Beyond Today Television Program

Making Your Life Work

The important key in making your life work is in discovering God’s great purpose for you and fulfilling it as He intends.


[Darris McNeely] Joy's a more powerful motivator than fear. So I ask you, what's your joy?

Richard's wife called me one morning. "Richard," she said, "Richard just won't get out of bed. He's depressed." So she handed the phone to Richard, and I talked to Richard for a few minutes on the phone. I took a little bit of time but I talked him through the problem that he had that was keeping him in bed. He had some stress. He was a little bit worried about things going on at work and in his life and it just overwhelmed him and he just didn't want to get out of bed. We worked it through. He eventually got back to work and got back to normal.

That phone call in that incident made a real deep impression on me because I never had one like that. And the man wouldn't get out of bed and I thought, "Wow, that's, you know, everybody wants to get out of bed every morning and get on with their life.” And for a moment, he'd lost his purpose. But when I reoriented him, showed him that he did have a purpose in his life to get out of bed, well it helped him.

You know it taught me a lesson that life works best when we have a purpose, when we have a reason, the goal to get out of bed. It's pretty simple really. Have you found your purpose? Have you found meaning in your life? Ask yourself why do you get out of bed every morning and hopefully, you make your bed and don't leave it rumpled like this one here.

But why do you get out of your bed every morning? Or like Richard, if you happen to be like him sometimes, you might not want to get out of bed and you stay in bed. Why would you do that? You find the reason. You get out of bed every morning and it can change your life. You find that reason to get out of bed every morning and you can help somebody else change their life. You find the reason to get out of bed every morning and you can make your life work the way God intends your life to work. That was a big lesson that I learned talking to Richard. You find the reason to get out of bed to get to your day and then you have a key to making your life work.

Years ago in my own life I found the key to life with purpose and meaning. It was shown to me, it was taught to me, and I found it. I came to understand that there is a God, but that God speaks to mankind through this book, the Bible. And I came to find and to realize by trial and error in some ways in my younger years, but it taught me that God's way does work, a very simple formula. God's way works.

And so for many years as a pastor and as a teacher I've been sharing those principles with people, with people in congregations around the country, in classrooms as well. You see people that I've worked with and myself, we have a spiritual reason for getting out of bed each day to help make life work. When you find that you've got the key.

Do you know something? I've got another reason to get out of bed every day. It's one of those physical goals. We all have to have short-term physical goals in life as well. I want to tell you about that. I want to tell you what that short-term physical goal is. But first let me walk you through a few points about making our life work, making your life work at the highest level possible.

You see when we talk about making life work we're talking about usually in one's life beginning to make a few changes, adjustments, and alterations that come along. Making change at any time in your life when you recognize you got a problem you've got to correct. That can be hard, right? How many times have we started to make a change and, "Oh I can't do that or it hurts," or something happens, and we get sidetracked?

When it comes to aligning your life with values, with principles, and with laws, that's really what we're talking about when it comes to making life work. We're talking about having a purpose and a goal. And through all of this as I've worked it out in my own life, I've learned one key principle I think that can help all of us understand that life can work better and we can make those changes, those little alterations that come around if we understand this. Here it is. Joy is a more powerful motivator than fear. Joy is a more powerful motivator than fear.

So I asked you, what's your joy? What brings joy to your life? What makes you happy? What makes you get out of bed every morning? Find that reason, you can change your life. Find that reason, you can help somebody else change theirs. You find that reason, and you can begin to make your life work as God really intends it to work. When a person finds that reason, I found it, several of us here probably have as well, it gets to a point where we then have to understand what that joy factor is in life and it motivates us.

Let me share some thoughts with you as we deal with this and as we work it through. One of the things we have to come to in our life is we have to find a reason to live beyond ourselves, for something or for someone beyond our own self. We're all tied up with our own selves aren't we? Sure we are, to one degree or the other. We live in what they call a narcissistic culture.

You've seen people taking selfies of themselves. You go to some historic site, you go to some fabulous natural scene where tourists congregate, and you see people with their big sticks out there and there are cameras on the end of it taking a picture of themselves so they can post it on social media. They're looking more at themselves and want to be in the picture than what might be the real story behind all of that. We're fixated on ourselves.

The idea of a narcissistic culture comes from the Greek mythology of Narcissus, who's such a beautiful, beautiful person. Everybody fell in love with him and he wouldn't commit to anybody and they just destroyed themselves in despair. And ultimately he fell in love with his own image as he looked at it and stared it, and he fixed only on himself. And through the years that's entered into our culture where we have this self-centered narcissistic culture about ourselves, and it's inbred within us. One of the cases we have to, at some point begin to get our mind off of ourselves and onto others. That's one of the keys. The Apostle Paul talked about this in 2 Timothy 3:2.

He was talking about the conditions of what he called the last days, the time that we're actually living in. And one of the things that he said in 2 Timothy 3:2 was that men will be lovers of their own selves, lovers of their own selves. Nothing describes the type of culture that Paul is describing as narcissism where we fall in love with our own self. And today's culture is designed to turn our view inward upon ourselves. And do you know what happens when we focus only on our self, our happiness, our goals, our problems? Well we get crushed under the false hopes, the false expectations, and the false dreams of what this modern world promises but can't deliver on. And when that happens, every one of us is prey to the further traps of addiction or abuse, or other problems that come upon us when we're focused only upon ourselves.

One of the things that I learned a few years ago that really helped me to focus on this was this. I was in a health club where I used to live, and I’d go in there several times a week. And when I'd go into the health club there was a gentleman there that was pumping iron. And he was kind of scary-looking. He had tattoos all over his body. He had piercings all over his face. When he was pumping the iron he was just pumping away and grunting and making all kinds of noises and his rather fearsomely, he looked kind of scary. I wasn't in there to do that. I went to go swim and take a sauna and whatever. I said, "I think I'll stay clear this guy." I called him tattoo guy because he was just all over with tattoos.

One day I came out of the shower and I turned down to the little cubicle area to my locker and guess who was next to my locker? Tattoo guy. I thought, "Oh, boy, I'm scared." I got there and I started to dress, and tattoo guy turned to me. He said, "How are you doing?" I said, "I'm doing fine." So we had a conversation and he began to say, "Man I had a great workout today. It really went well." He says, "This is what really keeps me from shooting up and doing drugs." I said, "Oh, yeah?" He said, "Yeah." He said, "I've been through addiction counseling. I've been in prison. Nothing worked to keep me off the drugs except pumping iron here." I said, "Really? What got you into that?"

He said, "I was in prison and my eight-year-old daughter came to visit with me and looked at me one day and said, 'Daddy, I'm tired of visiting you in prison."' He said, "That got me just like that." He said, "I didn't want my eight-year-old daughter saying that anymore and so I started pumping iron. And that's the only thing that keeps me off, that and my eight-year-old daughter, because I don't want to disappoint her."

You find someone or something beyond yourself to live for, to work for and you're beginning to find a key principle to what makes life work. And that understanding is how to make life work as part of a foundation of a happy and successful life. What we've done is prepare a Bible study aid to help people understand how to make life work and this guide really offers some very practical, easy to apply principles to give all of us purpose and meaning to get out of bed every day.

Those of you that are watching you can get a free copy of this by calling the number that's on your screen or going to and downloading it, and get your own copy eventually but start marking it up. It's going to really help you and help us. It's helped me as I've even looked back over this booklet in preparation for this talk here today.

Remember I said that joy is a bigger motivator than fear. Making life work begins with finding a reason to live for someone or something beyond ourselves. And joy is found in something or someone beyond us. Let me show you how this works, something I learned again by talking with people who struggled with life's challenges. Over the years, I've talked with people who've struggled with alcohol abuse, obesity, sexual sin, depression. And one of the things I've learned is that people live the way they do at times with those addictions to deal with pain and the troubles of life. It may be physical pain. It might be emotional pain. It might be rejection or lack of confidence or even spiritual pain, seeking some purpose and meaning.

