Chicago Young Adults Weekend

During Presidents Day Weekend this year, 41 young adults from all over the country met for the 4th annual Chicago Young Adults weekend.

The theme was 1 Timothy 3:15. Fellowship and a Friday night seminar by Mr. Bill Bradford started off the weekend, followed by a Bible study by Mr. John May about contending earnestly for the faith using the example of Polycrates. Church services featured split sermons by Mr. Andy Duran and Mr. Randy D’Alessandro, reviewing the characteristics of a pillar and how young adults can transition into pillars for the next generation.

After a buffet-style dinner and ice cream-making activity in the Bradfords’ home Saturday night, on Sunday morning everyone met for brunch in downtown Chicago for one last seminar before concluding the weekend’s activities. Mr. Bob Fahey held a workshop in which the young adults developed strategies for growing into a pillar. Attendees spent the last few hours touring downtown Chicago.

The weekend included ample time for fellowship and bonding in between informative seminars, and attendees went home with topics to study and ideas for personal growth.