house of Judah. He will be helping, and actually serving the king.

He also says that in Isaiah 22:22. Here's our connection now to Revelation 3. He says:

V-22 – The key of the house of David I will lay on his shoulder. So what house was Shebna over? What house is Eliakim over? Well, the house of David. The house of David – David's rulership, in that sense. And so, he's laying on his shoulder this key of the house of David. Notice the connection to Revelation 3 again. So he shall open and no one shall shut – talking about Eliakim. And he shall shut and no one shall open. I'll fasten him as a peg in a secure place and he will become a glorious throne to his father's house.

So here's a man who's going to do what's right. He's going to use the key that he's been given in a right way – in a righteous way. In ancient times keys were used, I suppose, a lot in the same way that we use them today. This steward would have had the responsibility to control the gates to the city. He could determine who was entering and who was leaving. His use of the key would determine who comes and who goes. Well, we do that today. When we use a lock and a key we control who has access. I think that's an important key as we think and that's something that's significant, something that is important. Something that's is important is we consider this key of David. This key of David has something to do with access – with access – with the ability to have admission or the right of entry. So we can enter. We can have admission. We can have access – Revelation 3 says: with the key of David. And that's kind of the sense where he's using this here as Eliakim replaces Shebna. God says unfaithful Shebna is out and he's a steward. He was over that house of David – David's descendants. He controlled, oftentimes a steward in those days would control the finances so he would have some effect on the treasury. I suppose in some ways it's like a modern prime minister. He's not the head of the country, but he's supposed to work under the head of the country like a chief of staff. Or maybe today we might think of a secretary of state.

So as a steward that was supposed to be his job. But instead of executing his job in a righteous way, he took it upon himself, he wanted to make this great monument to himself. He wanted to control all access and he thought that he could do everything that he wanted. But God said, “No, that's not acceptable. There is a better way.” Ultimately, God controls access and gives that right to those who will do their job in a righteous way.

Now that is kind of a sideline. It is interesting that archaeologists have actually found a little fragment of a tomb that seems to point the way to this sepulcher. This monument that Shebna tried to build for himself. It's got a Hebrew inscription on it from Hezekiah's time, which would have been this time period, and the interesting part is where they found this. It was in an area of Jerusalem that was easily seen from anywhere in the city, which seems to fit this idea of being high. “Wow, look up there! Look at how great Shebna would have been!” And that's what they found on this inscription. It was partially destroyed, but the name that seems to be on it might be connected with this particular individual – this Shebna. They found the name. It ended – it wasn't just Sheba, as we read in our English Bible – but there was Y H on the end, which would have an indication of yahu – not like, like yippie yahoo – not that kind of yahoo. But would be connected to God's name, the YHWH, the tetragrammaton – God's name – the Eternal, we might say in English. So they think it was probably Shebanyahu would have been his name and Shebna was a shortened version of that. So they actually found this partial fragment that has yahu, Shebanyahu, would have carried the meaning of the prosperer is Yahweh – is God – God prospers. And that's not unusual. Even today they still use that in people's names. You may be able to think of somebody in Israel today that has that ending to their name. A guy nobody has ever heard of – Netanyahu. Netanyahu means God's gift – a gift of Yahweh – . God's gift of Yahweh.

So it doesn't seem too much of a stretch that this Shebna was a real man, who really did these things, and God did judge him, and replaced him down the line. And, of course, you look at that situation and say, “What's his problem? What was his problem?” Well, he wanted to make himself something. It was pride. Pride governed his thinking and he was replaced with a man named Eliakim, who God gave this position of honor – a position of trust, a position where faithfulness was something that had to be a part of doing his job. And he tells us in Isaiah here that God would place on Eliakim's shoulder – do you see that back here in Isaiah 23:22? – place on his shoulder the key to the house of David. And that connection, then, with Revelation – No man can shut, and when he shuts no man can open.

