Biblical Perspective on Human Sexuality

Experimentation Vs. Revelation

There is a true teaching about human sexuality in God's word, which sets us on a positive foundation and confronts the errors of false teaching (secular & religious).


Biblical Understanding of Human Sexuality

Our understanding of human sexuality and what its all about is crippled by some very fundamental errors, and false assumptions.

1. The Theory of Evolution: among other implications, this theory presents us with the idea that a human being is nothing more than a highly functioning animal… and that sex is a completely biological act (which it is not). However, if we dig deeper into the theory of evolution it contains a more fundamental premise: that the path of trial and error is the only way forward. Evolution's starting point is: there is no intelligent Creator executing a grand purposeful design… therefore, something else must be causing all this to happen.

The mechanism through which evolution is supposedly accomplished is; random genetic mutation followed by a vicious fight for the survival of the fittest. A process of trial and error.

This is a way of thinking deeply embedded in the modern and postmodern mind. We use it successfully to discover more about the cosmos, develop new technology, medicine and other wonderful things that make life easier, more enjoyable etc. This is the basis of the scientific method.

We also apply this method in ways that create serious problems: communism, capitalism, democracy, theocracy, dictatorship, monarchy, racism, sexual lifestyles, child-rearing, alternative family structures, religious practices... the list goes on and on.

I've got an idea... let's try this and see what happens!

2. False Religious Teaching: the theory of evolution is an example of false teaching but we need a separate category to address the teachings of false religion. For example, the confused ideas people have that the original sin of humanity was somehow related to sex, or that human sexuality is a base act contrary to spirituality, or its necessary evil. This notion  comes from human philosophy and is then weirdly projected back onto the bible. It does not springing forth from the bible itself.

Our purpose today is to proclaim that: there is a way to gain understanding and knowledge other than trial and error. Knowledge can also be gained through revelation (and there are types of knowledge where revelation is the only way to get it).

There is a true teaching about human sexuality in God's word, which sets us on a positive foundation and confronts the errors of false teaching (secular & religious).

True Revelation About Sex

Genesis 1:1 God is the creator of all things. Therefore, He is the creator of sex. Genesis 1:31His perspective on what He has created is that it was good.

Genesis 1:26-27 With this simple statement we should understand that God created humans for some form of sexual activity… they are male and female. Also, this male female creation projects an image of God to us.

To understand human sexuality PROPERLY is to gain insight into His mind and character

To misunderstand human sexuality is to MISUNDERSTAND God and how He thinks and acts.

God Gave Man and Woman Instruction

Genesis 1:28 human sexuality is the mechanism for creation of new physical life. From the very beginning He draws us into the process of creating new life, not just physical life but spiritual as well.

Human sexual reproduction works in combination with human freedom of choice and association to introduce billions of new DNA patterns created. Billions of new and unique persons and personalities. Each endowed with a spiritual component and spiritual potential to be born into the family of God.

Genesis 2:22-24 God joined them together a binding relationship [marriage]. It is within this binding relationship of marriage between a man and a woman that human sexual designed to express itself. Not a mere biological act, it is a physical representation of the spiritual, namely the faithfulness and commitment of God’ personality.

Genesis 2:25 the attitude of shame was not imparted by God. What is shameful is the improper use of sex. Shame is something humans created.

Genesis 2:8-17 they were supplied with every good thing; physical needs, probably other stuff as well. Also in the middle of everything, the tree of life, and the tree of good and evil [tree of experimentation].

From the very beginning humanity was presented with a choice, and at some point every one including you will have to make that same choice:

1) The way of listening to God: believing what He says and acting accordingly. A way which leads to life, peace, joy, fulfillment, and ultimately eating of the tree of life and enjoying life in the family of God. ...the alternative is...

2) The way of experimentation: a course of trial and error that has some good but also a healthy dose of suffering, emptiness, turmoil, and most importantly not getting to eat of the tree of life. You cannot have it both ways.

  1. Romans 6:23 to sin is to disobey and leads to death in the sense that your body will simply live out is appointed days... after which you'll return to the base materials of which you were made [dust to dust].
  2. Genesis 3:22-24 God will place a barrier between you and the tree of life. In other words, you cannot have both. You cannot have the way of experimentation and the way of listening to God at the same time. They are mutually exclusive.

These same choices and outcomes apply to sex: 1) God's instructions on the matter produce good outcomes: love, humility, belonging, outgoing concern for the other person. 2) The way of human reason and experimentation which leads to bad outcomes: alienation, selfishness, turmoil.

Human reason has not other way to determine success except personal satisfaction, personal happiness, comfort, self esteem. Outside of the setting of a biblically defined marriage sex becomes "all about me". 

