European Young Adult Spring Activity

April 8-14
The German young adults are hosting the fourth European Young Adult Spring Activity from April 8 until the morning of April 14 in Oberstaufen, Germany.

Guests are welcome to join us for some spiritually and physically challenging days in the Alps. We will celebrate Night to be Much Observed and the First Day of Unleavened Bread together as well.

The weekend will take place at the same cabin we’ve used previously, a quaint southern Bavarian farmhouse at 900 meters altitude with the Austrian and Bavarian Alps at its door.

Services will be held on the First Day of Unleavened Bread and the weekly Sabbath.

On the other days, we’ll spend time together during hikes, walks, campfires, Bible studies, games, international cooking and other activities. The location can be easily reached by train (“Oberstaufen” train station), by car or the nearest airports: Memmingen (Ryan Air, 70 km), Munich airport (171 km), Zurich airport (160 km), Frankfurt (400 km). It is also possible to carpool and meet up with brethren. Just let us know when you will arrive.

Based on previous years, we estimate the cost will be about 20€/day (about $22) including lodging and food. There are bunk beds in the rooms but guests will need to bring bedding.

Young adults 16 years old and over are welcome. The focus group is young adults, which includes those in their 20s and 30s.

To register for this weekend or for more information, please email

Erik & Michelle Kasper and Ester Meier