It is interesting that there seems to be a tradition – some of the scholars feel – that someone who was a steward at that day would actually have special clothes – maybe special robes, or special garments. And a steward – someone of an important position in the city – would actually have embroidered on that garment a golden key. Because Eliakim would be kind of like the gate keeper. He would be the one that would control access. He would have the power or the authority to decide who gets to see the king – who can come before him. Well, the steward would be the one in charge, and so, maybe, this embroidered key on the shoulder was even a literal thing – that upon his shoulder was that key to the house of David, that he was ruling over in terms of the authority – that the king had given to him.

And so I suppose it is a lot like a military person might have. I mean you could recognize who the general is, or who the colonel is, because of the embroidery that they would have on their uniforms. And so it seems that, perhaps, this steward would have a special embroidery that would be easily recognizable. So you knew who was the man in charge. And so, as a gatekeeper, he controlled access. He controlled admission, especially for those who would come before the king.

Of course, you've got the two sides. You've got Shebna – bad guy – in it for himself. Eliakim – good guy – did things in a righteous way. Can you think of other examples that might have been in the Bible of men who wanted to control access to God – control access to the kingdom? Well, there are a couple of examples. There is an interesting one over in Matthew 23:13. It's really the example I think we're all familiar with, but thinking about it in these terms, it might not immediately come to mind. But notice the connection between what he's doing here with the power to control access and this key. Matthew 23:13 – we find Christ not talking to a Shebna, but to some of the leaders of that day and, in Matthew 23:13, who were those that were trying to control access? The scribes. The scribes.

Matthew 23:13Woe to you scribes! Oh, we're not just limited to them. And Pharisees. You hypocrites! You shut up the kingdom of heaven against men. For you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in. You see, they were being like Shebna. They were taking that authority to themselves. So here's Christ Himself saying this – that they were locking people out. And you know how they did that in that day? Saying, “Don't listen to that Messiah. Don't listen to that Jesus. He's nothing. We're the leaders. You listen to us. Don't pay any attention to His gospel. Don't listen to His word. You've got to focus on what we're about. We want our power. We want our authority.” And so the scribes and the Pharisees took that upon themselves, like a Shebna. In fact, they weren't the only ones. Scribes, Pharisees. A little bit later in Luke 11:52, notice there is another group here that is mentioned. In chapter 11, the book of Luke, right near the end of the chapter, here is a quotation from Christ again – same thing is going on but a different group of people controlling access, or at least trying to control access. Notice who he refers to in this case. It's not the scribes and the Pharisees this time.
Luke 11:52Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge. You didn't enter in yourselves and those who were entering you hindered. So once again we see that connection to that ancient Shebna – that they didn't want the people going to Christ. They wanted the glory. They wanted the attention. They wanted to control who was in charge. They wanted the power. They wanted to build their own monuments to themselves. And forget this Christ. You don't want to go to Him.

And so we see it has a lot to do – this key – with access, and the key of the knowledge of salvation – what the Kingdom of God is all about. And so, as we begin to think about this key of David, it has to have something to do with admission – with access.

I think it's also interesting that as we talk about these people – the scribes and the Pharisees and the lawyers – we could probably throw the Sadducees in there as well, if we wanted to. What did they want to hang on to? They wanted to have the authority. And this key of David has a connection to authority. So that's a second aspect that we need to think about. 

Yes, it was about access – about admission – about the right to enter. But at the same time there is a connection to authority here as well – the authority to administer. The Sadducees wanted that. The Pharisees wanted to be in control. They wanted to be the big shots. They were the religious leaders of the day, not this upstart Jesus. And so as we begin to think about that, think about this connection to Shebna and then the guy that replaced him – the righteous one – the one that was faithful. You're going to see there is a connection between putting one system away that isn't faithful, that isn't righteous, and replacing it with a system that is good, and is right – that administers justice in a godly way. But who is going to administer justice in a godly way? Well we know, ultimately, that's going to be Jesus Christ. And so this key of David has this connection to authority. And ultimately, Christ has the royal right of authority. I'll bet you might say, “Wait a second, why would Christ be just a steward? Why would He just be like a Prime Minister or something like that? I mean, He's going to be our returning King, isn't He?” Well, I think, if you imagine it as maybe this chief of staff, or secretary of state, as a steward. Is it fair to say that Christ could be considered the steward? How about the steward of the Kingdom? I think we could imagine that, because who would be the ultimate ruler? I mean, ultimately, what is Christ going to do with the Kingdom? He's going to give it to the Father.

