
God's Will for Your Life

How much does God control? How much of what happens on earth is God’s will? Is it His will that people suffer? Is every success or failure in your life God’s will?
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Making Your Life Work

The important key in making your life work is in discovering God’s great purpose for you and fulfilling it as He intends.
Football player on field at sunset

Why Not You?

Three important principles that have carried NFL quarterback Russell Wilson's life on track can be applied to our spiritual life.

The Amazing Tale of Three Teens

Many teens and young adults who are raised in God's church, stay in God's church. Being in God's church and staying in God's church is all about commitment and, as we are now seeing, you can become committed at a…

If Not Now - When?

Fred Crow 2/22/20 Location: Orinda... In this sermon entitled, "If Not Now - When?" Mr. Crow discusses how our calling comes with an urgency. It's not to be taken casually. We are not to procrastinate our conversion - we are…

The Perils of Success

Economic success is often the sole driving force in this world. Yet reaching the height of success in this world does not fill us up without God in our lives. Success has destroyed more lives than failures ever could. This…

The Place of Faith

In the Bible we find many tests of faith that placed great demands upon God's people. However, except for those experienced by Jesus Christ, there may not be greater challenges to faith than the ones Abraham faced.

Five Ingredients for Guaranteed Failure

Success can be measured in various ways. Money constitutes a primary measure of success for many, but God’s perspective is different. Violating certain core principles insures failure physically and spiritually. For true Christians, living a righteous life is the only…

Ingredience for Guaranted Failure

God's instruction in all elements of life leads to satisfying and enduring success.

God's Commencement Address

With the graduation season upon us, educators offer vision and advice on success to those moving onto the next chapter of their life. What advice would God offer graduates on how to be successful in the pursuit of eternal life?