All Things in Moderation

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Let us not forget the value of temperance.

Obesity is a problem in the Western world. Unhappiness is also a problem there. Our societies seem to be rushing to and fro seeking contentment while giving in to every supposed pleasure. The result is what Adam C. Powell Jr. termed “a world of contented bodies and discontented minds.”

Giving in to all our wishes does lead to discontentment in time. Solomon had a thousand wives and did not find one that made him happy (Ecclesiastes 7:28). More is not always better—especially in the areas of food and entertainment.

Contentment includes both a healthy body and a healthy mind. Excess does not lead to happiness. In our search for meaning and joy in life, we can often unwittingly add new troubles. Obesity is often one of our own making. There may be physical reasons and causes, but we should seek help to correct them.

Happiness is a direction we can choose by being “temperate in all things” (1 Corinthians 9:25).


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