And as a counselor, I've learned that helping people manage their lives out of problems is a long and sometimes rocky road. It doesn't happen overnight in every case. It's not easy. It takes years. I've had some successes and sometimes you didn't have successes with people. But what I've learned is this, that when you tell people who are depressed, who are hurting, who are lonely that they should quit something that they like because it's hurting them, addiction, too much alcohol, eating too much, abusive behavior. It doesn't always work that way.

Do you know why? Because people drink too much alcohol because it helps to drown the pain of life. People smoke cigarettes, I found, because they like them. It helps to take the edge off of a rough life. People even go to drugs to cope with deep disappointment and hurt from things in life. And the way out of that takes something far beyond just telling them to remove it. They have to be convinced that joy and happiness is a bigger motivator than fear.

In researching this I ran across an article in the “Atlantic” magazine that explains this. It focused on an area of the United States where this problem is kind of zeroed in. It's actually not too far from where we are here today. And this author went and interviewed people in this city and county in this region where a lot of people are addicted to opioids and interviewed people and talked with them and wrote up her experiences here of what caused people to get on to some of these dangerous drugs.

And it wasn't always because a prescription given to them. It invariably happened or began when there was something missing within them, some hurt, some disappointment. She quotes one individual here who kind of fortunately got out of the problem but this individual had been raised in an abusive type of household, orphaned at age 12 because her mother overdosed. And as a result she felt depressed, discouraged, lonely, abandoned, unloved, and confused. And when a friend offered her a Percocet it helped to numb the pain. And she went from there to other drugs, marijuana, and even alcohol, and cocaine to numb the pain.

People engage in destructive behavior looking for something missing within their life. This is what the author found out here and she put it in very plain speech. She said, "Opioids acquire their dark power when they keep souls from throbbing."

People are crippled by emotional pain and the cigarettes, the drugs, the alcohol helps to fix that emotional problem. And therapies work best, solutions come better, when they find that the way out begins with a path filled with joy. Joy is a bigger motivator than fear to help people deal with some of these issues.

Let's talk for a moment about change to a better working life. Is it gradual or does it come all at once? As I said earlier I have had successes in helping people. Usually it takes a bit longer but I've also seen a few people who made a quick turnaround just like that, wrap it overnight almost, resulting in positive benefits. And that runs up with the biblical message because when you read scripture, God basically says, "Flee immorality." He says, "Flee addictive behavior." To a woman who was taken in adultery, Jesus said what? He said, "Go and sin no more. Stop it. Go, turn your life around."

One night I had a telephone call from a gentleman that I knew and he said, "I need to talk to you quickly." I said, "Okay. Come on by." About an hour later, he showed up at my front door and he knocked on the door. I opened it. It was raining that night, and, yeah, it was dark and rainy night. He was wet and he looked dejected and he came in. His wife had caught him in adultery. He’d been having an affair and she said, "You either stop this, or I'm out the door." I think what she told him was, "You're out the door." I said, "Well, you better listen to your wife. Here's what you need to do." He went home and he did it. He turned his life around very quickly. He saved his marriage, earned back the respect of his kids.

Change always works better if we can change quickly and move on to a better life. Christ said that He came to give us an abundant life and when we find that door through that, it helps us to get it together in a far better way. Christ said that, "I am the door, the Shepherd, the door of the sheep. If anyone enters in by me, they can be saved." He said, "I've come that they may have life and they might have it more abundantly." Now that's a very important thing to understand. Joy is a bigger motivator than pain.

The principles that we bring out in this booklet, "Making Life Work," really speak to that principle of joy being a bigger motivator than fear because it walks us through marriage, having a happy marriage and certain keys, working better with our children, developing solid, healthy friendships, getting our financial house in order. There's a lot of great practical information in here and it's a great place to begin for all of us. A lot of reminders as I said, looking at this, it helped me to orient a few things in my own life.

I encourage you to pull out your copy of it, or get a copy of it and sit down with your own children, or if you've got grandchildren who may need a few pointers in this direction, you're a grandparent, sit down with your grandchildren. Go online to Download your own copy or get your own by calling the number that is on the screen, "Making Life Work." It helps to begin to get us to that point in life where we can begin to make certain changes that get our lives aligned in principles. Joy can motivate us to change into behavior that makes our life work.

Here's another example that I learned in looking at this. Let me give you an example of what all of us would dread. The one diagnosis, the one phone call we don't want from a doctor and he says, "You need this operation. You need heart surgery," for instance. Or, "You're going to not live." You go through bypass surgery. Here's the question. Will you change your lifestyle? Will you change your habits that lead to the coronary disease?

I've dealt with a number of people through the years. I've been at their bedside when they've gone through those surgeries and help them to deal with the shock and the aftermath and then moving on to their lives. And I've wondered about that. What would I do? How would I react to that? Do you know something? Statistics show that people normally do not make lasting changes to their lifestyle that got them into those problems. Most patients they find out, nearly 90% of them after two years beyond the heart surgery, they returned to their old habits. They just can't find the permanent way to make the change in their behavior. And what they found is that 80% of healthcare costs are usually caused by five different issues, smoking, drinking, overeating, stress, and lack of exercise. Things that we have control over, things that are hard to change.

And yet I saw another study with an interesting approach, an insurance company that pays the bills on all these things. They did some positive behavioral training with people who gone through surgery like that. They found that after three years 77% of the patients stayed with their lifestyle change because they reshape their behavior to a more positive approach. It's about changing the way people lived, and showing that by tangible day-to-day actions you can actually feel better about yourself, feel better in living physically.

And what it comes down to is basically reframing the way you look at things and your own life. It's a way of what God calls repentance. God calls it repentance when it comes down to behavior that actually breaks down the relationships of our life. We change because we see that it will make us feel better, think better.

Again joy is a more powerful motivator than fear. You find the reason to live beyond the moment, beyond today. You find the reason to live for a better life ahead and ultimately for a better world to come, and then you're on the path to making those changes and living a life that does actually work according to godly principles.

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus Christ said, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you." All things, all these things, He said. What was He talking about? Well He says, "Most people worry about life." He said, "Don't worry." You can't do anything about a lot of the physical things that blind us, that actually hide us to a spiritual dimension. He said, "Don't worry about those things. They can be taken care of. Don't overly obsess over them." It's another way of saying joy is a bigger motivator than fear.

It comes down to the fact that joy of life helps us to understand the larger purpose in our life. When I learned that as a young man, when I focused on that Scripture, "Seek you first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all things will be added to you," that created a fire within me and a passion that really is still there, and it can do the same for you.

You see years ago when I was a young man I learned certain spiritual teachings of the world to come, of an age to come. It was called "The Vision of a Wonderful World Tomorrow." And when I learned that it began to make my life work. You know why? Because I grew up at a time that we call the '60s, and there were a lot of pitfalls in the 1960s of drugs and sexual freedoms, and ideas that were there just to entrap and to ensnare and to kind of veer you off in a different lifestyle. And that vision, that teaching, helped me to change my life and kept me out of certain swamps and certain pitfalls.

It was a vision of God's kingdom, and it became a spiritual DNA and it really gave my life a spiritual exclamation point. What I like to call creating a fire within me that was important to sustain and to help. And when that happened it began to reframe my life at an early age and that's what I've been helping people to teach, to see, and to understand. And it matches up with every study that you would find, every type of article that would help to bring people to reframe their lives on this particular question that they need a purpose in life. They need a spiritual goal. They need fellowship. They need religion. Ultimately, it comes down to the fact that they need God.

And people who are connected spiritually to God into a purpose in life, they're going to be closer aligned with those keys that make life work. Again that's what we've brought together in this booklet, "Making Life Work," making your life work at the highest possible level that you can possibly imagine. You want to make your life work? You can. You can find the principles that will help you get out of bed every morning. This booklet, what we offer is free. It's not going to cost anything. You can download it at or you can call the number on your screen.