So, in a sense, as Christ returns and the millennium is set up, there is coming a time after that that Christ is going to deliver the Kingdom into the Father's hands. The Father is going to come down with the new Jerusalem. And so, until that time, Christ is steward over the household. I think there is a connection there, as well, with happened even in ancient Israel. Think about that for a moment. When God finally said: “All right. You can have a King. Israel. Fine, you won't listen to Me. You can have a King.”

When Saul was established and chosen, it's interesting that God didn't name him king in the sense that he was an ultimate ruler type of king. Originally, in Samuel, you'll find that he was named commander. He was the commander and, in a sense, the one that would rule over things for the ultimate King. Because, really, who was the ultimate king of Israel? Who was supposed to be the ultimate king of Israel? Well, it was supposed to be the One who became Jesus Christ. That was supposed to be Israel's ultimate leader. He was the one who was supposed to be in ultimate authority. And so, as time went on we get to the time of Shebna, David's dynasty – the descendants of David – were ruling as stewards for the real King, which was supposed to be God Himself. And so no wonder then he calls this the Key of David, because he was supposed to have this key as he rules for Christ. And ultimately then for the Father.

So we see a Eliakim was a type of Christ. Ultimately, Christ would replace the systems of this world. And ultimately, where we see the connection with authority is in the inheritance of Christ. Think about what Christ will inherit. In Daniel 7:13 we have an indication of the inheritance that awaits Jesus Christ. Let's notice that. We're going to jump into the middle of a vision that Daniel had and we will see this connection with authority – the connection with the Kingdom – the connection between the steward of the Kingdom and with the ultimate King. Let's notice that in Daniel 7:13 – Daniel writes:

Daniel 7:13I was watching in the night visions. Daniel has this vision – kind of like a dream, I guess you might be able to say. He says: Behold, one like the Son of man coming with the clouds of heaven. So he's seeing the return of Jesus Christ. He's seeing this. And then he goes on: He came to the Ancient of Days and they brought Him near before Him. So we find this representation of Jesus Christ coming before God the Father, the Ancient of Days.

V-14Then to Him – talking about Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, coming on the clouds – To Him was given dominion and glory and the kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him and His dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away. And His Kingdom, the one which shall not be destroyed.

So herein we find God the Father giving the authority to Jesus Christ, giving Him dominion as He returns to Earth to establish the Kingdom of God. Christ is given the authority. Christ, in a sense, inherits that throne of David – that throne of David that would continue to that time.

Over in Luke 1 it says it maybe a little bit plainer. Maybe we could skip over there really quickly. Luke 1:32. Let's notice that. Here is the angel speaking to Mary before Jesus is even born, and she is given insight into this very concept. Let's notice what the angel tells Mary. Luke 1:31 says:

Luke 1:31You'll conceive in your womb and bring forth a son, you shall call His name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Highest and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father, David.

So Christ inherits the throne, has the authority and will be administering the government. He will be administering things by authority. He will have the throne. And so even David himself will have a throne, won't he, in the Kingdom? We know the Bible says that David will be King over Israel under Christ. We are told that. And so, no wonder why these connections kind of bring us together. David is given authority over the house of Israel. And it is interesting, also, to think about the house of Israel today, which is the church – the church. So Christ has the key, gave this key to David, he's going to inherit the throne of David, and once again, then, we find that exhibited in the Kingdom of God. And ultimately, that authority? He's going to share He's going to share that authority with who? With us. With us.

So if you quickly jump back to Revelation 3 where we began. Let's notice just a few verses down.

Revelation 3:21Notice the authority that's represented here as well. To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne. So, Christ is going to share His authority with us – with those who are part of His Kingdom and His family. He says: As I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. And so we see there is this connection, then, to the key of David and the royal right of Jesus Christ – that He has authority and He's ruling with authority that the Father has given Him. And of course, as you think about who has the right, you think about access, you think about authority. You can't have those kinds of things without having a government. And the key of David certainly has a connection to government. I think that's a third aspect that we have to consider as we identify this key of David.

