Given In

God, the Law, and Me

The Law of God began, not at Mt.Sinai, but at creation - Laws that are to become a part of us so that we can teach them to the world tomorrow.

Mr. Spears was a dedicated minister of Jesus Christ who faithfully served and loved the brethren over many decades. Baptized in 1969 with his wife, Rita, Mr. Spears grew as a pillar of the Church of God serving in many capacities; from teaching on the Sabbath and giving Bible Studies, to Spokesman’s Club, Graduate Speakers Club, to counseling, engaging congregational activities, and working with church youth programs.

Mr. Spears was born in Bisbee Arizona in 1938. He graduated from the University of Arizona in 1961 and was recruited by Del Monte Foods, of San Francisco where he worked for 43 years before retiring. He and Rita had celebrated 56 years of marriage.

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