Now I said at the top of the program, there are spiritual goals to find to help make life work and I said that we all need those physical goals as well to help make our life work. And I said I was going to share that with you. What is it that's motivated me to be alert, to be healthy, to keep my eye on that larger spiritual goal but it's kind of an interim goal? I'll tell you what it is.

I have two granddaughters. One day I came to myself and I said, "I want to dance with those two granddaughters at their wedding." All right? I plan to do that. Together with the greater goal of God's kingdom it's enough to get me out of my bed every morning. You find those reasons in your life, and it will help you make your life work as well.

[Narrator] Call now to receive the free booklet offered on today's program, "Making Life Work." Do you ever feel stuck? Like you can't see past the challenges that flow your way? Has your life not turned out exactly the way you thought it would? We all feel this way at times. But you can put real purpose and focus in your life and give yourself a reason to get out of bed in the morning.

Our free study aid, "Making Life Work” establishes the keys to a long and productive life. It reveals the Bible's principles for success in your career, your marriage, your parenting, your health, and your finances. Learn the truth from your Bible about how to get the most out of life. Order now. Call toll free 1-888-886-8632 or write to the address shown on your screen. You don't have to wonder about the purpose of life. God has an amazing plan for all mankind and you can be a part of His purpose in this life.

When you order this free study aid we'll also send you a complimentary one-year subscription to "Beyond Today Magazine." "Beyond Today Magazine" brings you understanding of today's world and hope for the future. Six times a year, you'll read about current world events in the light of Bible prophecy as well as practical knowledge to improve your marriage and family. Call today to receive your free booklet, "Making Life Work" and your free one-year subscription to "Beyond Today Magazine." 1-888-886-8632, or go online to

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Darris McNeely

Darris McNeely works at the United Church of God home office in Cincinnati, Ohio. He and his wife, Debbie, have served in the ministry for more than 43 years. They have two sons, who are both married, and four grandchildren. Darris is the Associate Media Producer for the Church. He also is a resident faculty member at the Ambassador Bible Center teaching Acts, Fundamentals of Belief and World News and Prophecy. He enjoys hunting, travel and reading and spending time with his grandchildren.

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Let Us Keep the Feasts: Power to Change

39 minutes read time

This is part 7 in the Bible study series: Let Us Keep the Feasts. Do you sometimes look at your life and wonder, "Have I ever changed and become a better person"? It is a powerful thought. The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy that “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7) How can we harness this power to bring spiritual change to our lives? Is there a scriptural key we can center on as a foundation of real and lasting change?


