Planning Meetings Held for 2020 Festival Season

Around 40 people participated remotely in the annual Feast Coordinator’s Conference Feb. 11-12. Participants included Feast coordinators and their assistants from the U.S., Canada and the Caribbean, home office staff and volunteer support.

President Victor Kubik and MMS manager Mark Welch welcomed everyone and expressed their appreciation for the time involved in seeking to improve the Feast and serve the members with quality speaking, music and activities. They also discussed one of the main goals this coming year: training new and younger Feast coordinators and assistant coordinators.

Conference Planner Charles Melear covered a number of pertinent topics and moderated the meetings. Additional presentations were made regarding special music, budgeting, local Feast webpages, budgets, manpower, greeting cards for those unable to attend the Feast, articles for the Festival Planning Brochure, working with speakers and youth education.

Due to the high days both falling on the weekly Sabbath there will be no national live webcast. Two new U.S. Feast sites for 2020 are Pewaukee, Wisconsin replacing Wisconsin Dells for a two-year contract and Daytona Beach replacing Jekyll Island, Georgia for a two-year contract.

This year, a post-Feast survey was sent to everyone registered for the Feast. Over 2,100 people responded. 78% rated their Feast experience as very satisfied and 15% as somewhat satisfied. Over 560 people provided specific comments for consideration. The Festival team is (and will continue) reading through these in an effort to provide the best Feast experience possible.

This is a busy time of the year behind the scenes for those planning the Feast of Tabernacles. Currently, most Feast of Tabernacles related work is preparing information for the annual Festival Planning Brochure, which includes finalizing housing and convention space contracts, working on Feast descriptions, writing articles and creating webpages for each individual site to ensure that online registration is available when the site opens.

The Festival Planning Brochure goes to print on March 25 and members should start receiving them in the mail within two weeks. On April 1, the Festival Planning Brochure will be posted online. Feast webpages will be ready to open registration on April 12.

We recognize that the success of the Feast is based on hundreds of volunteers and we ask for your prayers for God’s will to be shown as we plan this year’s Feast of Tabernacles!