Learning to Appreciate the Bible

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In this Bible study lesson we will walk through some of the most intriguing and inspiring portions of the Bible, seeking to discover the real purpose for our being.

Today's alarming conditions cause many men and women to feel a deep sense of unease. At the same time many experience a real spiritual hunger. Clearly "they feel there is something outside the box of time and space in which they find themselves" (Catherwood).

They wonder about the reality of God and the Bible.

Could it just be that there are some workable answers after all?

This unique course is designed to address some of the most fundamental questions about our almost never-ending quest for God. It also seeks to explore the inevitable implications for our personal behavior.

This first lesson consists of an overview of several basic biblical themes that later lessons will cover in much greater detail. First it addresses questions we all contemplate: Does God exist? What makes the Bible different from other books? Why did God create men and women? Is there something much greater than this life in store for us?

Together in this study course we will walk through some of the most intriguing and inspiring portions of the Bible, seeking to discover the real purpose for our being—and how we may live fulfilling lives while accomplishing that great purpose.

Jesus Christ said: "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). The Bible reveals great truths that, when comprehended, can transform your life in ways you've never imagined.


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