[Darris McNeely] Good evening, everyone. Welcome to our Wednesday night Bible study series here from the home office of the United Church of God here in Cincinnati, Ohio. Glad to have all of you out here this evening with us. For those of you that are online, welcome. Many of you will be listening to this live over the Internet, then viewing it later on delay. So welcome to all of you, we're glad to have you. We're continuing in our series of the power of the Holy Spirit and leading up to the Feast of Pentecost as we keep the Feasts of God. And it's a busy time right now here at the office. We are preparing for the annual meeting of the General Conference of Elders, commonly called by us as the GCE. Many elders, I think about 185 elders and wives, possibly more, I saw a list today and forgot the exact number, but we have a number that will be coming in from around the United States and Canada. Many other international areas will begin to convene here this weekend for our meetings. So we're looking forward to having them with us, and we're glad to have all of you here tonight for this. So I will go ahead and ask God's blessing on the Bible study. Those of you that are here, if you would just please bow your heads and we will ask God to be with us. Great God, thank You very much for this evening, for the opportunity to gather in this midweek Bible study. You've given us the wonderful facilities here at our home office. You've given us good weather here this evening as well. We pray that wherever Your people are gathered tonight, hearing this and even later in their lives, there is peace, there is confidence, and there is courage. Father, we ask that as we gather and study into Your Word, pertaining to, tonight in this case, the ability to change and to become different people through and by Your Word and Your Holy Spirit, it would help us to think deeply about ourselves and where we are in our journey with You toward Your Kingdom. So guide us tonight, be with those who are not able to tune in. And certainly, Father, many are sick, and we need to remember them in our prayers. We ask You to strengthen them, raise them to health and to courage by Your grace. Thank you, Father, for Your Word and for Your love and kindness in our lives. We pray Your blessing tonight and do so in Christ's holy name. Amen. All right. Well, we've had several good studies all the way along here. We had run up to the Feast of the Unleavened Bread and several studies that led us to that point. And now we're in this period between the Days of Unleavened Bread and Pentecost, where we covered the themes of the firstfruits of God's harvests, the firstfruits of God's plan of salvation. The theme of the Holy Spirit, the giving of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. The beginning of the church and what that means in terms of the power of God in our lives. We chose this particular night's study to be one that would focus in on the power to change. And those intangible elements of life that we look for and need in order to make the most effective and the most lasting changes in our lives, the changes that pertain to our calling to be sons of God, and to accomplish and to achieve the potential God has given to each one of us to be His heirs. And at the end of the discussion, at the end of any desire to change, is that change and those changes we make in our own lives that mold us into the image and the character of God Himself that are the most important. When I was a student, a senior at Ambassador College, I had an instructor in our senior speech class who was talking to us very earnestly. He was a very good instructor and in many, many ways, taught us a lot. He was teaching us in the art of giving sermons and sermonettes, and the technical term for that is "homiletics," in terms of preaching. And he was instructing us in that and how we would go about it, and what we would encounter as we were going into the ministry. And he made a very interesting statement that I still remember. Forty-two years later, if you can remember a statement that one of your instructors made, it must have had a profound impact in your life. He said that of all the talk we make about change and overcoming and becoming converted in our typical in-speak methods within the church, he said, "When it's all said and done after many, many years, sometimes, you don't see too much change at all for all the talk and the efforts that change in one's life." I remember thinking, well, that's kind of negative, a bit defeating. After all, we're in the process of teaching the Word of God to people, and we want people to change, to become like God, to be like Jesus Christ, and to be different people in the process of time. How is it that we might get to the point where we would not be making any changes in our life? And I thought about that through the years. And being a minister, being a Christian, I look at my life on a fairly regular basis, certainly like you. When it comes to the Passover every year, we go through a period of introspection, self-examination and connection with the sacrifice of Christ as we prepare ourselves to take the symbols of Christ's suffering and His death. And we look at our lives periodically, and we sometimes even go through various stages where certain changes and matters that happen to us bring us, whether we like it or not, to change. And I have always thought about that and remembered that. As I look over 40-plus years in the ministry and in teaching and all the multiple thousands of hours that I have spent teaching, counseling with people, and in many ways, watching them to develop and to mature into productive, intelligent adults. I've seen many people make great strides in personal growth while others, in some cases, regressed, and perhaps didn't make as much as others. But I've always wondered about my former teacher's statement and what that might mean. And as I thought about that in preparation for this study tonight, I put it to one side as I introduced it to you. Because when we talk about change, the power to change, there are many things to learn about that and to look at. And we could look at many different steps, gimmicks, and methods by which we might change. In fact, when I started thinking about this at the beginning of this calendar January every year, people make New Year's Resolutions. They want to change certain habits in their life. I started collecting a lot of the articles that I would run across on the web and in papers this year, and putting them into a file, and anticipating doing some teaching and writing on this subject of change. And there was one article I remember seeing, it came about three weeks into January, three and a half weeks into January. And the article was talking about, "This is usually the time people fail or stop trying to make any good on their resolutions that they've made, after 21-plus days." And they had statistics and analysis to back that up. I ran across another one of these little short articles that come to you on the web. And for all of us that have smartphones, we can relate to this, it was actually advocating, it was talking about an app that you can get to help you to change. There's an app for everything for us to get on our phones. Here was an app that could help you change. I just filed that away. I didn't even click on that article and waste my time reading it because I've learned enough to know that there's not an app made that's going to make me change least for me, maybe for you. There's all kinds of talk and efforts and gimmicks to bring that about, and a great deal of focus and energy upon that. So tonight, as we go into this study, let's look at the power to change. And we're going to be focusing upon the Word of God and God's Holy Spirit. But I want to bring it down eventually to one key that I think will help us understand what it is and how we can make the lasting spiritual changes that really do impact our life on the one thing that really does matter, and that is becoming like God, realizing our potential to be born into the family of God. To understand, in essence, why we were born. If we look at ourselves and change, we might ask a question, “what keeps us from making significant changes and progress in our life?" There's a scripture in 2 Timothy 1:7, we all know. Let's turn and read that, 2 Timothy 1:7, which is a very powerful description of what God has given to each person who repents, and through faith and baptism, receives the gift of God's spirit. Paul says as he writes this letter, he says in 2 Timothy 1:7, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” It is not a spirit of fear. It is a spirit of power, of love, and a sound mind. Taken together, this is a very complete verse to explain this whole subject for us to focus on. When you look at what he says at the beginning, he says "We have not received a spirit of fear." Fear is one of those parts of life that is a real big inhibitor to change. Years ago, I remember reading one of these very early self-help books in the early '70s, and one of the chapters was talking about fear and guilt. The two matters, the two emotions that really do paralyze people – fear and guilt. Just to focus on fear, it does paralyze you. Any of us, when we fear something, it will keep us from changing. It will paralyze us in place, wherever we might be, stunt our growth. We might fear any number of things. And we've all had phobias and fears that we have had to deal with and grow out of, or overcome, or face. We might fear tomorrow. We might fear today. We might fear our past, that something might catch up to us from our past. We might fear something that we don't understand, something that we don't know. We might fear something and things that we cannot control. And the list could go on and on and on in terms of things that we might fear. And fear is not of God's spirit is what Paul is saying here. The spirit of God does not motivate to fear. And it does not bring a person to change by fear tactics either, by abusive, forceful, openhanded tactics employed by anyone that provokes us to abnormal fear. I know the Bible talks about the fear of God. And that we go to the Feast of Tabernacles, as it tells us in Deuteronomy 14, that we might always fear God. That, when it's fully understood, is not that we stand in trepidation of God; it really means to respect and to worship God, that we might learn to love God. That's what that means there. But the fear, this human emotion that could be because of guilt or emotional immaturity or some other quirk of our personality that paralyzes us, is not something that God's spirit engenders. And God's Word, God's law, God's teaching, God's way of life in itself does not engender fear, and fear is not a means to growth. We could have the daylights scared out of us over something. But you know, that might then fade. And we might go through a temporary change of behavior. But if it's not a change of the heart, if it's not an inward change, then chances are, it won't be a permanent change and will not be that change of a heart. If you look at the changes that you have made through the years, and if you can catalog those or write a list of any changes, what would they be? What type of habits have you kicked? Did you kick a smoking habit? Did you kick a drinking habit? Did you kick some other type of physical habit that was abusive or detrimental to your health? Was it an emotional habit? Have you become more productive in work as a result of just determining and applying yourself to be a more productive, harder worker, more proficient, whatever it might be. What kind of changes have you made? Have you become a more loving husband, or a more patient wife or parent? Look at the changes that you've made. When I look at myself, I can see that in some matters, I have made big changes. And in some ways, I think, perhaps I have proven my college teacher wrong. But then there are times that come up in my life where I realize, "Oh, man. I'm still like that." And I have to be the same. I'm still the same in some ways. Sometimes, we will find ourselves slipping back into habits. That can be discouraging a bit, especially if it's pointed out by someone close to you, as we all or want to have someone that may do that at various times. I've come to realize there are some parts of our personality, personalities we have, in a sense, that are destiny. I think I will always have certain traits of my father, probably always will. And I hope it's always the good traits. But there may be some of the traits that he had that were not always the best that I will have to be aware of. And same with you. And we have to, I think, understand that, that some matters of personality just might be our destiny, but there are others that we can modify. We can change with effort. And if we do that, we will be better people as a result of that. Now, there are changes that come about as we grow older, as we mature in life, and go through experiences. In 1 Corinthians 13:11, the apostle Paul makes this well-known statement. He says, and this is one of those brilliant statements that Paul made that has multiple layers of application. He says, "When I was a child, I spoke as a child. I understood as a child." And we can be a fully-grown adult and still think as a child in some ways, and so that applies there. We can be children and only have limited understanding about many aspects of life and speak accordingly. "I understood," he said, "as a child, I thought as a child. But when I became a man, I put away childish things." At one level of understanding, this verse talks to us about the seasons of life that we go through. That as we mature, as we become adults, our thinking changes. When we get married, it should change in other ways as we begin to love another person, begin to form that one flesh concept that the Bible talks about. Sometimes, people still don't make the deep changes that they need to make if they're, let's say, 20, 21 years old. They get married, they love somebody, but they still like to run around, still like to party, still like to do certain things. And it may not be until a child is born that the real dynamic begins to change and to kick in, and that husband, or sometimes the wife, sees that baby and the whole world changes. And they reach another level of maturity as a result of now having the responsibility of a child. I've seen people then, they make tremendous changes of growth as a human being when a child comes along. So again, the stages of life that we go through bring about maturity, change, just as this Scripture shows us that it will. There's