Given In

The Incredible Blessing of a Child

Children are an incredible blessing. They provide us with essential lessons that we can learn and implement in our lives. They are humble, trusting, and teachable -- all characteristics that are necessary for us as disciples of Jesus Christ. As parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles - we have an important responsibility - as our children are on loan from God. Like arrows in the hands of a mighty warrior - we point them in the right direction, draw back the bow... and ultimately let them go, trusting they will fly true. How can we as congregations engage our children, recognize them for the blessing that they are and allow them to sharpen us as believers?

Ben is an elder serving as Pastor for the Salem, Eugene, Roseburg, Oregon congregations of the United Church of God. He is an avid outdoorsman, and loves hunting, fishing and being in God's creation.

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