
The Power of Perspective

In examining the biblical story of David and Goliath we see that even though each of its characters participated in the same event all but one individual viewed it from a hopeless perspective. In this message, discover not only how…

Leaving Spiritual Egypt Behind

This day pictures us leaving spiritual Egypt behind with the false hopes that Satan would have us embrace.

Mission Impossible?

Is it possible to live a godly life in an ungodly world?

Carefully Consider Your Words

Listen to this sermon and learn why you need to carefully consider your word(s). We are told in Matthew 12:36-37 the following: "But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of…

Principles of Child Rearing

This is the second part of a series of sermons on child rearing.

Our Selfish Nature

Being selfish leads to a narrow thought process that cannot see what others are going through. Also, the more we focus on self, the more we forget God and his plan. We need to shift our focus off of self…

Are You a Godly Servant?

When Jesus Christ returns, will He say to you - " Well done, good and faithful servant? This sermon discusses three vital attributes of a godly servant.

Are We Yielding to God’s Values?

In our world today, what people value and what God values are often at odds. However you and must always clothe ourselves to God's righteous values. Indeed, He desires that we continually yield ourselves to Him and His way of…
Setting the Bar

Setting the Bar

Is the example of our lives truly in line with that of Jesus Christ? Do the little things in our lives point to God?
father and son

Fathers and Father-Figures - Do It Right, Be "Courageous"