
"...who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator..." (Romans 1:25).

A belief in the God of the Bible and a belief in the theory of evolution cannot be reconciled—one discounts the other. Choose your side carefully.


God: Best ________ In The Universe

What kind of mind did it take to create our Universe? The mind of an engineer? A chemist? A farmer? A father? The Creator of our Universe had to have an incredible mind to make it as He did. In…

Biblical Perspective on Human Sexuality

There is a true teaching about human sexuality in God's word, which sets us on a positive foundation and confronts the errors of false teaching (secular & religious).

Creation and the Peacock's Feather

How can a peacock's feather disprove the theory of evolution? This message, given during the Sabbath-in-the-Park, explains how Darwin became bitter against God and eventually developed a theory that is unsupported in truth.
Jay Richards

Interview With Intelligent Design Proponent Jay Richards

Dr. Richards discusses the history of the intelligent design movement and how recent areas of research increasingly point to a Designer.
A spool of thread unraveling.

Darwinism Unraveling

Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is widely accepted throughout the world. How did that theory develop, and is it true?
A baby chick and an egg.

Foresight or Blind Evolution?

The argument that nature is a result of blind chance that only appears designed is becoming harder to defend with growing evidence of foresight and planning.
Scientist looking at a microscope.

The Problem With Evolution and the Return of God

What does biochemistry tell us about the entrenched idea that life resulted from random chance over billions of years? Will we see a resurgence in belief in God as the true explanation?
Up close photo of a brown cow.

Beliefs Have Consequences

Evolution leaves mankind blind to our purpose, wandering and wondering in the dark.
Magazine Issue

Beyond Today Magazine: November–December 2019

In the 160 years that have passed since the publication of Charles Darwin’s book On the Evolution of Species, the theory of Darwinian evolution has dominated science and education. But new explorations in scientific study are exposing more and more...

Lessons From Creation

Listen to this sermon to learn about various Creation theories, and find out which one is really true. You will also learn about God's plan for mankind, and how it ties into His Creation (Please download PowerPoint presentation at the…