Media Production

What Does It Take To Be a Disciple?

Being a disciple of God and Jesus Christ, means to continually be a student; and we will always have something to learn from them.
Media Production

An Opportunity To Be a Disciple

Christ offers us a chance to be His disciples, but being a disciple is about more than a moral code.
Silhouetted person against a dramatic, colorful sunset sky, with the person's silhouette filled with a different background, of a starry sky.

What Makes You a Christian?

When someone asked me this question, wanting genuinely how to be a Christian, it kind of threw me for a loop. Let's talk about the things that define a Christian.

You Are Christ’s Disciple - Do You Get It?

Christ’s disciples lacked spiritual discernment when He mentioned the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod. They thought He was talking about physical leaven, bread. They didn’t get it. As Christ’s disciple today, do you get it?
Media Production

Come to Jesus: Part 4

The Bible tells us what is expected of all those who claim to follow Jesus.
Media Production

Come to Jesus: Part 3

How exactly do we become a follower of Jesus? What does the Bible say?
Media Production

Come to Jesus: Part 2

God invites those who are spiritually thirsty to come to Jesus.
Media Production

Come to Jesus: Part 1

Are people supposed to "come to Jesus?" If so, how?
A woman reading a Bible.

Strive to Be a Disciple

Do we actively follow Jesus Christ and actively proclaim what He teaches? Or do we sit back quietly and be a "social media Peter," denying what we know to be true?

To Be Counted Among the First Fruits

A disciple is one who learns and accepts the teaching and adheres to the practices of their master.