Learning to Meditate

Meditation is often associated with the practice of yoga and sitting cross-legged in a contemplative pose, but what does the Bible say about meditation? In this sermon, Tim Pebworth explores that what, why, how, where and when of meditation, highlighting not just the rejuvenation impacts, but also the life-changing power that comes from meditation. Taking the time to meditate on God’s intentions for us breaks the cycle of victimization and pushes past just reflecting the moods of those around us. Learning to mediate also means learning the distinction between bible study and bible meditation, both critical to understand the mind of God.

Tim Pebworth is the pastor of the Bordeaux and Narbonne France congregations, as well as Senior Pastor for congregations in Côte d'Ivoire, Togo and Benin. He is responsible for the media effort of the French-speaking work of the United Church of God around the world.

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