There's a connection to government here. If you're ruling and reigning, if you're controlling access to the king, there has to be government. Think about the first example we talked about – with Shebna and Eliakim. Eliakim had a righteous perspective on ruling – a righteous perspective on serving. Christ Himself was designated to be the ultimate fulfillment of the right kind of government. And if you think about that type of connection, probably Isaiah 9 is a passage that would come to mind. Let's look at what Isaiah 9:6 tells us about this connection to government, because it puts all these things together. We will put access together. We will put the authority together. We are going to put the throne in here with the government. That's ruling as well. It all comes together here in Isaiah 9.

Let's notice a prophecy here of Jesus Christ – not only His birth, but ultimate rulership. Let's see the ultimate representation of government as spoken of here. It says:

Isaiah 9:6For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. And the increase of His government and peace there will be no end. A lot of times we will stop right there, but this – the next part – we will miss the connection if we don't keep reading. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end and He will reign on David's throne and over His Kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. He says the zeal of the Lord the Almighty will accomplish this.

And so we find the righteous government of God is going to be administered with authority, and access to that government is controlled, ultimately, by Jesus Christ. And David's throne is connected to that. It will continue on and ultimately into the Kingdom of God. And it's also interesting, there is this connection back to Shebna and Eliakim. He talked about the shoulder back there in Isaiah 22 – talked about that golden key that might have been embroidered on their robe. Did you notice any connection here in Isaiah 9:6? It says: the government will be upon His shoulder. Could that have a connection back there to being the steward of God? I think it's kind of interesting. It may not be a direct connection, but I think it's a possibility. The government will be on Him. He will control access. He will be in authority. He will be like that representation – the ultimate representation of what Eliakim was supposed to be – because he has the key of David, not just some embroidered thing on his garment, but Christ ultimately holds that key. And Christ wants to give us that key so that we can rule with Him in His government. And He says here that there will just be no end to that government. So we have that opportunity, and much like David himself, that he refers to here, we always think of David as a man after God's own heart. You wonder how could David become a man after God's own heart. Even with all the struggles, the difficulties and the challenges that he went through in his life – the awful choices that he made. Ultimately, he became a man after God's own heart. How did he do that? I believe it has to do with what this passage is all about – that ultimately he had to come under God's authority. He had to come under God's government. He had to see himself for what he was and, instead of being king of himself, which he began to think, “I'm king, I can do what I want,” he had to realize there was authority over him. There was a government that he had to follow and so submit his life to.

And so it's really not any different with us. If we're to be men and women of God, if we're after God's own heart, we need that key. We need to come under His authority and live under His government. Because we know – Matthew 28 tells us – Christ has all authority. Remember after the crucifixion, after He was going to give the instructions of the great commission to go and baptize and preach and teach? He told the disciples that all authority had been given to Him. And He wants to share that with us.

2 Timothy describes it a little differently. Maybe we can notice what Paul told Timothy and see a connection here to this representation of government tied in with this key of David. 2 Timothy 2:11 – Paul says:

2 Timothy 2:11This is a faithful saying, for if we died with Him, we shall also live with Him. So we find out what government we have to come under. We have to come under His government. We have to put ourselves aside, live under the authority and government of God. He says: If we endure, we shall also reign with Him. We will have a part in that rulership. We will have a part of His authority. We will sit with Him on His throne. He says: if we deny Him, He will also deny us. If we are faithless, if we are like a Shebna, we are going to have trouble. We are going to have problems. He says He remains faithful. He can't deny Himself. He controls the ultimate access, because He has the authority. It is His government. It is the government of God. And so He's going to reign and rule and we're going to have that opportunity to reign with Him as well.

