
"...who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator..." (Romans 1:25).

A belief in the God of the Bible and a belief in the theory of evolution cannot be reconciled—one discounts the other. Choose your side carefully.


Intelligent Design Versus Evolution

The theory of evolution is doing a lot of damage in our society. Is there valid scientific evidence that supports Intelligent Design?
Blue DNA double helixes

The Tiny Miracle That's Toppling Evolution

The discovery of DNA's double-helix structure opened the floodgates for scientists to examine the code embedded within it. Could evolution have gradually come up with a system like this?
A man sitting on a rock on the beach.

Life's Purpose and the Consequences of Ideas

Does your life have meaning and purpose?
Articulated Dinosaur fossil

The Giver of Life

How did life begin? How did our planet's amazing variety of animals and plants come into being?
Up close image of a peacock's feather, showing one of its eyes in particular

How the Amazing Peacock's Feather Refutes Evolution

The ornate beauty of a peacock's feather isn't random, and didn't fit any of the proposed explanations by Darwinists.
Magazine Issue

Compass Check: Summer 2021

Do you ever get hard questions in life? I don’t mean things like, solve for x when x 2+2x+1 = 4, but questions about life. As a pastor, I get hard questions all of the time, and to be honest...
How can we face the evolutionary explanation for belief in God in light of world history?

Is Your Faith a Product of Evolution?

How can we face the evolutionary explanation for belief in God in light of world history?

Givers Get More!

Science has confirmed that Jesus was right when He said "it is more blessed to give than to receive." Let's examine the fascinating new brain science that shows us what happens when we give to others.
Media Production

Enemies of Evolution

Evidence against the theory of evolution continues mounting up. Who are among its principal challengers? It is scientists!

The Bible's Appeal to Logic and Reason

We can use reason and logic to prove God exists. We do not have to rely only on faith, or only on science. Science proves our faith.