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Adult Bible Class: 3 Lives Touched, Part 1

John 11 - A Family's Sorrow is turned into a Faith Lesson for all

This is the first of a three-part series focusing on three personal lives that were touched with the events leading up to Passover 31 AD. What can we learn from them and how can their stories guide us as we prepare for the upcoming Passover? This message highlights the account in John 11 of the resurrection of Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha.

Frank Fish serves as pastor for the Bakersfield and Los Angeles congregations in California. With a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Theology and a minor in Business Administration, he is also the lead executive in a Southern California custom tour and professional travel advisory firm. He and his wife, Valerie, have one adult daughter and they all enjoy travel as a gateway to learning about people, cultures and history.

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