another key thought expressed over in the book of Colossians 3 that talks about change as well, Colossians 3. I'm going to talk about this, read this verse from the New Living Translation. Colossians 3:8, he says, "Now is the time to get rid of anger, rage, and malicious behavior.” There's a time to rid yourself of that anger, rage, and malicious behavior. Anger can be a problem that sometimes people struggle with, an emotional disability. And anger can be a very crippling emotion if it is something that controls us at inopportune moments and one cannot deal with the emotion that turns into a rage. Or a feeling toward malicious behavior, or slander, or dirty language. He says, "Don't lie to each other. For you have stripped off your old, sinful nature and all its wicked deeds." And he is speaking about this in the context, again, of God's Spirit being with us, having been raised with Christ, and beginning to seek those things which are above, back in verse 1, and he's really speaking to a mind that is led by God's Spirit, has the Holy Spirit. This spirit of power and love and of a sound mind can help us really accelerate toward these matters as well. And then be able, as he says, in verse 10, "To put on your new nature, and to be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like Him." Many of these emotions of rage and slander should be put off. Now, to be honest and to be fair, there are many, many very fine people in today's world who may not even be religious, but they're good people and they don't fight anger, and they have learned to control their language and their tongue. You don't necessarily have to be religious to have a certain level of morality and ethical nature and behavior that has many of these things in control. That's true. That is true. But keep in mind that, as Paul is talking about this, it is in the context of putting on, learning to know your Creator and becoming like Him, but also becoming so at a very deep level to where we understand exactly why we should be like this. Again, because we are created in the image of God, and we understand that are we to be joint heirs with Christ, and heirs of the promises that God has made to all, and to ultimately, to become like God. We understand that God is making a family, and through this process of salvation, He is bringing people into...ultimately, they will become spirit beings because they have overcome the world to a degree and to a level that is even deeper than what many very good people are able to do, even as they also take from the knowledge, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and can live decent, moral, good lives. We'll see how deep that has to be as we go along here. He said, "In this new life," in verse 11, "it doesn't matter if you're Jew or Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave or free. Christ is all that matters, and He lives in all of us," and He does. Paul said in Galatians 2:20 that the life he now lived, "The life I now live, I live by the faith of the Son of God who lives within me." That is the life that we live. Christ does live within us, as we use that Spirit and we become different people. This is, again, the great lesson that we should be thinking about in this period between the Days of Unleavened Bread to Pentecost. Frankly, from that period that follows after, to be more specific, the timing of the wave sheaf offering and that Sabbath, that day following the weekly Sabbath during the Days of Unleavened Bread when Christ Himself was accepted, and from which we begin to count toward Pentecost, that 50-day period, there is that 50 days that we're now in the middle of, that we should be thinking in terms of what that means for Christ to have been accepted as the wave sheaf offering, and for us now, as He is our high priest, He's our intercessor. And as His life lives within us, this is a period to focus on that power that is within us to change and to live a better life. Now, let's go back here to Colossians 3:12, he says, "Since God chose you to be the holy people He loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy." We've put off the other elements of verse 9, but we are to put on these others. We are to clothe ourselves with a tenderhearted mercy, with kindness, with humility, gentleness, and patience. Again, because we understand just how important that these qualities are, as they reflect the quality of the Father and our Brother, Jesus Christ. And as we understand that, then we are that much more eager to become like our Heavenly Father, to be perfect in the sense that They are, to follow after, and yes, even to strive for that perfection, as we make the efforts that we must make on the human level to overcome and to put this type of character on. It does take a level of striving and effort, and if you will, work on our part. At the end of the day, as I said earlier, there's no smartphone app that you and I can download that's going to make a change for us. There's no one article, there's no one life hack that we're going to find that will make us, of and by itself, the type of person that these Scriptures and others describe, not by itself, and not through some magic formula. Now, they can be inspiring, they can be motivational, they can be helpful, and I've got a whole electronic folder full of articles that I've collected through the years that help me to, as I label them, they're my "sharpen the saw" file. For those of you that remember one of "The 7 Habits of Effective People" that Stephen Covey wrote about, one of those habits is to sharpen the saw, to keep your saw sharp so that it cuts easily through the wood, whatever you're working on. We have to sharpen ourselves, and there are many things that motivate us to that, primarily of which is the Bible. But at the end of the day, to be honest, we have to come to the point where we sit down and we do it. Or we make an effort to do it. And we have to strive to become perfect as our Father is perfect. We have to make some sweat equity investment into it. At the end of the day, you have to. I'm a writer, I make a big part of my living, draw my paycheck as a result of things that I write. And you know what? The only way you write something is to sit yourself down in the chair, and you stay there until you crank out the words. You can take all the walks in the woods you want. You can go down to Starbucks and just sit there and wait for that inspiration to come through the wafting aroma of that nice, strong coffee, thinking, "That's where I'll find inspiration." "I can read this book, I can read this magazine. I'll wait until the news hits me and I get that inspiration..." No, no. The only way you write that article, that blog, that book, if that's what you're doing, you sit yourself down in that chair, and you keep yourself there until you get it done and you sweat it out. Sometimes, the only way we're going to make any changes that really do count and are necessary is when we make ourselves, we determine and we strive, and we exercise some physical character to get it done. And then if we are really astute and spiritual enough to know to go to God and to ask God for His help, and to study His Word diligently to do that, then that power will be with us to help bring us to a love and to a sound-mindedness that we can then have that peace, and know that God has literally given us extra measures of help to do certain things that, even of and by itself, we may not be able to do. But when He sees that heart, when He sees that determination, then it will be there. So don't look for the quick fix, don't look for the slick app. Recognize that we have got to apply ourselves when it comes down to it. And then know how to employ the tools of God's spirit, the Word of God, to enable that to be done as well. In verse 13 here, he says, "Make allowance for each other's faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you. You must forgive others. Above all, clothe yourselves with love (put on love) which binds us all together in perfect harmony. And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members as one body, you’re called to live in peace, and always be thankful." When we use that power of God's spirit, of love, and of a sound mind, when we use that, then we can come to a peace that comes from God. A peace of mind. And that is much, much deeper even than what might be there in someone else's life who doesn't understand what these Scriptures are saying, and yet can come to a control of a certain habit or problem. We all understand that people make changes in their lives every day. Alcoholics go to Alcoholics Anonymous, or some other addiction anonymous program, and they employ a 12-step formula, and they kick a habit, and they change. It happens every day. And thank God for those programs that do help people pull themselves out of those gutters of life and kick a habit that is destructive to themselves, to their family, to society. They do it all the time. They curb anger. People do grow out of that, or they overcome it. They may invoke a higher power as they understand it in their way, and, through a combination of belief and even grit and determination, are motivated to make changes. A couple of years ago in a sermon on Pentecost, I made famous a guy that I called "Tattoo Guy," as some of you may remember. A guy that I had run into at the health club who's covered up with tattoos and body piercings. A rather fearsome-looking character that was working out all the time, and as I got to know him, found out he'd been a drug addict. And he had kicked the habit, and he was there every day at the gym working out, as he said, "getting a high," from pumping iron, rather than shooting up in his arm. And I called him "Tattoo Guy." When I asked him what caused him to kick the habit, he said it was his little girl who had visited him in prison and said, "Daddy, I'm tired of visiting you in prison." And it was the motivation where all the other addiction programs had not worked. The jail sentences handed down by the judge didn't work. Ultimately, it was his little girl. People make those changes and they're real changes. Let's not forget that. And all kinds of other changes. Do you ever watch the commercials for diet plans that are inundating us on television? How many of you know what I'm talking about? I'm not going to mention any of them by name. This is going out on the Internet and I don't want to get any product placement problems here. But you see them all the time on television. Usually what they do, these are the ones where they have some formerly famous person selling their diet plan. And they tell you how much weight they've lost, and how much better they feel because of the specially crafted foods that they will send to you for so much a month. And they'll send you a week free to begin with, and they'll throw it all in. And it's an absurd amount of money when you add it all up as to what it costs. And you look at some of these personalities and you wonder how much cosmetic surgery they've had. We were watching one the other night and Debbie said, "She looks better now than she did 25 years ago." And you know she's got the money to have had the cosmetic surgery, but she's hawking this diet plan, and the diet plan can work if you apply it. No question about that, that's why they're still in business. But eventually, you run out of money or you go off of it. And if you haven't learned...they send you portion controlled items. And if you do eat only what it is in that package, then you will lose some weight in time. But if you don't and you go off of that, you've not learned how to do that yourself and cook in the right ways yourself, then chances are, you're going to go right back and balloon the weight back up when you can't afford their diet plan anymore, and have UPS send it to you in the truck every few days. But those are out there and those systems work, but unless you make the structural changes in your diet and your lifestyle, they come right back. The point is change is hard work. As I've said, it's kind of like writing: you have to employ the grit and the determination to get it done. But there's a level of change that we must achieve if we're going to become the children of God, as potential heirs of God's Kingdom. Paul talks and gets down to that here in Colossians when he talks about the peace that comes from Christ ruling in our hearts. That's a level of change, and that comes from God. In 2 Peter 1, Peter talks about the result of this change that comes from God. 2 Peter 1. And beginning in verse 2, 2 Peter 1:2, he writes, "Grace and peace be multiplied unto you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust." This power that God gives us, a divine power, helps us then to take on the divine nature. We are partakers of the divine nature through this process of salvation that God has called us to. And that is the nature of God. That is His mind, His personality, His kindness, His love, His grace. All of these things that Paul talked about in Colossians 3, this is what is the nature of God that we take part in through this power that God gives to us. And that's the level of deep change that is the change of God in us, molding us, and shaping us into His character and into His image that will transcend this physical life into the resurrected, glorified body that awaits us at that change and at that time. It is that character, the nature of God that we take on in this life as we are being prepared, that transcends the mortal flesh. This is how important it is, and this is the level of change that we must come to. And it is a change that comes from the heart. Back in Mark 7, Christ's statements about this, Mark 7. And a passage where He is talking about the defilement that can come from within, rather than from the outside, the importance of what happens in our lives. We come down to verse 20. I'll read this again from the New Living Translation, Mark 7:20. Christ says that, "It is what comes from inside that defiles you. For from within, out of a person's heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft and murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness." Take your pick of any of these that we may have been part of at any point in our life or in the past, and Christ says that the germ, the seed for this defilement, these sins, come from the heart. All of these vile things come from within. They are what defile you. Now, this is also what is to be put off as God forgives us for all of these when we repent in faith and accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. But He identifies that they come from the