Given In

Exposing Satan's Devices

Are you ignorant of Satan’s devices? Satan poses as an angel of light and broadcasts through moods and attitudes. We must guard our thoughts with all diligence and overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb in order to bind and cast him out of our lives now. We must realize who we are, where we are and what we have to do in view of the world we live in today. God through Jesus Christ has raised up the Church to expose and overcome Satan and to become the righteousness of God through Christ.

Before his retirement in 2021, Dr. Donald Ward pastored churches in Texas and Louisiana, and taught at Ambassador Bible College in Cincinnati, Ohio. He has also served as chairman of the Council of Elders of the United Church of God. He holds a BS degree; a BA in theology; a MS degree; a doctor’s degree in education from East Texas State University; and has completed 18 hours of graduate theology from SMU.

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