Given In

Carefully Consider Your Words

Listen to this sermon and learn why you need to carefully consider your word(s). We are told in Matthew 12:36-37 the following: "But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned." God’s Word is life, is power, and glory, and truth. His Word does what He commands. We’re made in His image. We are to attain the fullness of Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God and our Savior among many, many other things. God carefully considers His Word before it goes out. One word from the sovereign God of the universe could destroy planets, solar systems and galaxies. He utters Words that are pure, noble, true, just and righteous. God never fails, and His Word never fails.

Born and raised in WCG. Went to AC 1973-1976. Finished accredited BS in
Business Admin 30-years later. Retired beginning of 2015. Married to my new bride since January 17, 2016. God is awesome!

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