And so we find authority and government and access is all involved with this key. Of course as a ruler, there is another aspect. As a ruler, I think that connects with this key as well. You think about royalty even today. If you were to have a photograph of the queen, let's say. And it's an official photograph that's released. What do they look like? What does a sovereign look like in an official portrait or an official photograph? You don't usually see them sitting there relaxed in an easy chair in jeans and a tee shirt or something like that. Well, they've got their robes on. They've got their crown and usually, in their hand, they've got their scepter. They have their baton type looking thing. They're not going to twirl it like a cheerleader or anything like that, but they've got this scepter – the royal staff. And the royal staff is representative of their rulership. And there is a connection between the key of David and the scepter. The scepter – the concept of rulership. And of course, if you look back we see this connection to the house of David and the scepter as well. Let's notice it in Jeremiah 33. We will see how this key has a relation to the scepter as well. Jeremiah 33:14. We know that ultimately God chose David – as over the house of Judah, became king. Judah was the tribe that became the kingly tribe, I guess you could say – the scepter tribe, if you want to use that word. We see that reflected here in Jeremiah 33:14. Here we find a prophecy that wasn't fulfilled back in the day. We're looking to this, at least sections of this, down the line. Let's notice Jeremiah 33:14. He says:

Jeremiah 33:14Behold the days are coming says the Lord, that I will perform that good thing which I promised to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah. What good thing could that be? What was the promise?

Verse 15 – He says: In those days and at that time I will cause to grow up to David a branch of righteousness. So we're following David's house—the rulership, the authority, the scepter. We're following that and he says something is going to grow up to that. And it says it's going to be a branch of righteousness – branch of righteousness. That's talking about not a tree or bush or anything like that. It's talking about an individual. He, it goes on, shall execute judgment and righteousness in the earth. Well, who could be the only one that could refer to? Well, only Christ ultimately can execute judgment and true righteousness.

Verse 16 – In those days Judah will be saved. Jerusalem will dwell safely and this is the name by which He will be called, the Lord of righteousness. For thus says the Lord, David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel. So we have a prophecy not only of the return of Christ but the fact that throne of David – that house of David – would always have a scepter, would always have a ruler, would always have someone on the throne until that branch would appear. Until the ultimate ruler would return to execute judgment and righteousness.

And so today, we have a connection with the house of David. You think of kings and queens today. Is there anyone that has a past that you can identify that connects back to the house of David? Well, I think we know that Queen Elizabeth has a connection that goes all the way back to King David. And so, this scepter promise is also a part that has a connection to this key. Christ holds this key, He's going to return, He's going to sit on that throne of David and ultimately fulfill this very promise.

And this promise is also connected over in the book of Hebrews. Let's notice Hebrews 1:8. Here's a little bit more of that connection that's made to illustrate the fact that this key is connected to the scepter, to the rulership, this concept that Christ will come back and establish His government. And yet, in the meantime, physically speaking, there will be a ruler over that throne, that still is on that throne when He comes back. And it's interesting it's specifically to the house of David. Of course when you think of the word back there in Jeremiah, the house of David means the lineage of David. It's not talking about a building or anything like that. It's talking about the family or the descendants of David. There would still be someone physically on David's throne.

Well here then, back in Hebrews, we find the ultimate conclusion to that throne, physically speaking. It's going to be changed.

Hebrews 1:8But to the son he says: Father, speaking to Jesus Christ, Your throne, Oh God, is forever and ever. He says: a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom. You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness. Therefore, God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness more than your companions – so, so much more than a physical king or queen. Ultimately that scepter belongs to Jesus Christ. The royal staff – the emblem of rulership – belongs to Christ and He's going to return. And it's connected with this key that He holds out.

So how do they all fit together? How do these things all fit together? Well, if you look at this right of entry – you look at admission or access with Jesus Christ Himself holding that key – that government on His shoulder – He controls access ultimately to the Kingdom of God. He has authority. He is going to establish the government of God on Earth. Only those that have the key can enter. Only by that key are we allowed to come into the presence of God. But ultimately what he says for those that have access…we flip back to Revelation 5. We see those that do have access have special promises here. Revelation 5:10 says to those that have access – those that have this key – he says:

Revelation 5:10God has made us kings and priests to our God and we shall reign on Earth.
So, how is it possible to reign with Christ? Only if He gives us access. Only if we have the key to unlock that door.

