
MAGNIFIED: Remember the Sabbath

God knew about the immense stresses of life long before any of us were born, and He gave us a commandment to help. But as helpful as this commandment would be for us today, we've largely forgotten it. Which is funny, because it's the only one that starts with the word, "Remember."


Micah: For Christians everywhere, the 10 Commandments offer a bedrock for morality, and most people, if not all, would claim that they should act as a code for living a good life. Even non-Christians instinctually would read through the list of 10 written by God and affirm much of what it says.

Animation: Thou shall not kill.

Micah: Good idea.

Animation: Thou shall not steal.

Micah: Solid principle. Don't cheat on your spouse.

Jelly: God says that's bad.

Micah: Seems like the best practice. Of course, there are a few commandments that non-theists might consider irrelevant in light of their lack of belief in God, but certainly, Christians should affirm them all, right? Surprisingly, there is one commandment that consistently gets forgotten, which is kind of funny, because it's the only one that starts out with the word remember.

Life is extraordinarily busy, and it seems like the pace is just continuing to pick up. Progress and production are eclipsing virtues, and streamlined efficiency reigns as king. In this fast-paced Western world, it's not uncommon for people to say things like, "Today, went by so quickly that I forgot to eat." Or, "I was so busy that I forgot I had to go to the bathroom hours ago." As responsibilities pile up, and the stressors in our life begin to take over, the one thing that is probably forgotten more than all the rest, is the one thing that is actually more essential than all the rest. Time with God. To this end, God wrote the fourth commandment in Exodus 20, which states, "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work. But the 7th day is a Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it, you shall do no work. You, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates," nor your shoe shine boy, nor your roomba, nor your great aunt Helen stopping in for a visit.

Aunt Helen: Hello, Micah.

Micah: Okay, Helen's not specifically mentioned in scripture, but I think we could agree that she needs a break. "For in six days, the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the 7th day. Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it." So, what is it that has been forgotten? Why has it been forgotten? And why is it important to remember it?

Man 1: Okay, everyone, listen up.

Micah: According to Exodus 20, the Sabbath day is a 7th-day rest from labor that is meant to be kept holy. This means that God already made it holy, that He set it apart from the other days, and that we are supposed to keep it that way. Leviticus gives us more insight when it states, "It is not only a day of rest but also a day of sacred assembly," and reiterates the instruction that, "this day is a Sabbath unto the Lord." We're also told in this section of Exodus that this observance is to be modeled after the example that God Himself left for us after the creation account in Genesis. God rested from His work, admiring His creation, and He considered the future work that He was about to start with mankind. Not because He needed the rest, but as a blessing, an example to us to rest, and consider Him and the work that He is currently doing with us.

In short, the Sabbath day, even though it's a day of rest from work, is not a day of rest from everything. Rather than it just being a day off, it should act as a day on for the more important work of drawing closer to God. Now, I don't think any Christian has maliciously intended to turn a blind eye to a command of God.

Animation: My eyes.

Micah: Most people are probably aware of this 4th Commandment, but they consider it a bit differently. Some might argue that every day should include quality time with God and some kind of effort to better your relationship with Him. And if that's what you think, you are right.

Man 2: You are our winner. Congratulations.

Micah: However, just like every day should be spent loving your husband or wife, and building your relationship with them, I doubt your spouse would see this as a good reason to miss the anniversary dinner you had planned with them. I think this also goes for the idea that some have that we can change the Sabbath from the time delineated by God to whichever day of the week seems best for us.

Man 2: No. Should have changed that three to a one.

Micah: God has set aside special times for us to gather with Him, not because the rest of our lives should be spent ignoring Him, but because He wants to make sure we understand how important spending time with us is to Him, and He hopes it's important to us too. Some, on the other hand, believe that the Sabbath was an Old Testament precedent that the New Testament Church didn't even keep. However, evidence that the first-century Christian church did keep the Sabbath is very substantial. If we look at how often the Jewish people were accusing Christians of abandoning the faith with regard to things like physical circumcision, which is a lot, something as big as abandoning the Sabbath would have drawn quite a bit more criticism, and we just simply don't see that.

To find out if a command of God still matters, many want it to be explicitly restated in the New Testament. However, God inspired the whole Bible and doesn't see a division in the same way that translators have interpreted it. Instead, it's best to assume that a command is relevant until you witness God explicitly changing it Himself. If your parents told you that touching a hot stove would burn you when you were a kid...

Animation: I just wait for a child to grab my handle then.

Micah: You'd better wait until you read in the papers that the laws of thermodynamics have changed before you attempt touching that hot stove years later. Like the nine other commandments God carved into stone, the Sabbath was commanded for our own good. Christ, Himself said that the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. But unlike the other commandments, we seem to have forgotten the good that it serves. Maybe that's because the consequences of ignoring the Sabbath aren't as in your face as some of the other commandments. There's no police, no jail time, no lightning bolt from the heavens. So, what does happen when we break the Sabbath? Well, the path of mankind has historically gone in one direction, and that's away from God. I've been on that path. You've been on that path. Our boom operator, Barry, has definitely been on that path.

Barry: I told you that in confidence.

Micah: And in a world as busy as ours, we can distance ourselves from God in record time. But keeping the Sabbath is a direct pathway back to Him. Miraculously, God spoke through history to give us a blessing that combats even today's obstacles. And by keeping this weekly anniversary, we can regularly reset our focus mentally, physically, and spiritually on God. And once we do that, everything else will fall into place. And if you're still on the fence, God has done another amazing thing, in that the built-in blessings of obeying His commandments become evident upon obedience. As David wrote, "Taste and see that the Lord is good."

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Jamie Schreiber

Jamie Schreiber works in the Media Department at the Home Office in Cincinnati. He studied Digital Video and Media Production in Minneapolis, MN.

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The Fourth Commandment: Key to a Relationship With Our Creator

37 minutes read time

This is the fourth part in the Beyond Today Bible study series: The Ten Commandments. The Fourth Commandment begins:  “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy”. Is it really that important to observe the Sabbath from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset? Is Sabbath keeping necessary for salvation? Join Steve Myers for this week’s Bible study as he discusses the significance of the Fourth Commandment.


[Steve Myers] Good evening everyone. Welcome to our bi-weekly Bible study. We're continuing our series on the Ten Commandments tonight and so we're going to delve into number four. Number four is up for today, the Sabbath command. We're going to talk about the different aspects of the Sabbath, we're going to try to zero in and not stray too much because there're so many things that we could talk about when it comes to God's Sabbath. We'll try to stay as tight as we can with the commandment itself. So that's our goal for this evening. We've got about an hour to talk about that and so let's go ahead and get right into that. We'll begin by asking God's blessing on our evening, so if you bow your heads, we'll ask God's blessing.

Great loving Heavenly Father, thank you so much for Your wonderful Word and Your way. What a blessing it is, God, to have You open our minds to Your truth to understand Your Word and, Father, to open our minds to understand the even deeper things about You and Your way. We pray You'll do that tonight. We pray that You'd guide us and lead us, everything that's said, help us as we listen to the words that are spoken that really come from You, Father, Your Word. And we're so thankful that You've given that to us. So we pray for Your inspiration, we pray for Your guidance, and Father we just pray for Your presence not only here but everywhere and to everyone who would hear these words of yours as we strive to delve into the power of Your way and Your Word. So we thank You for this, we put it into Your hands, ask Your presence and blessing and ask it all by the authority of Our Savior, Jesus Christ, amen.

So we are going to talk about the fourth command. The Fourth Commandment is tonight's topic and it is an interesting one. Maybe one, you would say, even in the religious world is a controversial one as well. If you want to begin to turn over to Exodus 20, we're going to read through the command. In fact, a second version of that command is also found in Deuteronomy. I thought it might be helpful to take a look at these and see what they say, maybe read through them so we have the whole concept in mind as we begin to talk about it. So if you turn over to Exodus 20, the Fourth Commandment begins in verse 8, Exodus 20:8. It starts out by saying, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord, Your God. In it you shall do no work, you nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates.” Verse 11 goes on, “For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.” That concludes the Fourth Commandment as it's recorded in Exodus.

Now if we flip over to Deuteronomy 5, it's also mentioned again just as the Israelites are about to come into the Promised Land. If you look over at Deuteronomy 5, see if you notice any differences in the way that this fourth command is worded in Deuteronomy 5:12. Deuteronomy 5:12, we're just going to go ahead and read through it. It says, “Observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy as the Lord, Your God commanded you. Six days you shall labor and do all your work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord, Your God. In it you shall do no work, you nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your ox, nor your donkey, nor any of your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates, that your male servant and your female servant may rest as well as you.”

Verse 15 goes on, “And remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord, Your God brought you out from there by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm. Therefore, the Lord, Your God commanded you to keep the Sabbath day.” Now you may have noticed a couple of differences in those two quotations of the Sabbath command. We're going to talk about those things in just a moment but maybe you noticed a couple of other interesting things as we've gone along in our series. In fact, if you want to go back to Exodus, you could flip back over there for a moment. There's a couple of interesting things we can see just right off the bat before we get into deeper study about the whole topic. One of the things that's interesting is the length of this command. Did you notice something a little bit different about this command compared to the others? You'll never guess which one is the longest. Okay, it's this one, it's the Fourth Commandment. It is a long commandment. It's got four verses here in Exodus.

In fact, if you did this study and looked at all the words, it makes up about a third, almost one third of those words are the entire Ten Commandments. So almost a third of the words of the Ten Commandments are about the Sabbath—a whole lot more than adultery, a whole lot more than murder, a whole lot more than lying, those kinds of things. So we see it's...yeah, does that tell us anything? Well, we'll see that in a moment. What does that tell us? Almost a third of the words of the Ten Commandments are found in the Sabbath command. Also interesting, something different about this command, the way that it's worded. Now if we were to read the rest of the commandments, most of them have words that say something to the effect of thou shalt not, thou shalt not do this or that. This one is different. We could say this one is a positive command, I suppose you could say it that way. It's positive, it starts here in Exodus with remember, remember the Sabbath. Deuteronomy said it a little differently. Do you remember what Deuteronomy said? It said observe it or keep it, keep the Sabbath. And so that implies something to us immediately when we begin to think about this command. Yes, it starts with a very positive way but if you're going to remember it, that seems to imply that it was something that was already there. It was something that was already known. It was something that wasn't brand new. This Sabbath already existed. And now God is instructing to remember it.

Okay, we're going to come back to that in just a moment. Take a look at what it says here in Exodus 20. As it says not only “remember the Sabbath day,” but then it also says “to keep it holy,” and that becomes a critical element, this concept of being holy. We're to keep it not just to remember it, but we are to keep it holy. When you talk about something that's holy, that's something that’s set apart, that's something that's sanctified, that's something that's dedicated for a sacred purpose. In this case, the Sabbath, the seventh day, is consecrated to God. So it's set apart. It's sanctified for God.

