Media Production

The Truth About the Rich Man and Lazarus

Contrary to common belief, Jesus didn’t say we have immortal souls that go to heaven or hell at death.

Believe and Trust in God

Why did Jesus weep at Lazarus' grave? Was it because he loved Lazarus so much or because of the unbelief of who he was from those who were present. We need to believe God and trust and obey that His…

The Lie of the Immortality of the Soul

Did you know that the first sin in the Bible is a lie about the immortality of the soul?

The Lie of the Immortality of the Soul

Did you know that the first sin in the Bible is a lie about the immortality of the soul?

Lessons from Lazarus

What are the lessons from the resurrection of Lazarus? It is the hope of all humanity.

Adult Bible Class: 3 Lives Touched, Part 1

This is the first of a three-part series focusing on three personal lives that were touched with the events leading up to Passover 31 AD. What can we learn from them and how can their stories guide us as we…

The Death of Lazarus

Why did Jesus delay His arrival to heal Lazarus? It was for a great purpose. He said that it was, "but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it." (John 11:4)

Lazarus Come Forth!

The raising of Lazarus from death to life confirms that Jesus is the Son of God. And in the same way that He brought Lazarus back to physical life, Jesus Christ is returning and will speak again into the graves…

Lazarus Come Forth!

The raising of Lazarus from death to life confirms that Jesus is the Son of God. And in the same way that He brought Lazarus back to physical life, Jesus Christ is returning and will speak again into the graves…

Two Resurrections: What Can We Learn?

Lazarus was resurrected to physical life, he came forth from the tomb wrapped in grave cloths, had to be unwrapped. Jesus Christ came forth out of the grave cloths as a spirit being. Grave cloths were left lying in the…