Believers in God

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Personal quotes from individuals who are believers in God.

"This beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being . . ."—Sir Isaac Newton (17th-century British mathematician and physicist)

"It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible" — George Washington (first president of the United States)

"Personally I have always taken the view . . . that Almighty God, far from setting the universe in motion and then letting the drama enact itself—as many think—is an ever-present, ubiquitous arbiter in all affairs"— Paul Johnson (20th-century British journalist and historian)

"I want to know [God's] thoughts; the rest are details"— Albert Einstein (20th-century German-American scientist)

"The intellectual beauty of the order discovered by science is consistent with the physical world's having behind it the mind of the divine Creator"— John Polkinghorne (20th-century British scientist and author)


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