And so we come up with a couple of things that become obvious right off the bat, to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy, that it becomes very clear. Some things are holy and other things aren't. God makes it very clear. This day shouldn't be profaned. This day should not be kept in an unholy way. It shouldn't be treated like it's just another day, it shouldn't be treated commonly because it's sanctified. It's set apart from all the other days. And so it becomes pretty clear as we begin looking at Exodus 20 that there is a specific amount of time every single week that is holy, that's sanctified, that's set apart. And that's not set apart, or it's not holy, it's not something that we should keep because the United Church of God says you should. That's not why. It's not because some minister says you should do it. No man, no organization can call common what God has set apart. God set apart this seventh day as holy. He called it that.

And so if you noticed right off the bat, maybe we should read it again. Notice what it says in verse 8, “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” He didn't say remember the Sabbath day and make it holy. It didn't say that, and that's a big difference. He didn't say to make it holy. He says it is holy because we can't make it holy. We can't make it holy. God has made it holy. In fact, He says remember it because it's already been made holy. Now we have to recognize that fact, that the Sabbath is holy and that it is differentiated from the other days, and we have to recognize what God has done and respect the fact that He set this seventh day apart. And so He tells us to remember it, remember it, keep it holy. Make sure that in your behavior, your approach to that day it is holy because God Himself has done this. He has assigned that special significance to this seventh day. We could say He blessed this day, He set it apart, He made it holy, He consecrated that day. And so what we begin to see by what God did on this day, He set it apart and made it distinct. He said it's holy.

Now it's up to us to recognize that fact and maintain a relationship with God. God said, "I have set apart this day. It's holy." So if we're to have a right relationship with God, we've got to recognize this very fact, He set the day apart as holy. If we want the right relationship with God, does that mean then that we have to keep it that way? You see, God's pointing to that very thing. Deuteronomy said it a little bit differently, it said to keep it holy. Observe the Sabbath, keep it holy. So it ties in that concept of observing. So not just remembering it, “Oh, yeah, I remember it is.” No, but then in our behavior, recognize this as a fact that we have a holy God who set apart this day as holy.

In fact, if you turn back just a few pages to Genesis chapter 2, and in verse 3. In Genesis 2:3 we have the beginning, you could say, of this Sabbath that was created by God, right there at the days of creation. We can notice what happened in that account in Genesis 2:3. It says, “God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.” So God made those other days, those other things. He gets to the seventh day, it says, “He blessed it and sanctified it.” Now it's interesting, if you read those words, which one of those words do you think in that particular verse is the same word as “holy” in the Fourth Commandment? It is “sanctified”. Sanctified. He set it apart. Yes, He not only blessed it but He sanctified it. He made it holy. He set it apart. And it's interesting because it also says, “in it He rested from all His work.” That word for rested is the base word for Sabbath. If you wanted to do a little transliteration you could say God blessed the seventh day, sanctified it because in it He sabbathed from all His work, because that's what He did. He rested, and so He rested from what He had created and made. So that becomes a pretty significant thing because God in Exodus 20 points back to that very event. He points back to this time and says, “Remember.” Remember that first rest, that first sabbathing of God back in chapter 2.

You can also say “remember” to the Israelites and Exodus because He had just gotten done pointing out to them all over again what day that Sabbath was. If you remember the story, the Israelites were captive in Egypt. The Pharaoh had them under his control. They were slaves. When they were released they were out in the wilderness, God had to reveal what day was the Sabbath. And so He did that—do you remember how? Do you remember how He revealed what day the Sabbath was to the Israelites? It was through the manna, by feeding them. He gave them twice as much on Friday, and how much was there on the Sabbath? Nothing, that's right, there was nothing there. Pretty good indication you're not supposed to go out and pick up manna on the Sabbath, right? So part of it might be remembering that as well. Remember that seventh day, not just to observe it, because, well, I could recognize that. I could recognize there's no food out there on the Sabbath, but God's pointing to more than that, isn't He? When He says to keep it, He says, “Don't just remember it,” but there's the instruction to keep the Sabbath. And so I think that becomes critical as well—we’re to keep it. We're to keep it in a special way. We're not just supposed to observe it, but we keep it holy. We keep it holy. The Sabbath day is commemorated as a holy day. God said that in Genesis 2. He reminds us of it in Exodus 20. He reminds us again in Leviticus 23, that “This is My Sabbath. This is My...” He gives a whole listing of various Holy Days, but He says the Sabbath is His Sabbath.

And so it's commemorated as a Holy Day, which means some significant things. One of the things that He mentions here, of course, is don't work. But keeping the Sabbath means a whole lot more than just not working, at least according to what God gives right here. If you want to go back to Exodus 20, notice what He says in verse 11. Exodus 20:11 He reminds us once again that “in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.”

So He points out something that's very interesting here. He had just gotten done with the creation, all right? He had formed these different things, He had made the animals, all the things that were created at that time. Are any of those things supposed to be worshiped? They're not supposed to be worshiped. So God points out with the Sabbath that instead of that commandment that talked about idols, instead of worshiping created things, you worship the Creator. And it is such a critical point that mankind has had such a challenge not worshiping the creation or some form of the creation. It seems like we're just drawn to that, but here, God points it out so clearly, we're to worship God by imitating… what aspect? Not by imitating the creation or the creatures, the things, by making idols or anything like that. Here He tells us in the command, we're to worship Him, we're to keep the Sabbath holy by imitating His actions. By imitating His actions. We rest as He rested.

We have a relationship with Him as He had a relationship even back there with Adam and Eve. He observed and kept the Sabbath, He, in a sense, worked those six days and then He rested on the seventh. So we have this remembrance of what happened at creation. It started at creation. In fact, it's interesting the Sabbath starts when, I think we could say, when the keeping of time started. When time started to be kept, we began marking Sabbath. God started labeling them very clearly right off the bat.

It's also important I think to recognize, did God work so hard that He was tired that He had to take a break? We know that's silly, He didn't do that. He didn't do it that way, right? What was that seventh day? It becomes critical to recognize the fact that, all right, He created these things, sometimes we call it the recreation, but then He got to the animals and man and all these wonderful things. God's creating the Sabbath was not a reaction to hard work, but what was it instead? Instead, it was the culmination of His creation. You could say it was the peak. This was the ultimate. It was, you could say, the grand finale of creation. It was the height of His creation. It wasn't just an add-on to say, "Well, I'm done so now I'll rest." No, it wasn't that at all. Everything He had done up to that point was pointing to this very thing, to the seventh day. So it was the culmination of what His creation was all about. Yes, the Sabbath was last in creation, but it wasn't a reaction to that creation at all. It was the culmination of that very week. How do we know that? Because God says Who it belongs to—it belongs to Him. It's God's day.

So if you think of this whole concept of creation and how it is the culmination of that creation week that's described back there in Genesis, it's also a reminder that it points directly to God. It points directly to having a right relationship with God. If the Sabbath is the culmination of His creation week, it's pointing directly to Him. And that, as human beings, the seventh day should point us directly to God. It should be the culmination of our week as well. And so it points us in that direction.

There's also another passage that we could look at, and we'll try not to get off too far here. But if you turn over to Exodus chapter 31. Exodus 31:12, here we have a reiteration of some of the aspects of that command that was given just a few chapters ago in Exodus 20. So if you look over at Exodus 31, notice what He says here at Exodus 31 beginning in verse 12. “The Lord spoke to Moses saying, ‘Speak also to the children of Israel saying surely…’” Whose Sabbaths? Oh, it's My Sabbath, it’s God's Sabbath. “My Sabbath you shall keep for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations." And why would He give that? “That you may know that I am the Lord who sanctifies you. You shall keep the Sabbath therefore, for its holy to you. Everyone who profanes it shall surely be put to death, for whoever does any work on it that person shall be cut off from among his people.” He talks about the work that should not be done on this day. “Work shall be done six days but the seventh is a Sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death. Therefore, the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed.”

And so here again we see this connection, this culmination that points to a relationship with God. Did you catch that as we read through verse 12 for example? “It is a sign between Me and you,” so it points to a direct relationship that we have with each other. We know God is the Lord, He is the Creator, He sanctified. He sanctified this day, and He also sets us apart, He sets us apart as well. And so He points out how critical this is.

Now oftentimes people would read this particular passage and they'll say, "Well, yeah, okay. The Sabbath is interesting and it was important for those Israelites but for us, we're under the New Covenant and this was just strictly for the Israelites. It's not really for us. It was supposed to be something, well, just because it says perpetual doesn't mean it was really perpetual. Just as long as they were around, they were supposed to keep it." What was the purpose again? The purpose was sanctification. It was made holy, it was set apart. Does God set apart His people today? Does God want a relationship with His people today? Does the seventh day still point to God as Creator? It does, it does.

I'm not going to get into a long discussion about the Old Covenant, the Mosaic covenant, the covenant at Sinai, all those kinds of things. There's a couple of things that point, I think, pretty easily to help refute this whole concept that it was just a Jewish kind of a thing. There's an important passage over in Mark 2 that Christ Himself spoke, Mark 2:27. We could start there. In Mark 2:27, here we find Christ teaching, giving some instructions, something important when it comes to the Sabbath itself. Because some would say, "Well, the Sabbath was just for those Israelites. It wasn't for anybody else, and once their whole nation was done, that was done. Once that covenant was over, we don't have to worry about that anymore." Well, if that's the case, we would have a problem with what Jesus Himself said in Mark 2:27 and 28. Here's what Christ Himself said. He said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath." Okay, we read through that very quickly and you could say, "Yeah, the Sabbath was made for those Israelites or those Jews, but not for anybody else." But that's really not what the words are saying there. If you were to look that up in the original language, if you look that up in the Greek, it's not saying the Sabbath was made for man as opposed to a woman, not saying that. What the word is actually pointing to is that the Sabbath was made for mankind. The Sabbath was made for people. And we could say the Sabbath was made for everybody. The Sabbath is made for everyone, that's what Christ Himself was saying. The Sabbath was made for mankind, not the other way around, because some of the Jews of that day didn't get to proper observance of that day, how to really keep it holy.

Christ points it out, it wasn't just a Jewish thing, it was for everyone. Then He also points out something significant that brings us right back to Exodus 20 all over again. He says verse 28, “Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath.” He's pointing all the way back to this time. He is the Lord of the Sabbath, He is the Lord of the Sabbath. And so if you ever had to pick a day that Jesus is the Lord of, what day would you say that He is the Lord? There's a thing today where people will call Sunday “the Lord's Day.” That doesn't work, wait a second. We take Jesus' own words, what day is the Lord's Day? Out of His own mouth, Christ Himself said, "The Lord's day is the Sabbath. The Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath." Lord of the Sabbath. So He makes it very clear. Yeah, there's lots of things you could talk about when it comes to New Covenant versus Old Covenant, but New Covenant Christians keep the Sabbath. New Covenant Christians keep the Sabbath. You can study that throughout the book of Acts, you can study it throughout Paul's writings. It becomes obvious even though some would say, "Well, it was never totally reiterated in the New Testament." I'd say those are pretty powerful words of what Christ had to say. In fact, if there's a whole chapter in the Bible about circumcision, how many chapters would there have to be if, for some reason, the Sabbath was suddenly changed? I think you'd have probably volumes if that were the case.