inner person. The inner seat of emotion, called the heart, from which comes are all of these desires that, in some cases, are pretty extreme when they are not controlled, that can lead to murder, or adultery, or theft, and a violation of God's law. But He's making this in the context of showing the people that, look, it's not the outward washings and ceremonialism that one needs to be concerned about. It's really what we're thinking, what's inside. And there's a remedy for that is His ultimate point. There is an app for that. But it's not something you download from the Internet. The app is God's Holy Spirit. That's the power to make those changes and to deal with the impact of these, and through the power of God's Word, a living, breathing, Word of God that is sharper that any sword that cuts to the innermost parts of our lives and helps us to discern all things. How do we get to that key? How do we get to that point where this is living within us, motivating the thoughts, the emotions, the drives from inside into our actions and words and deeds that reflect a changed life, led by God's Holy Spirit? Indeed, a life that is powerful and reflective of the love of God, and enabling a person to be sound-minded, rather than fearful. There's a story from the Gospels that is one that we pay little attention to. And I will have to admit, until a few years ago, I had not paid much attention to it. And it was almost like reading it for the first time. Have you ever run across that and you read a passage and a story or something...even a verse. “I had not read that before. I didn't know that was there.” Well, there's a story that we don't always focus on. It's in Luke 24. And it's a story that happens during the Days of Unleavened Bread after Christ's resurrection. It is the story of two disciples who are walking down a road, talking about the things that have happened. And they're on the road to a little village that is probably to the north, and historians say to the west of Jerusalem, but a short enough distance that they could be walking from Jerusalem to this little village of Emmaus, beginning in verse 13. And it's a fascinating story that I think holds a key for us to learn from. So let's spend a few minutes going through this briefly. Beginning in Luke 24:13. Keep in mind, this is the day after the resurrection. On that week, Jesus was crucified, three days and three nights in the grave, and then resurrected. It's a Sunday; it's the first day of the week. They called it the first day of the week. Today, it's called obviously Sunday, but it's that time period. So it's during the Days of Unleavened Bread. “Behold, two of them (two disciples) were traveling that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was seven miles from Jerusalem. And they talked together of all these things which had happened. So it was, while they conversed and reasoned, that Jesus Himself drew near and went with them.” Here are two disciples, not of the 12 it would seem, walking and talking about the things that had happened – the arrest, the death, the crucifixion, and now, the empty tomb and the resurrection. And they're talking about it. Two disciples, and Christ just appears on the road, just slips in among them here is what happens. He draws near; where did He come from? Well, He's a glorified spirit being; He's resurrected at this point. He can come and go at will. And as the accounts show, He does. “He started to walk with them. “But their eyes were restrained, they did not know Him, they didn't recognize Him. And He said to them, ‘What kind of conversation is this that you had with one another as you walk and are sad?’” They were discouraged. The death of Jesus, now an empty tomb, and not fully understanding it, perhaps somewhat still fearful. “The one whose name was Cleopas answered and said, ‘Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem and have you not known the things which happened there in these days?’” Have you been living in a cave? Where have you been? The ground shook. The sky turned to dark in the middle of the day, and people came up out of the graves. And you don't know what happened? They're trying to figure all this out. “And He said to them, ‘What things?’ And they said to Him, ‘Things concerning Jesus of Nazareth, who was a Prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people, and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered Him to be condemned to death, and crucified Him. But we were hoping that it was He who was going to redeem Israel. Indeed, besides all this, today's the third day since these things happened.’” They were looking for Him to restore the Kingdom to Israel, which is the question that had been put to Him some days earlier. “’Certain women of our company, they arrived at the tomb early and astonished us when they did not find His body. And they came saying that they had also seen a vision of angels who said He was alive. And certain of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said; but Him they did not see.’ And He said to them, ‘O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?’ And beginning at Moses and the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.” But they still didn't fully understand who they were talking to. And as “they drew near to the village where they were going and He indicated that He would have gone further, they constrained Him saying, ‘Abide with us, for it's toward evening, the day's far spent.’” In other words, stay a spell. Come on in. Have a meal. Stay with us here. It's late. “And it came to pass, as He sat at the table with them, that He took bread, blessed it, and broke it, and gave it to them.” And it was at that moment that “their eyes were opened and they knew Him; and He vanished from their sight.” Just like that. He came and He went. But now, they knew who they were talking to. When He broke the bread and when He gave it to them, it all now came together. And they understood that they had been talking with the Rabbi, their Master, Jesus of Nazareth. And now, it began to make sense. It's in verse 32 that is a critical thought, as we are talking here tonight about the power to change. And the deep changes that we can make, will make, because we understand that we are created in the image of God, that we are achieving day by day, year by year, season by season, the very purpose for our living, and that is to be ultimately born into the family of God, to be joint heirs with Christ, heirs of God of all of the spiritual promises. When they came to this point, “they said to one another, ‘Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?’” Didn't our heart burn within us? There was an excitement. There was a life. There was an energy. Remember, they were walking along, talking about the things that had happened. Christ came among them and began to further the conversation even to the point of talking about the Scriptures from the Old Testament that pointed to Him. They were talking about the Word of God, and for this moment, they were actually being instructed in the Word of God, by the living Word of God now resurrected and glorified. What a great Bible study! Would that any of us would ever have such an occasion? These two disciples had a unique moment where the resurrected Christ explained the Bible to them. I bet they didn't have any questions. They understood it pretty clearly. That's what they said. But they said, "While He was talking, didn't our hurt burn within us?" Do you ever put yourself through a concentrated time of Bible study? Bible reading. Where you just sit down and you open the Bible, and for 30 minutes, for an hour, you read the Bible. You just read the Word of God. Maybe it's a dedicated reading program that you're systematically going through. Perhaps it's some other time that you will pick a certain passage, book, or section to read from, and you just sit down and you read from the Bible. And then you might take a break and you might take a walk. You might go and pray for a while. And you come back and you sit down and you read for another 30 or 45 minutes, and you just read the Bible. You don't need to have another concordance or Bible study aid or anything else – no smartphone, no computer, no other distraction. Maybe it's just the warmth of a fire on a winter afternoon, or the warmth of the morning sunshine that's coming through on a Sabbath morning or a Sunday morning or another morning that you may by luxury or by choice or design give to yourself. And you are just spending time reading the Bible. You're not reading anything else with it. And you're praying, and then you take a walk. And if you are inclined to keep a journal or a prayer journal or something, and you write down your thoughts about it of what you've been reading, and then you go back to it. The feeling, the joy, the depth of understanding that can come through something like that, to me, gets close to perhaps what these two disciples were talking about. Where they say, "Didn't our heart burn within us when He talked with us and He explained these things?" Give yourself such a moment. Give yourself such a time. You know, the ministry is going to be exhorted this weekend at the General Conference meetings to labor in the Word. Labor in the Word. Now that can take on different meanings. But to labor, to any degree, in the Word of God, we have to clear the deck, give ourselves the luxury, and yeah, it might be for some of us, a luxury. Because we can think of a dozen other things we should be doing: cleaning the house, mowing the yard, doing this, doing that. Yes, I know that, and life is busy and we have all those things. And we might think, "I can't do that." I know, I've said that to myself. I've said, "I've got to go work. I've got a class to prepare for. I've got an article to write. I've got to do all these other physical chores and things about life, as well." And maybe there's other things I might think I'd rather do. Read a novel that I've been wanting to get to, or another book, or a stack of magazines that are piling up in the house. Or watch a Cincinnati Reds baseball game. You insert whatever favorite pastime you have. I know all of those things and you do, too. But more and more, we get to a point where we recognize that we've got to labor in the Word. We have to allow God's Word to be with us long enough as we read it, prayerfully think about it, and pray about it, and reflect on it, so that it does, in a sense, burn within our heart. And we come, then, through that method to a deeper understanding of whatever it might be. Maybe it is an obscure prophet such as Hosea that we might have touched on, if you were at ABC at any time, or you heard a sermon or Bible study on it. Or you heard Minister So and So give a taped presentation on it that you downloaded from the Internet. And maybe you did a low-flying swoop over it at some point in your past in a study, but it's something that doesn't really relate to you and doesn't inspire or encourage you, but is part of the Word of God, and it's there for a reason, and there's instruction, whatever it might be. Any other passage of the Bible. Even Luke 24, which you haven't read before. Or you knew it was there, but you didn't know it was there, because it hadn't been something you turned to for a while, and you gain a deeper understanding. These disciples came to a point where they recognized that while He was with them and while He talked with them, their heart, in a sense, came alive. This is really what it means. And that's what happens when we apply ourselves to a deep, concentrated period of just letting God's Word speak to us and wash over us. It produces change. It produces a depth of thought about the Word of God far beyond anything we can ever plan, imagine, or even, at times, receive in any other fashion. Sermons have their place, and Bible study has their place, and the public teaching of the Word has its place within the church, and we have ample means for that. On our website, we've got hundreds, thousands of sermons and Bible studies that are there, that are very beneficial from all the ministers and others who have spoken. All that's been placed up there. And as good as they are, and as valuable as they are, none of them are a substitute for the Bible, and the Word of God, and what it does, as it is the living Word of God, profitable for instruction in righteousness, for reproof, for doctrine, for strengthening our faith, and for even, in a sense, causing our emotions in our inner heart to come alive when we spend the time with that. And that, I submit to us tonight, is the depth of letting the power of God's Word coupled with His Spirit mixing with us, to bring us to the point where there are tangible changes and depths of understanding, and conviction and sense of understanding. And yes, a peace of mind. And yes, a power and a love that dispels all fear. All the doubt that bombards us from all different sources and quarters in our world, in our life today. That's what moves it out of our lives. That's then what gives us the power to change and to grow in the grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. That, I think, is a key lesson from this story of these two disciples on the road to Emmaus who learned a very important lesson that day, and was inspired by God's Word to be a part of what we can go to today and help us. So let me leave this with you tonight, that you take a lesson from these disciples. And that, in your efforts to dispel fear and develop with that Spirit power, and love, and a sound of mind, as God says He intends for us to do, that you spend that time, and you give yourself that gift in your life at some point, in your week, in the next month. And you carve out a block of time, and you devote yourself to a deep, reflective, prayerful study – a labor, if you will, in the Word of God, and let God's Word talk to you. Let God talk to you through that Bible study, through that Bible reading and that thought to the point where it does cause your heart to come alive and to sing, and to come to a point where you then find the courage and the power to change and to become more like your Heavenly Father. Give yourself that gift. And you will realize then what it means to have the power to change. Thanks to all of you for coming. We will be holding our next Bible study in a couple of weeks. I believe Steve Meyers will be conducting that Bible study. So we’ll look forward to having you then. And I think that'll be the last one then of this series prior to the Feast of Pentecost. So have a good night to all of you, drive safely going home, and we will see you next time.

