Given In

Finish The Race Strong

Here's food for thought as we will be going back home and resuming regular daily life

The 7th day of the Feast has a built in message and that message is found in Revelation 20:7-9. After 1,000 years of God’s rule in the Millennium why did huge numbers of people follow Satan’s lead after he is released for a short time?

The 7th day of the Feast has a built in message and that message is found in Revelation 20:7-9. After 1,000 years of God’s rule in the Millennium why did huge numbers of people follow Satan’s lead after he is released for a short time? This sermon is designed to give food for thought for our members as they will be going back to their homes and resuming regular daily life in a couple of days. Two main points will be stressed so that we will finish our race strong:

1. Have a one on one relationship with God and Jesus Christ that mean everything to us.

2. Have a passionate love for God’s way of life.


Randy D’Alessandro served as pastor for the United Church of God congregations in Chicago, Illinois, and Beloit, Wisconsin, from 2016-2021. Randy previously served in Raleigh, North Carolina (1984-1989); Cookeville, Tennessee (1989-1993); Parkersburg, West Virginia (1993-1997); Ann Arbor and Detroit, Michigan (1997-2016).

Randy first heard of the church when he was 15 years old and wanted to attend services immediately but was not allowed to by his parents. He quit the high school football and basketball teams in order to properly keep the Sabbath. From the time that Randy first learned of the Holy Days, he kept them at home until he was accepted to Ambassador College in Pasadena, California in 1970.

Randy and his wife, Mary, graduated from Ambassador College with BA degrees in Theology. Randy was ordained an elder in September 1979.

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