And so we begin to see Christ validated exactly what was intended on the Sabbath and He made it very clear. And so at best you've got some argument from silence out of the New Testament, but we see pretty clearly that it points to a relationship with God, and that could never change, that could never change. He said, “that you might know that I'm the Lord who sanctifies you,” that we’ll have a relationship. In fact, try looking in your Bible, see if you find any case that it says it's the Sabbath of the Jews. You won't find that at all. You won't find that at all. In fact, when you study through history, Sunday doesn't even become a big issue until you get to several hundred years after the crucifixion. And so no doubt Christ set the seventh day apart from the other six right there at creation. And think about it in this way for a moment. As God set Israel apart at the Exodus, as a people, He gave them the Sabbath. God sets us apart by opening our minds to His truth. He sanctifies us in that sense. So He had the seventh day itself set apart from the other six. He sets apart Israel from the rest of the people at the Exodus, and today He's setting us apart.

And so what does God want us to do? I think it points back to what He's saying right back in Exodus. He wants us to recognize that very fact, that He wants us to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. It reminds us under the New Covenant, it reminds us what it means to keep ourselves holy. What does it take for each of us to make the choices in our life to remain sanctified? You see, observing the Sabbath is an object lesson, it's a weekly reminder about sanctification, about holiness. It's an object lesson in holiness. So as you go back, let's turn back to Exodus 20 once again as we consider this, the sense of the object lesson of sanctification and holiness that God is giving us.

A couple of things that we'll want to notice here. There's something important that He talks about here in verse 9. In verse 9, Exodus 20 He says, “Six days you shall labor and do all your work.” So it begins to point to us the fact that work is important. There's an importance of work. He said most of your time, you're going to have to labor, you're going to have to work six days. He doesn't say five days and rest two, or two out of three ain't bad. He didn't say anything like that. He doesn't say, "Well, do some of your work in six days and if it hangs over into the seventh day, well, that's all right." No, He's pointing out pretty clearly, it says work six days, rest one. So is something wrong with work? I don't think so. In fact, I think it's just the opposite. Work is what we have to do. We have to feed our families. It's the nature of life at times. We've got to accomplish things. Work is important, no doubt about that. But one thing we notice about work… Maybe we describe it that way. What do you usually do? Monday I go to work. I usually go on Tuesday. Work is usual, work is common, work is every day but the seventh, right? Work is common. It's not evil, not necessarily anyway, not necessarily evil.

But remember, what's holy is set apart. What is holy, God makes a distinction. God says the seventh day is special. You ought to put seventh day to a different use, to a different use than a regular day. God distinguished that seventh day by resting as opposed to working. And so for us, He set that example that we're to do likewise. We're to do the same thing, because what happens on that seventh day is to be different than what happens on any other day. So it says six days you've got all the time to do what you need to do. Then the seventh day is different. So I think we see not only as work important but it's good, it's good to work. It's really good to work. There's value in working.

I don't think God says you should hate those six days and love the Sabbath. He didn't say that either. He didn't say that at all. In fact I remember many, many years ago, I remember going to a party. It was for a man who had worked for 40 years at a particular job, 40 years, and it was kind of a retirement celebration for him and the whole thing. And we got into a conversation that afternoon, it's 40 years at the same place, that's amazing, especially for some of us that might have jumped around the jobs, for him 40 years for the same employer all that time. And I couldn't help it, it came to my mind, I said, "Wow, you must have loved working there." You know what he said? "I hated every day." It's like, oh, how terrible would that be? God doesn't want us to hate work. We're not supposed to just have to put up with it. I think God wants us to like what we do, maybe we should love what we do. And ideally that would be the case. I think God says, "Yes, there's some hard work to do. We're not supposed to be lazy." There's lots of other passages that talk about that. Certainly work is important, God created work. If He thought it was bad He wouldn't have said He worked for six days, would He? That wouldn't be the case. In fact, God gave lots of people work in the Bible, didn't He? God created work. He gave Adam work. And so there's going to be work later on as well. And so one of the things that this commandment points out is the value and the dignity of working. That's a good thing. You think that principle still applies today? I think it does, I think it does.

Then of course He follows it up with rest, and rest is certainly important. Rest is important. It's critical as well. The seventh day is a day of rest, a day of rest. Not just for us as individuals, but for our entire household, everyone in the house is supposed to, even the animals aren’t supposed to work. You don't work, your kids don't work, your animals don't work, your wife doesn't work, nobody. Not to do any work. That doesn't just mean you don't go into work that day, right, we just don't go to our job. It means you don't do any work at the house, you don't get out your computer and start doing work. That's not supposed to be done either. And so the Sabbath is also an important lesson in rest, in rest, because remember who this commandment initially was given to here? Exodus 20, this was given to a slave people. What was their work like? Probably like that guy I knew, probably hated every day of it. Because they were slaves. They had been former slaves for 400 years. So if you could imagine their lifestyle, sun up to sun down, seven days a week, no rest, no vacations, no PTO, no paid time off, nothing like that at all, right?

Now, God brings them out, and He says not only are you allowed to take time off, here's the cool part, you're commanded to take time off. It's not just like well, this is a nice idea and you're going to accumulate it and maybe never use it. No, He says you're commanded. So here we have the Fourth Commandment. You could maybe even think of it in terms, depending on the problems that you have—is this God's command to workaholics? Maybe. He's telling us we need a break. We need rest. He doesn't want us to work too much. Some of us have that tendency. Yes, some don't work that hard but others work too hard. We love work so much we're addicted to it. We can't seem to get away with it. We're the first one there, we're the last one to leave. We can't get enough, we come to work, we work when we're sick, we work all the time we possibly can. Some are like that. But God says not this day, not the seventh day. You have to take time off. In fact, not just time off, not just rest, but to develop a relationship with Me, God says.

So when you look at the example of Jesus Christ, it's an interesting one on the Sabbath. We won't take time to go through all His example but when you think of rest, oftentimes we might think, "Well, I get to sleep all day." But you look at Christ's example of Sabbath observance and keeping the Sabbath holy, He didn't sleep all day, He didn't do that. He didn't stay by Himself, He didn't stay home and just pray and study all day. He didn't do that either. He didn't make large banquets that day, He didn't do that. He didn't buy or sell things on the Sabbath. He didn't go on long trips on the Sabbath. He pointed through His example what we should do, how to develop a better relationship with God. Jesus Christ spent His activities on the Sabbath in serving, serving God, serving others. It wasn't just hanging out and napping all day.

And so Christ set a wonderful example of a day that was not just a day of inactivity but a day of special activities. The Sabbath was a day of special activities. And so Christ set that example, showing how important rest is. Now of course it doesn't stop there, because in this Sabbath command we also see the importance of worship. Worship is important. Worship is critical. In fact, it points us to the lesson as God set apart this seventh day—it takes time to be holy. It takes time to develop a relationship with God. You see in the Old Testament even, the Sabbath was not just a day of physical rest, there were also worship purposes on that day. You might write down Leviticus 23:3, I won't turn there, but on that day the Sabbath, Leviticus 23 reminds us not only is it a day of rest but Leviticus 23 says the seventh day is a day of Sabbath rest and then adding “a day of holy convocation,” or some translations say a day of sacred assembly or commanded assembly. It's a time to come together and worship God. And so Sabbath is so critical for worship.

It's set aside and dedicated to God, and we keep that holiness of the Sabbath because we worship God. So not just the absence of work but the presence of worship. Not just the absence of work, but the presence of worship is critical when it comes to the Sabbath. And so Christ showed the way when it came to that very thing. In his behavior He worshiped, He went to services, we might say. He went to the temple on the Sabbath. He healed people on the Sabbath. He tended to their physical needs, their spiritual needs. He walked in God's creation and worshiped and prayed to God. He fellowshipped, He worked on relationships with others, and of course built an amazing bond with people. He prayed to His Heavenly Father and had an amazing relationship. He studied the Word. And all of those things you might say are worshipful activities that are fully appropriate on the Sabbath. And so when you begin to recognize what was happening here, that Sabbath was set apart and sanctified, it was made holy, and we see that in order to have that as a part of our life, if we're going to have a relationship with God, it is going to take time, and God planned it that way. In fact, He planned us to have the time to have a relationship with Him. I mean how cool is that? We know how busy life can be but God says, "All right, don't do your everyday thing, don't do that common thing. This day is consecrated. It's holy to you. I want to build a relationship with you. Here's the time that you can especially work on it. You can especially develop that relationship."

You can begin to understand the significance of that day when we recognize that. So when you put this command with the first three, put all four of those commandments together, it gives us the time, the initiative, the reason that's required for worship. And so how important is it? The commandment itself tells us to take that time. Because you know what? We have a tendency not to do that. We are so preoccupied with life, we have so many things going on. It is life is just so busy, there are so many responsibilities we all have. There are so many activities to go to. Now we've got our smartphones with the millions of apps that we have on them that can detract us or just distract us from doing other things that might be productive. There are so many things that preoccupy us and take our time that we can't properly worship God.

But God says, “This is a day that you can. This is the day that you can worship and honor Me.” And so God gives this time especially the high priority. God gives it the priority that He wants it to have. So Israel, way back then, was told to quit working and I believe part of that purpose was to facilitate a better, stronger relationship with God. I don't think it's any different today. Remember He said back there in Exodus, "Let My people go. Tell Pharaoh, ‘Let My people go that they may serve Me.’" Let My people go that they may serve Me. Well, the Israelites didn't have time to worship God because they were being beaten down, having to make bricks and work for Pharaoh all that time. Now God gives them the time. So in order for them to serve God, it was necessary for them to have the freedom and the time to do so. They needed the freedom and the time to do so. How much time do you have when you're in bondage? Not much.

You see, that lifestyle is a hindrance to worship. Now think about that today. The bondage of all the things that distract us—does that keep us from a right relationship with God? Yeah, all too often it does. God built into His way an opportunity for worship, a special opportunity. We should be taking advantage of a part of every single day to draw closer to Him. But He gives us this special day that He set apart to do that very thing and take advantage of that. And so what a blessing that is, that God built it into His system that we can worship Him and we can honor Him, [phone rings in audience] and we can even answer our phone if it’s ringing. [laughter] You see, when you look at the Sabbath, it is such a critical thing. And no wonder some would say, "Well, you don't have to do that. In fact, I have the freedom to worship God every day or any day.” But you know what I've noticed in my experience when someone says that? It normally means they don't worship God any day. Yeah, they could but they don't. But God set it up this way, and New Covenant Christians observe the Sabbath because God set it apart and made it holy. We remember that and we keep it holy.

