Strive to Be a Disciple

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Do we actively follow Jesus Christ and actively proclaim what He teaches? Or do we sit back quietly and be a "social media Peter," denying what we know to be true?

I strive to be a disciple. What does it mean to be a disciple? A disciple is someone who believes in Jesus and seeks to follow Him in his or her daily life. A disciple also will be willing to assist in spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ. Do we actively follow Him and actively proclaim what He teaches? Or do we sit back quietly and be a "social media Peter," denying what we know to be true?

I have a mixture of friends on social media who share different beliefs. I have told my friends that if I share something I believe to be true, I'm not trying to offend, but to follow what I am commanded to do. I believe the Bible to be true and I will continue to share and speak about what I believe. One day I will stand before God and must answer to Him about what I did in this life. I want Him to know I did my best to share the gospel with others. I never purposely seek to offend, but rather will gladly point out what I know, according to God’s words, to be true.

Many of us have many friends from all backgrounds. We may all have different views on things and that’s OK. We should be able to love each other and be content to agree to disagree at times. But we have to commit to never stop talking about our love for God, Jesus and the words written in the Bible. We must not back down, and we must strive to be a disciple.

Tina Cason is a member of the United Church of God in Nashville TN.  There she serves as a member of the adult choir and also serves as the Youth choir director. Along with several other members ,she helps plan activities  and functions for her local church area. Spending time with her church family is one of her favorite things to do. 

Tina and her husband have been married for over 25 years.  They have been blessed with three  boys.  Tina is a stay at home mom and a homeschool mom. She loves spending time with her family.

Some of her favorite hobbies include singing, painting, writing and planning trips with her family. 



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