Some Final Remarks

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We hope this is only your beginning of a thorough and continuing study of God's Word.

Some Final Remarks

This lesson completes the 12 in the Bible Study Course. Through them you learned the fundamentals that are essential for a correct understanding of the Holy Bible. We hope this is only your beginning of a thorough and continuing study of God's Word.

Where do you go from here? We suggest you undertake a thorough review of all 12 of these lessons. Review is a vital key to comprehending and retaining what you have studied. You will learn even more than you gleaned from your first time through the lessons. Remember, too, that growing in understanding of the Scriptures is a lifetime challenge. We hope it's one you never tire of. We urge you to develop a daily habit of studying your Bible and to continue reading The Good News magazine and the many booklets we publish for your continued biblical education.

We also have congregations around the world where personal instruction is available for those who wish to assemble together with others of like belief. Or, should you desire a visit from a qualified minister living in your area, feel free to contact us and we will forward your request to one near you who understands, teaches and practices God's Word.

We offer all of these services free of charge and without any obligation on your part. Our sole desire is to assist you in understanding and applying God's ways so your life will be pleasing to Him and so you will enter His Kingdom when Christ returns. We have appreciated your giving us this opportunity to help you better understand the Word of God. Let us know how we can continue to assist you.

If you have not yet done so, we also recommend that you read each of the free booklets mentioned in each lesson of this course. Be sure to also read the following free booklets that expand on the material covered in this lesson:


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