In fact, He also points out I think another lesson that also is tied in with this command as well, and it's about planning. It kind of comes back a little bit to number three but ties in with this as well. This idea that there is a lesson in planning when it comes to the Sabbath. It means we have to plan our week, plan to get all of the things we're doing and we want done, try to get that done in those six days, and then on the seventh day we're planning for special activities that honor and worship God and observe His Sabbath. Planning is a good thing, isn't it? We plan for a career, we plan to go to college, we plan a marriage, we plan a family, we plan for our retirement. All of those kinds of things are good. The importance of planning in life is critical, isn't it? Well, when it comes to the Sabbath, we should plan the same way that God planned. You see, when God started the creation process, did it just happen, "Well, I finished on the sixth day and I guess I'll just take this one off?" Is it just something that kind of happened? Or do you think He planned it that way? You think He did it that way on purpose? Well, of course He did. It was the culmination of His plan. And so I think we have to strive to make that a reality in our lives, that we do our work in those six days and plan ahead so that we don't have to work. Not even that we don't have to—we don't want to work. We don't want to work, that we want to develop our relationship with God even that much more fully. We want to develop our relationships with each other as we keep this command and the significance of it. That's what we're striving for. And so God made it possible by giving us the time to do that very thing.

In fact, you think about the subject of time that God gives us. How about our priorities? How are our priorities stacked in relationship to the time that we have? You think about your priorities and your time, the things that you need to do or you want to do. You can start stacking them up. How much of your time does that take? One of the interesting things about this particular command is maybe what's most important isn't always shown in direct proportion to our time. You know what I mean by that? God gave us six days to do what we want to do, what we need to do. God gave us one day, the seventh day, to do what He wants us to do, to develop a relationship with Him. What's most important in our life? Hopefully it's this relationship with God, is most important. And God gives us that one day to develop and continue to grow in that relationship with Him. And so in a sense, our highest priority, God doesn't even demand that we do it every single day, that we set every single day apart as something special like the Sabbath day. He doesn't do that. He doesn't say that we come together in collective worship every single day, does He? He doesn't say that we have to do that. He gives us the Sabbath, He gives us one day.

I think what that does is it helps emphasize how critical this day is, how critical. Because remember where it's pointing. It's pointing to who God is. Who is our God? Is our God the Creator? Is our God the one who made the Sabbath? We recognize that on the seventh day. And so we have to plan, we have to plan if we're going to make it through this life, don't we? Otherwise we're going to be taken in by so many distractions and so many difficulties. We're going to be overwhelmed with just the business of life and the things that are out there.

But God planned, He purposed this special day and He set the example for us, I believe, in that way, that He set that example to show us very clearly. So He wants us to plan, He wants us to finish our things on time so that we have His time. We remember His time. It does take time to be close to God. It does take time to grow in the character of Jesus Christ. It takes time to be holy. It took God time to make this special time, and I think it emphasizes that very fact for each one of us. That God made that time especially for us so we could have that right relationship with Him.

In fact, if you look back at Exodus one more time, it's in verse 9 where He says, “Six days you shall labor and do all your work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord, Your God.” So we have this opportunity to express to our Creator, to the Church, to each other, to the world, who our God is. We show the God of creation is the God who made all things. There is no other God that comes before us. We validate the First Commandment by keeping the Fourth. We validate the Second Commandment by not getting into idol worship. We have no other gods before Him. We validate those commandments. We don't carelessly, uselessly use God's name in any way. We are a representation of what God is all about. We don't take His name in vain, we don't take the name “Christian” in vain, and we prove it because of our behavior on the seventh. It validates, there's an exhibit that we are striving to be His people, of course not perfectly, but striving to do that very thing.

And so in the Fourth Commandment we validate the others, that yes, in our lives God is number one. We have no other gods. Our God in our life. My own life isn't my God. My phone isn't my God. The Internet isn't my God. My job isn't my God. But the Creator is my God. There are no other distractions in my life that take me away from who I am. So we find ultimately a Christian's identity is in the Sabbath because our identity is found in the worship of God. What a powerful day, what a powerful day. What a day that begins to show we can have a relationship with God the Father and with Jesus Christ. Without keeping this day, I believe you cannot say you're keeping the first three. It doesn't follow. So the Sabbath is all about this relationship that we have with God. He's called us to this special relationship, He's called us out of the common, He's called us out of this world, the everyday, into a special relationship with Him, and He's given us a special day to grow in that relationship. So what an amazing blessing He has given us. So these first four commandments are those that Christ... [no sound]

On, it is on. All right, see, if this battery would have rested on the seventh day, it would have worked. [laughter] It would have made it all the way, but it didn't. Oh, well.

So I hope we begin to see the importance, how significant is the Sabbath. Well, it is absolutely amazing that God has blessed us with this special day at this special time to have a special relationship with Him. It's not a legalistic thing, it's a loving thing because we love God. We obey Him and we keep His commandments. So what a blessing, the Sabbath. Make sure we don't miss an opportunity. Take advantage of the time that God has given us, because I know that as you do this you will begin to grow in that relationship with your Creator.

All right, well, that will do it for tonight. We're just about that hour up. I didn't have the battery last quite long enough so we'll make sure it does next time. All right, we'll see you in two weeks. We'll get into commandment number five. Those next commandments begin to deal with loving your neighbor as yourself. So we'll look forward to seeing you then. Thanks for coming out tonight.

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Is the Feast of Tabernacles relevant in 2023? Observing this annual festival gives us a window into God's thinking and shows us what's still ahead in His plan for all people. So, why does it pass by every year with so little attention?

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San Antonio, TX

Holiness of the Sabbath

Holiness, Part 7

The weekly Sabbath is part of our worship of God and a large part of our life as Christians. It is a day that is much more than an hour of worship like so many churches of the world today practice. Our church believes in the seventh-day Sabbath. We often can forget what this day is all about. In this sermon, we will cover the holiness of the Sabbath. This is Part 7 of the sermon series on holiness.


[Gary Petty] The weekly Sabbath is part of our worship of God. It’s very much a part of our lives as Christians. And it’s a whole lot more than just coming to church for an hour, which is what a lot of people experience in their Sunday-keeping – they go to church for an hour and Sunday is, basically, a day different than other days, in some ways – many people do work – but it’s a day of having fun and doing their pleasures, and, basically, the worship part of the day comes down to about an hour of services.

There’s a church up in New Braunfels where you don’t even have to dress up, because outside they have where you can park under these awnings, and turn your radio dial to a certain place, and you can listen to the sermon just by sitting there in your car – which means, if you have a golf game, you can come dressed for golf. Although there is a – someone was telling me recently about – a golf course where you can in the morning, and I think it’s between 9 and 10, you can go to a service right there – show up in your golf clothes, have your service – a little 20 minute sermon, sing a few songs – they say the “Amen,” and you run out the door, because your tee-time is right after church services.

Now we have a little different approach to what services are about, because it’s about this day. We observe the Sabbath because it’s one of the Ten Commandments. That’s one of the reasons. We believed that Jesus Christ observed the seventh-day Sabbath. We believe that you can go through the New Testament and prove that the early New Testament church kept the seventh-day Sabbath. But we have to be careful about this day in that many of us have observed it for a long time. We’ve done it for so long that, sometimes, we can forget what this day, actually, is all about. There’s a message in this day. Actually, God reveals something about Himself in this day.

This is part of a series that I’ve been going through on Holiness. The first of these numerous sermons we’ve gone through – how people are made holy by God – we’ve gone through and shown how we must hallow God’s name in the way that we act, in who we are. We have shown what it means not to use God’s name in vain. We’ve gone through and shown how marriage is holy and why Christian marriage is an important teaching in the scripture. We went and showed how our children are holy – that’s what the scripture says – and what does that mean, and the responsibility parents have in teaching holiness to their children. Holiness is something only God can, actually, impart. It’s only something God can give. Only He can make something, or someone, holy.

Well, today we’re going to talk about the Holy Sabbath. And remember, everything that God declares holy, he then reveals something about Himself in it, because holiness comes from Him. This day is supposed to teach us about God. How do we keep this day holy?

I’ve heard many sermons over the years on the holiness of the Sabbath. It usually goes like this: “Today I’m going to give you seven ways to keep this day holy.” Or, one time, I knew of a minister who gave a series of sermons over a hundred things you should not do on the Sabbath. Now, there is a place for those sermons – I’m not saying, “That’s bad” – but we have to be careful that we simply don’t make the Sabbath a list of do’s and don’ts, and, in doing so, we miss the purpose of it, which is exactly what the Pharisees did. So, yes, we need to have our list of do’s and don’ts, but we need to be very careful, and we need to understand the principles of the Sabbath. And today, we’re going to talk about the principles of the Sabbath.

Remember, all law is based on principle. So, if we’re going to ask, “What is it I should do to keep this day holy?” or “What is it I shouldn’t do to keep this day holy? we can either create a thousand do’s and don’ts, or we learn the principles, and we can, each of us then, learn to apply the principles every Sabbath to what we’re doing. And it’s very easy for people to forget the holiness of this day. So this is very much a part of this series on holiness, because this is a holy time. We’ve talked about holy people, holy institutions, holy places, but now we’re into holy time. What does that mean?

Let’s start with the Ten Commandments themselves and this commandment – the Fourth Commandment. Let’s go back to Exodus 20 and there are two things I want to bring out here. Exodus, chapter 20 – when we usually read through this, there are a couple of points that we bring out and I want you zero in on, maybe, something you haven’t zeroed in on. And then we’re going to go to Deuteronomy 5 and see that the commandment is actually worded differently in Deuteronomy 5, but it tells us something else about this day. Verse 8:

Exodus 20:8Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it, you shall do no work – you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger, who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD may the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore, the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. He blessed it and made it holy. So God does create holy time.

So people get into, really, what becomes ridiculous arguments. “Well, how do you count the Sabbath in parts of the Arctic where there’s no sunlight for six months?” “How do you count the Sabbath when sundown is a little different time here than in Las Cruces?” I grew up in Appalachia. And sundown was 7:32, if you were driving. And then you went into a valley, and it was 7:35. Then you went behind another hill, and it was 7:32. It changed about every thousand yards! Okay? And those kinds of arguments become meaningless when you understand the purpose of the Sabbath, what God is revealing in His Sabbath, and then you begin to understand how we are to keep this time holy.

Two things I want to zero in. First of all, the Sabbath is a day to show love towards your neighbor, including your closest neighbors – your children, your male and female servants, even your animals. The specific commandment here is that wherever you have responsibility, you are to help those people also experience this day. It’s a shame so many children grow up thinking the Sabbath is so restrictive and such a negative thing. I grew up not thinking that, but that’s because of what I was taught as a child. But the idea that this is a day where your children receive a blessing…and people who work for you should receive a blessing on this day, because it is a day of rest. That’s the first point I want to bring out, because we’re going to keep coming back to this idea that the Sabbath is a day…people who actually keep the Sabbath give a blessing to others through the way that they keep it. If we really understand the Sabbath, we actually give a blessing to others because we keep it and observe it correctly.

And a second point I want to make is in verse 11, where the Sabbath commemorates God as Creator. Right? In six days He created all things and on the seventh day, He created this day. Now, He created his day. This day is a creation of God and He declared it holy.