Course Content

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The Christian Responsibility to Work Hard

The biblical case for having a strong work ethic as a Christian.


[Gary Petty] I read one time that this was something that was posted, a notice that was posted on an employee bulletin board at a business. It says, "Due to increased competition and a keen desire to stay in business, we find it necessary to institute a new policy. We're asking that somewhere between starting time and quitting time and without infringing on the time devoted to lunch, coffee breaks, rest periods, storytelling, tickets selling, vacation planning, and rehashing of gossip, each employee endeavors to find some time to set aside as what we're calling the work break. This may seem a radical innovation, but we believe the idea has possibilities. It can conceivably be an aid to steady employment and regular paychecks. While adoption to the work break is not compulsory, it's hoped that each employee will find time to give it a fair trial."

But the six years that I spent working in radio advertising, I came in contact with a lot of different businesses, small businesses, big businesses. And one of the problems they all had every one of them was how do we find and keep good employees? That's a problem that they all faced. You say, "Okay, employees, what does that have to do with what we're going to talk about today?" Are you a good employee? Do you work hard? "What's that have to do with my Christianity?"

Actually, the Bible talks about having a work ethic. What does that mean? What does it mean that we are to have a work ethic? What does the Bible really teach us about work? There's an interesting story that we find in 2 Thessalonians 3. That Paul is making some personal comments here to the people of Thessalonica about a problem that they had. Picking it up in verse 6. He says, "But we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw from every brother who walks disorderly and not according to the tradition which you received from us."

Now, these people were disorderly. And he's actually saying, you know, these people have become so disorderly in the congregation that we're just suggesting you don't even talk to them. That's a pretty strong statement. Like what in the world were they doing? I mean, disorderly means that they're causing problems, they're destroying relationships. I mean, what in the world are these people doing to cause that kind of problem? You think well, they must have some heresy, you know that they're teaching or what are they doing? He says, "For you, yourselves know… He says… Let me give you an example here. "For you, yourselves know how you ought to follow us."

He's talking about him and some traveling companions who had been with him when he went to actually visit the church of Thessalonica. "How you ought to follow us, for we were not disorderly among you." Okay, well, we didn't create this problem when we were there so we tried to show you an example. He says, "Nor did we eat anyone's bread free of charge, but worked with labor and toil night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you, not because we did not have authority, to make ourselves example of how you should follow us." So he uses himself as an example. He says, “You know, when I came there,” with his ministerial companions, he says, “we didn't taking money from you to serve you while we were there.” But they worked day and night. And of course, we know that he was a tentmaker.

So he says, "We worked our own jobs and didn't take money, even though we could have. I mean, it would only be ethically right for the church to support us while we were there." But he says, "No, we didn't ask anything from you." So there's a problem here he's getting to that has to do with disorderly conduct. He says, "For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat. For we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but they're busybodies. Now those who are such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ that they work in quietness and eat their own bread."

Boy, what kind of major problem were they having? Now, I don't know exactly, but the cause was that there was a large enough group of people in their congregation who just refused to work. They just didn't work. And it says there were busybodies. They spent their time just meddling in everybody else's business. So they were creating this constant problem in the church. Which I mean, that seems sort of odd to us today. I mean, I don't think I've ever been in a congregation where I've seen this exact problem where you had a large number of people just creating all this problem at church because they just refuse to work.

But there's an important statement he makes here. He says, "For even when we were with you…" I'm sorry, he says, "For if they shall not work, they shall not eat… If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.” That's the point he's making. Now, the Bible is very clear in the absolute command to take care of the poor. Everyone has a responsibility to take care of the poor. Poor people who are there because some calamity has happened, because maybe they just don't have the skills to get certain jobs. Maybe they… you know, there's all kinds of reasons why someone could be poor. And the church is given and ancient Israel were given explicit commands to help take care of poor people. What Paul says here is, if a person is poor because they won't work, you don't take care of them.

Now, that seems strange too in the society we live in. And why would he say that? If the person is hungry, and he says no if it's because they refuse to eat, let them get hungry, and then they will go work. Let them get hungry then they'll go work. So he's making a point here. Now, once again, we have to put this in the context of why he makes this statement. There is in the congregation a group of people who cause nothing but problems in the church. They're meddling in everybody else's business or probably just showing up at people's houses expecting to be taken care of.

Although I have had… I have had as a pastor, a few people that do that. I've come across people who will go from church to church. And they'll come in and they'll spend three-four months in a church living with people, being taken care of by people always saying they're going to get a job. Sometimes I've seen it go on for six months and the people will take them in. A lot of times it's older people. Then they'll wear out there welcome there, and go someplace else. And eventually, it comes down to this person doesn't even look for a job. And so you have a conversation and say, look, "You just can't come in and take advantage of these people." I mean, in some cases, large amounts of money were given to then and then they disappear.

