
Finish What You Started Out to Do

Everyone has in mind to finish something that they’ve started. Yet, not everyone who starts something finishes what they’ve started out to do. Paul describes our calling to a race. He encourages us to not give up! It’s not about…

Living Strong Through Storms

How do you stay strong in the face of the severe storms that we face in life? In this sermonette, Michael Bannen discusses what God tells us we should be doing to have a strong foundation.

Finish The Race Strong

The 7th day of the Feast has a built in message and that message is found in Revelation 20:7-9. After 1,000 years of God’s rule in the Millennium why did huge numbers of people follow Satan’s lead after he is…

What Are the Anchors of Your Soul?

When beset by worries, troubles and serious trials, are you able to stay on course? In this sermonette, Michael Bannen discusses what we need to remember to avoid being thrown off course when life presents us with major difficulties.

Are We Committed?

Rev 3:11 “Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. As we made a commitment to God at baptism. God is giving us the opportunity to be in his Family. Are…

Seek God

How will we stay strong spiritually while the world goes ever deeper into the abyss?

Don't Miss the Mark!

I was on duty when the call came in. The supertanker Exxon Valdez had run aground in Prince William Sound, Alaska, unleashing a huge oil spill! Why did it happen? And what lessons are there for us today?