I know I told this story at the Doctrines Class this week, but I think I’ll pass it on. I think I may have told it before. But Mike Snyder, who has his own public relations agency and does work for the church…. Years and years, in the Worldwide Church of God, we were invited to send a speaker to a theological conference. And nobody wanted to go, so instead of sending a minister, they sent poor Mike – PR guy. And I remember the first time Mike told me this story because he said, “I walked in the room and here’s a round table” – I think it was a round table, but a table there – “and sitting around it” – and he started mentioning these people – he said, “Do you know who D A Carson is?” I said, “Oh yeah.” He’s a top Protestant theologian. He’s written a…his most famous book is Why You Don’t Have To Keep the Seventh-Day Sabbath.” He said, “Yeah, he was sitting next to me.” He said, “And I’m sitting there thinking all these guys have DD, DD, DDs, you know – Doctor of Divinity, plus after their names. These are the top guys on the entire west coast.” And he’s sitting there. And finally, one of them looked at him and asked him some question – I don’t remember the exact question, but it was sort of like, “Why does the Worldwide Church of God put so much emphasis on the Sabbath?” And he said, “Wow! How do I answer that really short so I don’t get torn apart in this room?” And he said, “I thought for a second and I prayed about it,” and he said, “Well, in the book of Colossians, it says that God created all things through Jesus Christ.” “Well, yeah, that’s right.” “And when we look at Genesis, we see that the Creator, who is the One that we know as Jesus Christ, created all things in six days. And on the seventh day, He created the Sabbath. And then Jesus shows up and says, ‘I am the Lord of the Sabbath.’” So he said, “I keep the Sabbath because Jesus Christ is Creator and Lord of the Sabbath.” He said one of them looked at him, and said, “You almost persuadeth me.” He said after that he was accepted as part of the group. He didn’t know Greek. He didn’t know Hebrew. I mean these are smart men. I’ve read some of the books by some of the guys in that room. I mean, these guys are very intelligent men. And here is Mike, accepted as one of the group, because that argument they could not tear apart. And they didn’t even try.

We’re here to keep this Sabbath day and one of the reasons is, we commemorate the Creator. We’re going to bring that back in a minute, too. So we commemorate the Creator and we give a blessing to others. We rest. And this is about physical rest, it’s about spiritual rest, it’s about emotional rest

I tell you, my Sabbaths usually…you know, I go to bed at midnight Friday night and I work 15 hours on Sabbath. And I envy you sometimes, because I remember what a Sabbath is like. So, keeping the Sabbath is a huge blessing – keeping it and sharing it with others is a blessing, according what we read here in Exodus.

Now let’s go to Deuteronomy – Deuteronomy 5, verse 12 – once again, the fourth of the Ten Commandments.
Deuteronomy 5:12Observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy, as the LORD your God commanded you. So, keep it holy. This is a holiness issue. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it, you shall do no work, nor your daughter – and it’s the same instructions as in Exodus. But notice verse 15. There’s something added to it.

V-15 – And remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt. And the LORD your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand by an outstretched arm. Therefore the LORD your God commanded you to keep the Sabbath day.

Now the Sabbath existed before they left Egypt. I know that because I’ve read Genesis. Right? But we also know that because in Exodus 16, God punishes them for not obeying in keeping the Sabbath. But the Ten Commandments hadn’t been given yet. They had to know the Sabbath. The Sabbath had to exist before the Ten Commandments or why would He be punishing them? So it existed before the Ten Commandments and they weren’t keeping it. He told them to stay in their tents. Now I’ve had people ask me, “Should we not stay in our houses on the Sabbath?” My answer is, “Well, if you’re going to apply Exodus 16 to yourself, that means you’re not keeping the Sabbath. So, if you’re breaking the Sabbath that severely, yes, you should stay at your house. Now, if you’re not breaking the Sabbath, then you don’t need to be punished.” See, Exodus 16 is a punishment – stay in your houses. Later, He told them to come out of their houses – or tents. But notice here in verse 15: when they do this – when a person observes the Sabbath properly, it becomes a blessing to others – they give that blessing to others – but also, this isn’t tied in with the creation, like Exodus 20 is. This is tied in with God as Redeemer. “I’m the One who brought you out. I’m the One who saved you. I’m the One who brought you out of Egypt and gave you the Promised Land.” And so it’s tied in directly with God as Savior and Redeemer.

So, isn’t that interesting? The first set of the Ten Commandments ties in the Fourth Commandment with God as Creator. The second time it’s mentioned, it ties in God as Redeemer and Savior. These are important points. In both cases we’re told not to work on the Sabbath – not do our regular work – because there is some work that has to be done on the Sabbath. We’ll talk about that. And we’re told to see God as Creator and Redeemer.

We know that God, then, created a special covenant with Israel concerning the Sabbath in Exodus 31. But really, the instructions on how to keep the Sabbath are actually very small. What’s amazing is how few real instructions there are about Sabbath-keeping in the Bible! They were told not to build a fire. There’s a reason for that. We’ll discuss that in a minute – what does that mean in the modern context? But there’s not a lot told. You don’t work. And, in Leviticus, they were told to have a holy convocation. They had to assemble together in a holy convocation.

In Isaiah 58, though, we have a set of principles that tells us how the Sabbath should be observed. So let’s go to Isaiah 58. Then we’re going to look at some New Testament scriptures. So we’re looking at the principles of holiness. When people, sometimes, call me and say, “Should I do this or should I not do this on the Sabbath?” a lot of time they go away a little bit frustrated, because I don’t say yes or no. Sometimes I do – you know, “My boss wants me to work Friday night. Is that okay?” Well, what do you think? What does the commandment say? It says I shouldn’t. Okay. Do what the commandment says. Sometimes, when people come to me with a question, I give them the principles, and say, “Apply the principles.” Now, it would be easier…I’m a firstborn. I like a Talmud. I would like 1,000 things you cannot do on the Sabbath and 1,000 things you should do on the Sabbath. Then my life would be perfect. And then I’d just try to enforce that on everybody else. And that’s what firstborns do. But we have to learn principles and live by the principles. And the principles, in some ways, are general and, in some ways, are very strict. So we have to be able to determine…we have to go through and say, “Which principles here apply very strictly and which ones apply in a more general sense?” Look what it says in Isaiah 58, verse 13.

Isaiah 58:13If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath – in other words, you’re tramping on God’s Sabbath. Instead of upholding it as a holy law of God and as holy time in which He reveals Himself, you’re tramping on it. He says, “Get your foot off of it. Stop stepping on it and uphold it up for what it is” – from doing your pleasure on My holy day. So, if we’re going to look at principles, the first thing we should ask, “Am I doing this just for fun or am I doing this because it’s a holy thing to do?” If we just see the Sabbath as a day for fun, what makes that different than any other day? So then, when people say, “I think today what I’m going to do is go to Six Flags on the Sabbath,” then we go to the scripture and say, “Is this your pleasure?”

“Okay, that means that the Sabbath has to be without fun – dreary, painful, terrible day.” No, because we’re going to see that’s not what it says. But it starts with “Take your foot off the Sabbath. Stop tramping on the Sabbath by doing these things.” …from doing your pleasure on My holy day – now notice the rest of the sentence – and call the Sabbath a delight. You say, “Well, wait a minute. I can’t have fun, but I’m supposed to call it a delight? I’m supposed to call it good? I’m supposed to say I’m happy?” Yes, but only if you understand holiness. If you don’t have a right relationship with God, the Sabbath will be a burden, and you will hate it, and you will do whatever you want, and it will be restrictive to you. The Sabbath command must be obeyed from the heart. It must be “because I love God.” We start with “I fear God” in life. And we are supposed to have a proper fear of God. But there reaches a point where God says, “I don’t want you to just obey Me because you’re afraid of Me. I want you to obey Me because you love Me. And this is a holy time that I have called you into.” He hasn’t called all of humanity into this day yet. He’s going to. It is a privilege from the Almighty God to be called to the holiness of this day. Now think about that. It is a privilege from the Almighty God to be called to the holiness of this day. It has to do with your relationship/my relationship with Him. If you don’t have a relationship with God, this cannot be a delight. It’s restrictive. So, you either will break it every chance you get and pretend you’re keeping it, or, in order to try and force yourself to keep it, you’ll simply make up more and more rules so that you’re forced to keep it. Is it a delight? Is it because you love God and this day?

…call the Sabbath a delight, the holy day of the LORD, honorable – because it’s good, it’s honorable, it’s special – and shall honor Him – that’s really important, because, as we go through this, we’re going to see the questions we have to ask ourselves. Do you want to know, “Should I do this on the Sabbath or shouldn’t I do this on the Sabbath?” The first thing you ask yourself, “Is this my pleasure?” and the second thing you have to ask yourself, “Is this honoring God?” “Okay, I’m going on down to Corpus, go fishing and water skiing and drink beer all day.” “Well, that’s a way to honor God….” That is not honoring God. Is it wrong to go fishing? No. But you understand. There are questions we have to ask. Is it wrong to go fishing and water skiing and drinking beer all day long on the Sabbath? Well, if we ask these questions – you really ask these questions – you have to come to a certain conclusion. …and shall honor Him, not doing your own ways. We have to be driven to do God’s ways. We have to believe, ultimately, keeping the Sabbath is an act of faith. “I believe God’s way works and I believe this day is a blessing.”

Now the truth is, I’ve seen thousands and thousands of people become Sabbath keepers and then give it up, because they never saw it as a blessing. They only saw it as a curse. They never saw it as a blessing.

The rest of the verse says: …nor finding your own pleasure, nor even speaking your own words. Mr. Dove and I – he’s not here today – I’m picking him up, because he’s going up to give the sermonette in Austin after services – but he and I have a little agreement. When one of us starts talking about too much football on the Sabbath, the other one changes the subject. And, of course, when he’s talking about the Dallas Cowboys and how bad they are, he’s always happy when I change the subject. But that’s another thing. He’s not here to cut me off today. But we do. We have a little agreement. When one of us starts talking about football, and it goes more than about twenty seconds, the other one changes the subject. Why do we do that? Because it’s okay to talk for a little bit about, maybe, some game or something – for a short period of time, but that shouldn’t be our focus. So we agree to keep the other one from getting out of focus. And that’s what we do. And, if you know Mr. Dove and I, you know that we have to do that quite often with each other. “Even our own words.”

There are a lot of people that played the Sabbath over the years and when you don’t keep the Sabbath holy, you eventually give up holiness in other areas of your life. If we don’t keep the Sabbath holy, we begin to give up other…. It’s like I said about the family: If your marriage isn’t based in holiness, or your childrearing isn’t based in holiness, or your conduct – “Hallowed by Thy name” – isn’t based in holiness, if your view isn’t about the holiness of God and only He can make things holy – this is what? the sixth sermon in this series – if in any of these areas we get to far out of God’s holiness, we begin to deteriorate in all other areas. That’s why it’s so important. Verse 14 says:

V-14 – Then you shall delight yourself in the LORD – then you will find happiness in God! “No, I will find happiness in making extra money on the Sabbath.” “No, you don’t understand. I will find happiness by going to the movies on the Sabbath.” “I’ll find happiness by playing ball on the Sabbath” – if I’m a teenager. “I’ll find happiness if I do this.” No, you won’t! Then you will delight yourself in the LORD, and will cause you ride on the high hills of the earth, and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father, for the mouth of the LORD has spoken.