We are seeing in our society. Our 100 year old experiment with no-strings sex in all its various shades and forms... is reaping alienation, selfishness, and turmoil. And the same will happen to you if you start experimenting with sex outside of marriage... you won't see the results immediately (its a slow train coming into the station)... and by the time you do you will very likely be caught up in a lifestyle you'll find hard to get out of... and you'll have developed some nasty habits that are hard to shake off.

God says: why learn the hard way?

The First Experiment

Genesis 3:1-5 they tried the fruit... they experimented... and what God said come to pass. They were no longer eligible to eat of the tree of life. How might this apple to sexual experimentation?

Serpent: “Has God told you sex is something you should not do?”

Woman: “No, sex is a good thing God has created, but it has to take place within the context of marriage between a man and a woman.”

Serpent: “You can't rely on God's word, He's hiding stuff from you. He's denying you some very satisfying experiences. You are capable of deciding what to do or not to do with you own body... but you'll never know how exciting it is unless you try it.”

The Alternative: God's Commands/Judgments Regarding Sex

God's instructions are: no sexual activity outside of marriage. It a command intended for your well being. He is concerned for your physical well-being, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual… For your days in the flesh and into the time when you are raise to life everlasting in His Family. God is a concerned Father.

Scenario: I don't want my 3 year old child hit by a car... so I tell/command her not to run in the road. I know experimenting with running in the road and seeing what happens will lead to terrible results. She doesn't understand the consequences, she does not know the tremendous kinetic energy of a 2,000 lb. hunk of steel travelling at 35 mph. She doesn't understand the fragility of her body. I do not want her to learn by experimentation. So, I guard her and protect her...

God feels the same way about you. He wants to protect you from the fallout of sexual experimentation... adultery, recreational sex, experimenting with going part of the way but not all the way... these sexual indulgences take a toll on you. You may not see the effects at first but they will come:

Emotional - recreational sex will affect your feelings of self worth and your views on the worth of others, are they a plaything or a person? [canard?]

Intellectual - increasingly disassociating sex with spiritual well-being increasingly works toward low regard for the value of human life [people’s attitude on abortion is directly correlated to attitudes about sex]

Physical - STDs, pregnancy, the true cost of these can take years to fully unfold

Spiritual - a barrier to properly understanding the relationship your Creator wants to have with you

Gain Knowledge & Understanding

There are two ways to gain understanding: 1) experimentation: try everything out, observe the results, make decisions [the human method] 2) to be told by someone who already knows the results [the God method].

The problem with being told is that the listener has to believe what they are being told without having empirical data to prove it... in other words; faith, belief… confidence in the one doing the telling.

The problem with experimentation is that it causes a lot of unforeseen collateral damage before the lessons are learned... on a grand scale that means; suffering, confusion, turmoil, division, even war.

The Bible Offers You Knowledge

The bible does not pretend to be your go-to source for understanding of all things; physics, cosmology, biology, economics, political theory etc. To attempt this is to mis-handle the scriptures. What God's word offers you is the knowledge you need for eternal spiritual life in His family. This is information that is beyond the powers of human minds to discover on their own.

What is the purpose of life? What is the way of peace? Where did everything come from? Big questions… the best the human mind can come up with on its own is guess work, failed experiments, a lot of collateral damage, a shrug of the shoulders, and the weak admission: "I don't know".

With all the information left out of the bible; physics, cosmology, biology, economics, political theory etc. It is significant that instruction on the boundaries of human sexuality are included in God's word. This instruction is included because they have a profound affect on our spiritual future... and our spiritual present. At its very core, HUMAN sexuality is spiritual.

God intended human beings to produce knowledge. He gave us eyes to see, ears to hear, hands to touch and manipulate. For example; there may be a lot we can learn about human sexuality that is good and helpful if built upon the solid foundation of biblical revelation. Which is:

Human sexual expression is to be contained within the boundaries of a state of marriage between a man and a woman.

Get Back To The Tree of Life

Perhaps you have experimented... maybe you never knew any better ... maybe you had God's word but decided to try your options and make your own decisions. Is there a way for you to get back to the tree of life? To get past the guarding angle with the flaming sword? The answer is Yes!

Your way back to the tree of life is through Jesus Christ. Through His life and death the veil that separates you from God has been torn open and you may come into God's presence and eat of the tree of life. That tree of life embodies what God's holy spirit can do for you.

Romans 5:5 through the spirit God love can be poured out into your heart and mind/what is love

Romans 13:10 God's love is expressed through His commands

Acts 5:32  He gives His spirit to those who listen to His instruction and follow it.

Exodus 20:14 Human sexual expression is to be contained within the boundaries of a state of marriage between a man and a woman.

He gives you this important information for your good, for your well-being, physically, emotional, intellectually, and spiritually. God Says “don’t choose to learn the hard way”.


Craig Scott pastors the United Church of God congregations in Raleigh, Greensboro and Jacksonville, North Carolina.

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