A couple of pages back—if we look at Revelation 2:26 – part of the connection here. It says:

Revelation 2:26He who overcomes and keeps my works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations. So we have to overcome. We have to keep His works – do His way.

Well, how can we do that? How can we live His way? How can we be under His authority? How can we be under His government? How can we have access? Well, it's only by utilizing the key of David. What is that key? We've got to have God's Holy Spirit. Without God's Holy Spirit there is no access. There is no access. There is no Kingdom. We can't live under His authority. We can't live His way. We can't do His will.

Over in Romans 8…it has a couple of powerful things to say about this key. Romans 8:9. This whole section of Romans 6, 7, 8, such a phenomenal section of scripture that deals with becoming a true Christian – becoming Christ-like – putting away the old man – coming to baptism – repentance. All of those things are talked about in Romans 7 – six, seven and eight. Romans 8:14 puts it right on the line. It says:

Roman 8:14 – As many as are lead by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God. The only way of access is through God's Spirit.

You probably remember that famous passage that says it's not by might, it's not by power, but it's by My Spirit, says the Lord. That's over in Zechariah – Zechariah 4:6 talks about that – not by might but by God's Spirit. That's the only way it's possible. And Christ has held out – Christ has given us – that key. If we repented and we're baptized and we claim Christ as our Savior, we've been given that key.

And in John 10:9 we'll see that access as Christ speaks about that. Notice John 10:9. Here Christ gives several metaphors, but one that connects with this passage in Revelation 3.

John 10:9He says: I am the door. So Christ is the door. How do we enter by the door? He says: If anyone enters by Me he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.

We've got to have a key to get through that door and without God's Spirit you don't have access. You won't have authority because you haven't been under His government. You haven't chosen to live your life under His authority. And so we're challenged then in that way. And we've got to make sure that God has access to every area of our life. If we're going to enter the Kingdom we can't lock God out of any area of our life. Is there a part of your life that maybe you haven't let God in that part – that we've withheld admission to God? You see, we've got to open up. We've got to submit our lives fully to Him. He's given us the key of His Holy Spirit to open the door to the Kingdom. But He says, “I know your works. I know your works.” If we don't utilize that Spirit, if we don't respond to God's Spirit, if we don't react and change, I guess we change the locks, don't we? We change the locks to allow God access to every area of our life. So our thinking and our actions and our reactions are different. They've come under the authority of God. And we give God access to our thinking so that it changes. That's the key, isn't it? And it's only possible to do those things through God's Holy Spirit.

And so Christ is holding out that key. He's given us that key. Let's use it. We can't misplace it. Don't erase it. Don't erase it. Put it in a safe place and use it. A key is made to be used. So don't neglect the key. Just don't hang on to it and not use it. God's telling us here we've got to utilize His Spirit in every aspect of our life. Every way. Every way. In fact, if we go back to Revelation 3, He said that very thing – that this key was made to be used. Use God's Spirit. Live by God's Spirit – in every part of your life.

Revelation 3:11 – as he concludes this section of scripture, in the letters to the churches, he says:

Revelation 3:11Behold. I come quickly. Hold fast to what you have. Hang on to that key. Use that key. He says: That no one may take your crown. Use God's Spirit. He says: he that overcomes – and that's only going to happen by God's Spirit – he says: if you overcome I'll make him a pillar in the temple of my God and He shall go out no more. You won't need a key anymore! You'll be there. You will have access. He says: I'll write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God the New Jerusalem which comes down out of Heaven from my God and I will write on him my new name. He who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

God has given us an awesome gift. He has blessed us with the key of David – His Holy Spirit. So let's utilize it. Let's be sure we are using it, because that is the only way to unlock the door to the Kingdom of God.


Darris McNeely works at the United Church of God home office in Cincinnati, Ohio. He and his wife, Debbie, have served in the ministry for more than 43 years. They have two sons, who are both married, and four grandchildren. Darris is the Associate Media Producer for the Church. He also is a resident faculty member at the Ambassador Bible Center teaching Acts, Fundamentals of Belief and World News and Prophecy. He enjoys hunting, travel and reading and spending time with his grandchildren.

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