So we begin to see that God gives us, here in the Old Testament – and this is a very quick overview of some Old Testament scriptures…. But let’s look at what He’s told us. The Sabbath is observed as a commemoration of God as Creator. Remember that. We come here every week to commemorate God as Creator. That’s what Exodus 20 says. The Sabbath is a day to free our children and our employees from the burden of everyday work. The Sabbath is observed as a commemoration of God as Liberator and Redeemer. That’s mentioned in Deuteronomy 5. The Sabbath is observed in holiness to worship the One who makes you holy. We just read that in Isaiah 58. The Sabbath is a time to refrain from our own work, desires and activities in order to honor God. That was carried out in all three of the scriptures that we read

Now, those statement alone have an enormous…any question you have about the Sabbath – you just took those statements – “In what I’m doing, does this honor God as Creator? Is what I’m doing relieving others of their burdens – my children, my employees? Am I worshipping God as Liberator and Redeemer? Am I observing this in holiness in honor of the One who makes holy? And, am I refraining from my work, my desires and my activities? Well, just asking those questions helps define conduct on the Sabbath.

Now, let’s look at a few places where Jesus taught about the Sabbath. Luke 4. Most people don’t think of Luke 4 in terms of the Sabbath, but I want you to zero in on something Jesus says here in connection with the passage in Deuteronomy 5, where the Fourth Commandment is given, because this is where Jesus launches His ministry. This is where He launches His public ministry. Let’s start in verse 16.

Luke 4:16And He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up, and, as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read – public reading from members of the congregation was quite common in the synagogue – and He was handed a book of the prophet Isaiah. When He opened the book, He found the place where it is written, “The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and recover the sight to the blind, and set at liberty those who are oppressed, and to proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD.” And He closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him, and He began to say to them, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”

Now, He launches His ministry on the Sabbath, which makes perfect sense. He’s the Lord of the Sabbath, the Creator of the Sabbath. He launches His public ministry on the Sabbath and what’s the first thing He start with? “I’m here to tell you the good news of redemption and liberation.” Deuteronomy 5 – “Remember, it is God who brought you out of Egypt.” He stands up and says, “I am here to bring you out of the captivity you are in.” The captivity is sin. And so we find Jesus Christ taking the Sabbath commandment and expanding it out into the gospel to the world. “Remember this day, for I brought you out of sin.” See, we can apply the same thing today. Remember this day, because it was God who called you to keep it. It was God who called you to observe it. It was God who brought you out of the meaningless beliefs you had before. It was God who opened your mind. There’s a sentence tacked on to Deuteronomy 5: Keep this day, because remember, God is your Liberator, as your Savior. And Jesus Christ gets up and says on the Sabbath, “I’m here to do that. It’s a lot grander scale than the Israelites coming out of Egypt. This is the world coming out of sin.” You say, “Well, that has to do with the Days of Unleavened Bread.” Yes, it does. It also has to do with the Sabbath. He’s Creator and Liberator. And this is how He starts His teachings, which leads us to some questions – this section alone.

If I’m going to keep the Sabbath, do I understand the gospel and holy relationship that God has offered to me? Because the gospel was first proclaimed publicly by Jesus Christ in His first what? Sabbath sermon. He had read from the scripture before, but He gets up and talks here. When He’s done talking, in chapter 4, the people want to kill Him. He has such a revolutionary explanation of scripture, the Jews want to kill Him! It reminds us all the time that, as we go through the New Testament, that although we learn from Jewish customs, Judaism is not a religion of the New Testament. If it was, it would not have killed the Messiah. Modern Judaism is not the religion – it denies Jesus Christ – and it is not the religion of the New Testament.

A second question for this passage: Am I responding by becoming holy in thoughts and actions? This day is a day to bring us back into remembrance: I have been by a holy God to become a holy person, and this is a holy time in which I am in relationship with Him, and He has called us to heal us. A question you can ask yourself is, “Do I observe the Sabbath as a love response to God’s holiness? Do I wished to be healed?” because this is a healing day. Jesus healed a lot of people on the Sabbath – deliberately – and almost every time brought serious persecution against Himself – confrontation – because He was working on the Sabbath.

Mark, chapter 3 – let’s look at this instance – Mark, chapter 3:

Mark 3:1And He entered the synagogue again – this is verse 1 – and a man was there who had a withered hand. And they watched Him closely, whether He would heal him on the Sabbath, so they might accuse Him. There is work that is to be done on the Sabbath. What is that work? And He said to the man that had the withered hand, “Step forward.” And He said to him, “Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil – to save life or to kill?” Now the question He asked is, “According to the law….” Now you have to say, “Well, where would I find the law where I could save or kill on the Sabbath?” Because you, actually, cannot find that in the Torah. It’s not mentioned. But you will find a Jewish oral law and, in the Talmud, this is argued over and over and over again. The Pharisees were the extreme liberals, because they said you could pull an animal out of the ditch on the Sabbath. The Essenes said, “Oh, you break the Sabbath. You don’t believe in God’s Sabbath. You should leave an animal to die in the ditch. You can only pull a man out of the ditch on the Sabbath.” So the Essene actually saw the Pharisees as Sabbath breakers. You have to understand. In 1st century Judaism, they all accused each other of constantly being Sabbath breakers – so much so that Jesus Christ is accused over and over and over again of being what? A Sabbath breaker, because they didn’t understand the principles of what God was doing with this holy day. And when He had looked around them with anger, being grieved by the hardness of their hearts, He said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” And he stretched it out, and his hand was restored as whole as the other. And then you read verse 6 – from that point on, the Pharisees and the Herodians decided they have to kill this man. He’s a Sabbath breaker. They wanted to discredit Him.

Now notice that Jesus never argues – this is very important. If you go through all the places in the New Testament, where Jesus healed people and was accused of breaking the Sabbath, He never once says, “You don’t have to keep the Sabbath.” He never once argues against the Sabbath. He only argues how it is supposed to be kept. That’s important! He never says, “Don’t keep the Sabbath.” He argues over and over again that you are to do good on the Sabbath and God is going to do good on the Sabbath. The purpose of the Sabbath isn’t to do nothing. It is to do good! – and so the healing on the Sabbath that He is accused of so many times. Because everything He did was about glorifying God. Sometime, go through all the places in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, where Jesus healed somebody on the Sabbath, and you’ll see over and over and over again, He’s arguing, “It’s the Sabbath! We should glorify God!”

So, ask yourself this question when you’re faced with, “Should I do this or not do this?” or “What am I going to do on the Sabbath?” Does this activity help me glorify God? Does it help me glorify God? Does this activity help my family glorify God? Now here’s one that’s really important: Is this activity an example that may help others glorify God? Does this help others glorify God? If you ask those questions prayerfully, it’s going to guide the way you observe the Sabbath.

John 5 – this is an important one. This is actually been used by some – not too many – but it’s been used by some to try to say, “This proves Jesus did away with the Sabbath.” But what this proves is, the people making the commentary don’t know the purpose of the Sabbath. It doesn’t prove what they say it does. John 5:16 – once again, this is another situation where He had healed somebody. Verse 16 says:

John 5:16For this reason, the Jews persecuted Jesus and sought to kill Him, because He had done these things on the Sabbath. If you read the first part of this chapter, He had healed somebody on the Sabbath. And Jesus answered them, “My Father has been working until now, and I have been working.” Therefore the Jews sought all the more to kill Him, because not only had He broken the Sabbath, but also said that God was His Father, making Himself equal with God. See, He’s a Sabbath breaker. Why? “I am working on the Sabbath.”

What is the work that Jesus does on the Sabbath? We’re going to talk about that here towards the end of the Sabbath. There is work that He’s doing every day on the Sabbath. There’s work that He is doing right now in this room on the Sabbath. That work is what the Sabbath is about. That work produces rest in you and me. The only way you’re going to get the world out of your head for the 24 hours of the Sabbath is, God is going to help you do it. He’s working to give you and me rest. Most of the time, we’re resisting the rest. We’re like little kids you put in bed, and say, “Take a nap,” and they scream and holler and cry. We are breaking the Sabbath all the time, because we’re screaming and hollering and crying, saying, “I don’t want to keep the Sabbath. I don’t want rest. Don’t give me rest! There are things to do!” That’s what we’re doing. God’s working to give us rest. So Jesus says, “I work on the Sabbath. I healed this man.”
Creator and Redeemer. Remember what I said? Creator and Redeemer. That’s what He’s doing with us today.

It’s interesting back in Numbers 28. Every day in the tabernacle, they did sacrifices. Not only did they do the normal sacrifices on the Sabbath, they had extra sacrifices. For the Levites, the Sabbath was a hard, long work day. As they performed these sacrifices – and what did the sacrifice represent? – the redemption of God – God buying back – right? – as a substitute for us. Every Sabbath they not only did the morning and evening sacrifices, they had extra sacrifices they had to do. Why? To illustrate this redemptive work that God is doing. Who is He redeeming through? Christ. What does Christ say? “I’m working, folks. I work every Sabbath to bring you into rest with My Father” – to bring us into rest with God.
What’s interesting in Genesis…Adam and Eve were created on the sixth day. What was their first experience after naming the animals, and working, and tasting food for the first time – just exploring life for that first time period on that first day. The next 24 hours was rest with God – absolute rest – no worry, no stress, no problems, no work – just rest. But it wasn’t just sleeping. They rested with God. And then the Sabbath ended. You wonder how long it was between then and Satan got to them. That was their first experience. That is what God is working to recreate – that rest that is going to last forever.

John 7 – just one more of Jesus’ teachings here. Then there are a few other scriptures that I want to bring out. John 7, verse 20. Jesus had been teaching and the people got upset. And it says:

John 7:20And the people answered and said, “You have a demon! Who is seeking to kill you?” – because He said there were those there who were seeking to kill Him. And some of the Pharisees were. Jesus answered and said to them, “I did one work” – and He had done this work on the Sabbath – “and you marvel. Moses, therefore, gave you circumcision” – then He says, “(not that it was from Moses, but from the fathers) – you know, “Moses gave circumcision…nah, actually, Abraham instituted circumcision…God instituted circumcision through Abraham…Moses just wrote it down.” Because remember, what did God tell Abraham? You’ve got to be circumcised. What do you have to do with your children? They’ve got to be circumcised. Circumcision wasn’t new when Moses came along. So He makes that point. “…and you circumcise a man on the Sabbath. If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath, so that the law of Moses should not be broken, are you angry with Me because I made a man completely well on the Sabbath? Do no judge according to the appearance, but judge with righteous judgment. Now this is very important.

Why did they allow babies to be circumcised on the Sabbath? Well, they were commanded to be circumcised on the eighth day. If you happened to be born, and eight days later, it was the Sabbath, why would they do that? Why would they do that work? You could not be part of the covenant of God unless you were circumcised. Your entire family was no longer part of the covenant of God if you were not circumcised. It was the outward sign of the covenant. It was the sign that you had been redeemed. It was the sign that your forefathers had been brought out of Egypt by that mighty hand of God. It was the sign that God had given you the Ten Commandments. It was the sign that you were a holy people. So it was expected to circumcise on the Sabbath. And Jesus didn’t condemn them for that. He said, “Sure, you’re supposed to circumcise on the Sabbath! But I’m doing this work over here. You do that work on the Sabbath and say, ‘It’s okay,’ and you’re take a piece off of a person, and here I am adding to a person. So, how is that wrong?” – which reminds us of something very important.

When He says, in verse 24, “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment,” you and I can’t make up lots of extra rules about Sabbath-keeping. And that’s why I’m talking about the holiness of the Sabbath, and I’m not giving you a hundred things you can do on the Sabbath and a hundred things you can’t do on the Sabbath. Why? You and I have to work through these issues sometimes by applying the principles to where we are. But I warn all of us, this is about holiness. When we break the Sabbath, it damages your relationship/my relationship with God. If we break the commandment overtly – you know, “I’m going to do my job on the Sabbath,” “I’m going to just go have fun on the Sabbath,” “I’ve decided to do whatever I want on the Sabbath,” you will be punished by God, and you will receive a curse – just like breaking any of the other commandments. It is a binding commandment. The problem is, how do we apply to every situation? We either learn the principles or we better start writing it down. You know, somebody may come to you and say, “What can I do on the Sabbath?” and you say, “Well, here’s our Sabbath book,” and it’s this big, “and this will tell you everything you should and shouldn’t do on the Sabbath.” So, His argument is, “Look,   circumcision on the Sabbath is good and right, but you’re making up something here. There’s nothing in the Bible that says that God can’t heal on the Sabbath.” They say, “Well, that’s right. God can, but You can’t, because you’re a man.” And Jesus would argue back, “But where do you think I’m getting the power from? Do you think I’m just…what? You think I do this from My power?” So we can’t make up rules past a certain point, which is very interesting, because, in the book of Colossians – that section there – that seems to say that we don’t have to keep the holy days anymore. When you actually realize what it says in Greek, he’s saying, “You put too many restrictions on the holy days." So he was dealing with that with the Colossians.

Now, here’s some simple ways to make your Sabbath experience more holy. One is, do what it says in Leviticus 23, verse 3, where it says to go to a holy convocation. Coming to Sabbath services to learn and to fellowship is a commanded part of this day.

By the way, there is an enormous amount of work that a lot of people do to make this day possible. People were here early to turn on the air conditioner and set up the sound system, to have Sabbath school, to make sure there is coffee in the coffee room that we all just take for granted. We just go get it. Somebody had to make that long before we show up. There’s a lot of work that goes into this – just like the Levites had a lot of work to do. The four men who gave special music today – there was a lot of work that went into that. You can’t have a holy convocation without work. Now, Jesus even argues in a couple places, you’ll find in the New Testament, “Well, that work wasn’t breaking the Sabbath. They were supposed to do that work on the Sabbath.” They were doing the work of God. So there is certain work that is to be done on the Sabbath, but it’s so that we can do this holy convocation.

Look at Hebrews 10. We know this scripture, but think of this in terms of holiness and what he actually says here. Hebrew 10:24:

Hebrews 10:24Let us consider one another – this is all one sentence, so I started here. I want to read verse 25, but the sentence starts in verse 24. Let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works – in other words, you and I must relate to each other. We must have a relationship as Christians. And the best way to build those foundational relationships is inside your own congregation, and then, hopefully, with other Christians, also. But it starts in your own congregation. And we’re to stir up each other. You can’t stir up somebody you don’t know. I think next week, what I’d like to do is, everybody that sits on this side of the room, just mix it up, okay, so you end up talking to the same people after services as we normally do. I challenge you to do it next week. Just mix it all up. But I don’t want everybody here moving over here, because you’ll just do the same thing. I mean, you know, over here go over here, because you’ll just do the same thing. You’ve got to mix it up. You’ve got to know each other. You’ve got to talk to different people. Verse 25:

V-25 - …not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much more as you see the day approaching. Exhorting is a fascinating word, because it means to encourage someone towards the future. Exhortation has to do with the future. Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together – a holy convocation is commanded. And it is holy, which I want you to think about that.

It’s so easy to get up Sabbath morning…. I remember when we had little kids. When my kids were little, I think about the Sabbaths they went through. You know, at 7:30 we put them in car – and they were still asleep in their pajamas. They woke up about an hour down the road, where we would try to put clothes on them…well, first of all, we’d give them their little thing of yogurt and their juice pack and a piece of fruit or something. And then we would change their clothes. We’d get to church, and they’d spend two hours in church, an hour to an hour-and-a-half afterwards, as I would try to do all the anointings and counseling, and then we’d jump in the car and drive two hours more, while my wife would say, “Don’t spill, don’t spill,” as they would try to eat their peanut butter and jelly sandwich and their – I can’t remember what they ate – their carrots and celery sticks, and we drove, and then we’d do two hours of services there, and then we’d stay for two hours after services. And at 7:30 at night, it’s had been twelve hours and that was their Sabbath – you know, driving home at 7:30 at night. That’s work! As a little kid, the Sabbath, sometimes, is a strange experience, to say the least.

Assemble yourselves together, because it is a holy convocation. You’ve been invited to a holy convocation. The reason I bring up that story is, sometimes, for Kim and I, it would be easy for us to forget it was a holy convocation, as we’re dragging these little kids, crying, half-awake, strapping them in the car – “Huh, another church meeting to go to….” It almost felt that way at times. We can’t let that happen. This is a holy convocation and we have to strive to keep ourselves…because, I tell you, Satan doesn’t want us to come, so he wants to keep us from coming. He wants you to feel tired. He wants you to remember that someone, last week, said something that really got on your nerves. He wants you to remember that the sermon last week really didn’t mean much to you. “I didn’t get much out of that, so why even go this week?”  He wants you to remember you had a bad week and you’d rather just go hide out someplace. Right? He wants you to think that way. You’ve been invited by Almighty God.

How do we approach even coming to this day? Do we show up 30 seconds before? Or are we here, talking to people, prepared, in our seats to sing that opening song to God? Think about that. You’re invited by God to be here, but are we here prepared to be here? To sing? Prepared to listen? Prepared to be inspired? Sometimes, it’s like, “Inspire me.” Yeah, that’s how you look sometimes – when I walk in – “Inspire me.” I understand. But we have to come prepared. We use this example, but it’s so apropos. What if the United Nations contacted you and said, “All the heads of state of the world are going to be in San Antonio, and we’ve invited you to come to the meeting?” So, you don’t take a bath that day. You just show up in worn out clothes. And you show up ten minutes late. Nobody would do that. “Now here’s the President. Here’s the Prime Minister is this country. Here’s the King of this country. And they’re all going to be here, and you’re going to get to have a meeting with them.” “Oh yeah, big deal.” No, you wouldn’t. Well, let me tell you something. Someone a little greater than all the heads of state of the world has invited you to be here. How do you come to this? With what mindset? We stumble in, half-awake, not too excited, because we’ve forgotten, this is holiness. And mostly, we’ve forgotten Who invited us. We forgot Who invited us.

So, we get into the concept – okay, it’s a holy convocation. We also have the idea of the preparation day. A preparation is mentioned in the New Testament. It’s not a command in the Old Testament, but the principle is there. When God gave them manna, He gave them extra manna on the sixth day to prepare for the seventh. Preparation day has lost so much meaning in our society, and I’m just going to tell you why – because both men and women have careers and everybody’s so busy, they’re working right up till the sun goes down. We have to change that. Now, you have to figure out how to do it in your life, but we have to start preparing for the Sabbath. We have to prepare physically and we have to prepare spiritually. And we have to prepare emotionally and mentally.

I know I remember getting caught up in that. I remember one time my boss coming in – I was working in a radio station – and we were producing something. I was at my desk and he walked in, and he looked at me, and he said, “Hey! It’s almost sundown.” “What?!” I’d lost track of a whole hour, because it was in the winter when the sun goes down at five after five, or whatever. And I thought it was four o’clock. I jumped up and said, “I gotta go!” And he said, “Well, I thought did. Go, man, go,” because the Sabbath was about to start.

We get so wrapped up. So you jump in the car and you rush home. You’re not really prepared for the Sabbath. We’re going to have to change the way we think, so that we are mentally and spiritually preparing for the Sabbath. And the Sabbath is the whole twenty-four hour period. Now I’ve had people ask me, “Is it okay for me to drive? You know, I work on Saturday night. So I’m just driving. I’m going to drive an hour to work on the Sabbath, but I’m not working. I’m just driving there.” That’s working! I know, sometimes you get caught in traffic coming home from work. You can’t help it.

There was about four years ago…I was flying back from the home office – had plenty of time on Friday – and they canceled one of my flights. Now, I had a choice of either staying in the airport in – I don’t know where I was – Atlanta or waiting for the next flight, which meant I had to fly on the Sabbath, which I don’t like doing, but I had no choice.

But the bottom line is, we need to prepare for the Sabbath. And one of the things I know my mother did and my wife has always done is, when sundown comes, we know that special Sabbath meal is going to be there. Now sometimes, in the summertime, it’s before the Sabbath, but around Sabbath time, that meal is there. And it’s a special meal. And it’s a special family meal. And it prepares us for the Sabbath. I knowing growing up, that was the only time we had meat, usually – was on Friday night. We also got ice cream on Friday night. It was a huge treat! That was a big treat – we got ice cream on Friday night. We have to go into the Sabbath, changing where we’ve been for six days into where God wants us to be on this day.

A third way of keeping it holy: it is not a day of just going out and buying and selling and doing our business. You think about what Nehemiah said in Nehemiah 13. In Jerusalem, at Nehemiah’s time, it had become the market day – you know, like we have a Farmer’s Market. Everybody came in – all the merchants, all the farmers – brought their things in on Saturday, and set up their booths, and it was a huge market day on the Sabbath. And he said, “You know, we can’t keep the Sabbath that way. We have to stop it.” And nobody would listen. So finally, he shut the gates. And they all showed up anyway. And they camped outside the gate. So finally, Nehemiah went out and said, “Listen, you show up next Sabbath and I’m going to lay hands on you” – and he didn’t mean he was going to ordain them. How flippant is it of us to so easily say, “Well, you know, every Saturday morning, on the way to church, I stop and get my gas.” And my question is, “Why didn’t you get your gas on the preparation day?” Now, if you have an emergency, that’s different. Okay? We’ve all had emergencies. You know, you spill the milk and you have a baby that needs milk, so you go buy milk on the Sabbath. Those are emergencies – the ox in the ditch principle – which we’re not even going there today. So, there are ways that the Bible says to deal with certain issues. But our custom is just to what? Do our grocery shopping on the Sabbath? Go read Nehemiah 13.

The last point I want to make in this – and then I just want to bring out a couple quick grand ideas about the Sabbath – is, you and I have to be very, very careful how we judge each other on how we keep the Sabbath, sometimes, in a modern context. We have to be really careful how we judge each other in a modern context. In other words, we’re dealing with issues all the time that there is no direct biblical scripture to deal with. “Mr. Petty, do you know so-and-so let’s their children watch television on the Sabbath?” Well, I know the Bible says, “Don’t seek your own pleasures on the Sabbath,” but also you can honor God on the Sabbath. And there may be some ways in which people decide, “I can my child watch this program and honor God on the Sabbath.” There are other people that wouldn’t even touch the television on the Sabbath. We can’t judge each other on that. I mean, I can go to the scripture where Moses went to Aaron and said, “You know, Aaron, you’re watching too much television on the Sabbath,” but I won’t turn there. (Chuckles)

We have all kinds of modern issues the Jews deal with and they don’t know how to deal with. I mean, you have the Jews that won’t turn on their electricity on the Sabbath. “Well, it’s starting a fire.” So they won’t turn on the stove on the Sabbath. They won’t start a car on the Sabbath. Now, if you believe you should never start a fire on the Sabbath, you cannot drive a car, because every time that piston fires, guess what happens. It starts a fire. So, if you believe, “I can’t ever start a fire on the Sabbath – ever,” then you cannot drive a car. It’s not possible. You say, “Well, how do we get around that?” Well, we have a New Testament issue that never happened before. They never had cars and they never had to travel. We’ll talk about that in a minute. How far did they travel in the Old Testament to go to a holy convocation? We’re not Israel. We’re the church. We’re not people living in a community like Jewish communities. We are the church. God calls people from all walks of life, all backgrounds, all nationalities and brings them together and we’re not a community. He builds a community. This is why, even in the modern world, you will find most Jews – not all – living in communities. There’s a reason. Because they have to walk to the synagogue – can’t drive their car. God didn’t call us all out of one community, did He? It’s a modern problem that nobody ever faced until, oh, about, really, probably less than a hundred years ago – that you had enough people with cars that this was even an issue – never faced it before. We can’t judge each other on that.

Like I said, the electricity issue: I’ve known people in the church that won’t turn on their stoves. We can’t judge each other on that. But there is a certain issue…here’s the reality of modern issues. If you turn on an electric light, you’ve technically started a fire. Not only that, that little meter is running outside, and there are people working to produce that electricity and you’re going to pay for it. You think you’re not going to pay for it? Don’t pay an electric bill and see what happens. They’re going to charge you for the electricity you use on the Sabbath. They’re going to charge you for the water…every time you flush that toilet or take a drink of water, somebody is working and somebody is getting paid to do it. And guess where the money comes from? From your water bill. No one ever faced those problems before. You can’t find the apostle Paul saying, “So, let me instruct you on how to deal with your water bill.” It’s not there. I bring that up because we can’t judge each other on how we deal with some of those things.

Someone decides they’re going to keep their business open on the Sabbath. Unity is not the issue. Disobeying God is the issue. Whether you’re going to light your stove – your gas stove – on the Sabbath or not is a unity issue. We agree to let each other make that decision. Do you see what I mean? We have to. Certain things are not unity issues. They are strict law of God issues. Others are unity issues in which we agree to love our brother. If I knew that you wouldn’t turn your stove on one the Sabbath, and you came over to my house on the Sabbath, I probably wouldn’t turn the stove on, because I wouldn’t want to offend you. I do turn my stove on on the Sabbath. It’s an electric stove, and I’m getting charged for electricity, and I don’t consider it a fire. But I would not judge anybody else on that, because I understand the dilemma.

The Sabbath day’s journey you see mentioned in the book of Acts. Do you know what the Sabbath day’s journey was? That is a Talmudic issue. That is not a biblical issue, and yet, it’s used in the Bible because they lived by it. “How far can we walk on the Sabbath?” That question came up. “Well, I don’t know. How far can we walk on the Sabbath?” Well, let’s take the tabernacle in the wilderness. And you take the Israelites who were camped around it. If you go to the farthest extent of the camp, and you walk into the tabernacle for the holy convocation – right? – that would be how far you could walk on the Sabbath. It’s a thousand yards – maybe a little more – depending on which cubit you used. Okay? So you could walk a thousand yards or two thousand cubits on the Sabbath. That’s all the farther you could walk. The idea of getting in a wagon or getting in a car was inconceivable. Every one of us had to go a lot farther than a Sabbath day’s journey to get to Sabbath services today. It’s a holy convocation. We’re not living in tents surrounding the tabernacle. We believe God says it’s okay to do that. So we get in our cars and we drive. We come here and we go a whole lot farther than a Sabbath day’s journey.

By the way, I was talking to Mr. Isaac about this. I’ve read about people who do this. I’ve never known someone. He said he knew a Jewish man that, when he grew up…. The way they get around that is, your place of residence is where you start from, because it’s where you eat. So they would go out on Friday, go a thousand yards and put some bread. They’d leave their house, walk to the bread, sit down and eat the bread, and that now became their place of residence, and they could walk another thousand yards. So you could double the Sabbath day’s journey by putting bread someplace.

So, we have these modern problems. And you can’t always judge how somebody else deals with a modern problem. An issue that we’ve dealt with over the years over and over and over again…. In the United Church of God, you will find different ministers who think differently about this, you’ll find different Council members who think differently about this, you’ll find different people who think differently about this, but we maintain unity. And that is, how do we apply Matthew 12 to the modern world? In Matthew 12, the disciples are walking – they’re traveling on the Sabbath – and they’re picking food and eating it, which goes against – I mean, that’s doing to work – to eat on the Sabbath. And the Pharisees approached Jesus, and He says, “It’s okay.” In fact, they are guiltless. He defends them and says they are guiltless in working to feed themselves on the Sabbath. So then, how much work can be done to feed yourself on the Sabbath? And, if you’re traveling – you know, if you travel 200 miles to church, which I remember there were times when people did travel 200 miles – well, we have some people here in Del Rio. They travel 300 miles to church. Is it wrong for them, in traveling, to stop and buy some food to eat? And some people say, “Yes,” and some people say, “No.”

I know a congregation I went to where most of the people don’t eat out on the Sabbath. They don’t think it’s proper and they rent a hall. And every Sabbath they have food. Everybody just brings food. They stay after services for hours. I know of another congregation about the same size in another place where – and in both cases, by the way, almost nobody lives in the town where services are. The average person lives 50 to 70 miles away. That just happens to be the central town. And, in this place, they all have to leave their rental hall right after services. So, in mass, they go to a cafeteria, take over the corner of the cafeteria, and they stay there for 3 to 4 hours and fellowship – because they don’t see each other the rest of the week. That’s it. That’s their only fellowship time and they can’t stay in their hall. And we have to decide which of those things is right and which is wrong in the modern world that we live in.

Our approach has been that we let those situations be decided by the minister and the people in the situation. It’s not that we’re trying to be liberal with the law of God. We’re trying to apply its principle. Fellowship is a command on the Sabbath. Holy convocation is a command on the Sabbath. And we all have to travel to do that. And I don’t have answers to all the questions, because I can’t go to a scripture to find the exact answers. I can only give the principle. And then we have to realize we either agree to separate on all these issues – we agree on 90% of issues – on those 10% we agree to let that be a matter of conscience with that person. And we have to do that. If we understand the whole reason for the Sabbath, it makes sense.

Two quick last points here – something I’d really like to give a whole sermon on sometime. Remember I said, in Deuteronomy 5, it talks about God being Redeemer. We have ignored the power of this ever since…I’ve never remembered this being really brought out the way it should be. When was Jesus resurrected? On the Sabbath! Why? Because He is Redeemer. Every week, when we get together, this is a day of commemoration of the work of Jesus Christ – every single time we come together. That’s what this is about. He was resurrected on this day. We hate Easter so much, we forgot the other side of it! He was resurrected – because if He wasn’t, we are of all men most miserable. And when was it? The Sabbath. I’m not saying we should have some big celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. I’m saying we should be mindful of it – that this is all about redemption. This is all about God buying us back. It’s about Him bringing us out of our Egypt. That’s what Deuteronomy 5 says.
And then we also know that the Sabbath is going to be reinstated in the millennium. The whole world will keep the Sabbath. The things that we have issues over will be won’t be issues anymore. Do you know why? Everybody will have a church in their community. There will be no businesses open. You won’t have to worry about all these things. Farmers won’t have to worry about, “Do I milk my cows on the Sabbath?” All these questions. Everything will be solved then, because the whole world will keep the Sabbath. But we’re not there yet. And we’re supposed to try to figure these things out with God’s help and live in them now. And we have to remember the holiness of this day.

And I think, if you really think about this, you’re going to find a certain more seriousness about Sabbath-keeping. We’re all going to get a little more serious about Sabbath-keeping – but for the right reason – not because the more strict I am, the better Christian I am; and you’re not as strict as I am, so you’re not as good a Christian as I am. When we do that, we’ve already blown the whole idea of holiness out of the day. We do it because it’s between us and God and because we understand that we’re not perfect. We’re all just struggling to do this in an imperfect world, and so we’re understanding of each other, and we don’t accuse each other on issues of conscience. We support each other on issues of conscience.

The apostle Paul said, “If it offends my brothers, I’ll never eat meat the rest of my life.” Whoo! That’s tough for us meat-eaters. Okay? That’s what Paul said. So we have to be aware and we have to be sensitive to each other.

So now, let’s review the principles here real quickly. The Sabbath is to be observed to commemorate God as Creator. The Sabbath is a time to free employees and children from the burdens of everyday work. The Sabbath is to be observed to commemorate God as Liberator and Redeemer. The Sabbath is to be observed in holiness to worship the One who makes you holy. The Sabbath is a time to refrain from our own desires and activities in order to honor God. Jesus is the anointed One through whom God carries out His acts of healing, liberation and redemption. And the Sabbath commemorates God’s work through Christ, including His resurrection. Jesus repeatedly healed people on the Sabbath and taught that the Sabbath was a time to celebrate God’s work in the lives of human beings. He never once taught that the Sabbath was no longer to be observed by His followers. Jesus was resurrected on a Sabbath evening. The Sabbath is a weekly celebration of the resurrection and His present work in the lives of His followers. When Jesus sets up His kingdom on the earth, all people will be converted to the worship of the true God, and one of the things they will be converted to do is, to observe the Sabbath. Present Sabbath observance commemorates future events. When you keep the Sabbath, you’re keeping a prophecy. This pictures Christ’s rule on earth. This pictures when the Sabbath is set up for all humanity. You’re keeping prophecy every time you come here – prophecy of future.

The Sabbath isn’t about a day to impress God with how good you are and how righteous you are. “Look how strict I am, Father. I thank you I am not as other men.” The Sabbath is truly a gift from God. It’s a wonderful gift from God. It is to teach us something. It is to teach us about physical rest, and emotional rest, and spiritual rest with Him. We get a little bit of what Adam and Eve had that first Sabbath – just a little bit – total communion with God. Total communion with God. We get a little bit of it.

Rest with God on this day. Rest with God on this day and He will guide you the other six.


Jamie Schreiber works in the Media Department at the Home Office in Cincinnati. He studied Digital Video and Media Production in Minneapolis, MN.

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