Then I get an email from another pastor that says, "Hey, so and so has showed up at my church and they just moved in with a couple of the elderly people." And I've seen men… it's always men. But I've seen men be able to do this sometimes for a couple of years before they get caught. Now, Paul would say, "Sorry, you don't work, you don't eat. We don't give you anything. You don't work, you don't receive shelter." He's talking about Christians taking care of Christians here. He says, "If you refuse to do certain things, then the church is not to take care of you." So this means work is important. This is an extreme example but this is where I want to start. It must be important for Paul to make these instructions to a church. If a person refuses to work, it's not that they can't work, or maybe they just don't have a lot of skills or whatever. And you know, they're doing the best they can, maybe they have a real low paying job because that's all they can do then we're supposed to take care of them, help them. “But if they refuse to work,” he says, “then you don't take care of them.”

So work is important. Work is an important part of who we are because work is part of our Christian character. Now, I'm going to talk about being a workaholic here. I might mention a couple of times. Being a workaholic is the other end of the scale. Being a workaholic is spiritually wrong also. When we put ourselves into our work so much that we're not having a right relationship with God, we're not taking care of our families, we're not taking care of ourselves. And recreation is part of life. Fun is part of life. So that's that other extreme.

But usually, we as human beings tend to fall on the sort of lazy side than the workaholic side. So we're going to talk about work today. Because it is an ethical issue. Now, I will say this when I talk about work here, and I've seen this happen in the church. I've actually had people come to me and want to counsel because they'll say, "You know, I realized that I'm preparing for the Kingdom of God. And since I'm preparing for the kingdom of God, I'm just a" and you can fill in the blank. “I'm just a construction worker. I'm just a salesman. I'm just a housewife. I'm just a office worker.” And whatever they fill in and they say, "Probably I need to get another job to prepare for the Kingdom of God." Your career isn't the issue, it's your work ethic that's the issue. It's your work ethic that's the issue, not what you're doing.

I used to tell my kids, "Find out what you're really good at, that makes you happy and go become the best at it. You may not make the most money, but you will be happy." When you're doing work you love, you're happy. Now, unfortunately, every job has drudgery. We'll talk about that in a minute. And you can be trapped at a job sometimes for a while that you hate. Okay, what do you do with that? Well, we'll talk about that in a minute, too. These are all real issues. This is practical Christianity, practical Christianity. So it doesn't matter what job you do. God doesn't care if you're an architect. God doesn't care if you're a boss with 100 people. God doesn’t… Well, I say He doesn't care.

What's really interesting is go through all the scriptures about employers. There are lots of scriptures in the Old and New Testament about employers. There's one of the laws in the Old Testament that says, "If you withhold your wages that you owe people as an employer, God will punish you." Is that a little scary? God says, "I hold that, personally, that's a personal issue. If people work for you, and you hold back their wages, then that's personal between Me and you. I will deal with that." So there's a lot of instructions about bosses and employers. But we're going to talk about employees today. Most of us are employees. There's a few here that might own your own business, but most of us do not.

So what does the Bible teach about work? You know, I talked about your jobs. Most people will have multiple jobs in a lifetime. What's really different than say 50 years ago, my dad, his dad, back then, most people had one career. Many times they worked for the same company their entire lives. That's not true today. Most of you, if you're young, you're going to have more than one career. You actually have more than one career. You may start out in something and end up doing something totally different by the end of your life.

In fact, the average person today will have three different careers. Now, we're not talking about three different jobs. You may have a career which you work for three or four different companies, and then another career and you work for three or four different companies. So it's changed from… it used to be you get hired by somebody, you work for that same company maybe your whole life. It's not that way anymore. Remember, it's not the specific job. It's the work ethic that's the Christian part of what you do. God doesn't care if you're a farmer. Be a good farmer. Like I used to tell my son he loved working on cars, I said, "Go be a car mechanic." "I can't make a lot of money." "Just go be the best car mechanic you can be." Now, he's selling insurance and loves it. So I was wrong on that one.

I used to tell my kids, "I can't determine what you're going to do, you have to decide that. You have to decide what you're going to do because it's your life, it's not mine." So, learn the work ethic, and you're going to be pretty much successful in everything you do. Now, I say successful, even if you do it right, bad things happen. In preparing this, I looked up probably 10 websites. They were business websites. They were management websites. One was a college website giving advice to students on reasons people get fired. And, you know, the number one was they just don't do their job. Like, number two was people fall asleep. That kept showing up all over. People sleep, you know. Number three was they're spending all their day on their cell phone, or, you know, they're just not involved in their work. There was all these reasons.

But then I saw another list from a business magazine. It was pretty interesting. It said, "We're going to tell you some other reasons why people get fired. The boss wants to give the job to his nephew,” okay. And then there were reasons why you get fired, which you are doing a great job and your manager becomes absolutely jealous of you and gets you fired. And I've known people that have gone through that. Got fired because they were doing a good job, and somebody got jealous.

So, okay, life, you know, there's no magic pill that says do this equals perfect success, that's not life. Sometimes you do it right and something bad happens. The difference is when you're doing it right you will find something else to do. You can recover from the problem if you're doing it right. If you're doing it wrong… I mean, you get fired from someplace three or four times just because it says you're insubordinate. You just aren't going to listen to your boss. You think he's an idiot, and you've been fired from three places because you think the boss is an idiot. Guess what the next boss is going to do, not hire you, right? They don't want to put up with that. So if you do it the right way, you have a much better chance of recovering from the bad things when they happen. Do it the wrong way and sooner or later you dig yourself in a hole.

What does the Bible say about work? Let's go to Colossians. Say well, this isn't a spiritual issue. Whether I daydream on the job, whether I play video games on the job when I should doing something else, that's not a spiritual issue. Colossians 3:22. Bondservants, now bondservants, so that was you worked for somebody because you owed them something. This is a type of employership. I mean, there were businesses in the Roman Empire where they hired employees. There were people that had bondservants. In other words, "you owe me something so you got to work for me."

There were people who… if you were craftsmen, especially, you would be hired out to different people. Of course, they had slaves, too. So Paul is just talking to a class of people that work for other people. He says, "Obey in all things your masters according to the flesh,” what? Now, not if they tell you to do something against God. Now, if your employer tells you to do something dishonest, you say, "No." And sooner or later, most of us have had to face that. I've had to face it earlier in my life. Or you just say, "I can't do that. That's immoral. That's wrong, whatever you're asking me to do."

I remember one radio station… I probably should have mentioned this before. I was really supposed to go date all the young girls that worked at the advertising agencies after… you know, not date, just go to the bar with them. I said, "I got a pregnant wife at home. I'm not going to go out after work and take these young single women to a bar." He said, "Well, you don't have to let them know you won't do anything." That's literally what I was told. "Just, you know, have some fun with them and then you get the account." And I said, "I don't want the account that bad." The owner of that radio station told me you know… it was the number one radio station in Austin, Texas. He said, "You know, you're a nice guy and in my experience, nice guys don't make it in a lot of companies." I didn't.

So you obey them in their job what they're telling you to do not with eye service as men-pleasers. In other words, you're not doing this because you just want to get on the good side of your boss. But in sincerity of heart. In other words, you do your job, you do it because you want to do the job right. Why? Because you're fearing God. "And whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not to men knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance for you serve the Lord Jesus Christ." What? He makes this a spiritual issue. When you go to work, you give all that you have because you think that you're serving God. "I'm serving God."

Why would you do that? Because to your employer, to the people you work with you are representing God to them. Believe me, they all figure out you're a little bit different. They know your religion is a little bit different. Wherever you are, you represent God. And it's that way when you go to work. So when you go to work you give everything you have. Look what it says in 1 Timothy. Here, Paul writing once again, 1 Timothy 6. He really spells it out here. He says, "Let as many bondservants as are under the yoke…” in other words, sometimes when you work with somebody else, you're under a yoke, right? You don't show up on time. And by the way, that's one of the reasons that kept coming up, people were getting fired. Now, certain companies are very loose with that policy, certain aren't.

And if you work for a company and said, "What time we start?" "Oh, 9, 9:30, you know, just sort of whenever you come in." And there's companies like that. Then you get a company that says, "We expect you here at 8:30." And you're there at 8:40 and they fire you. And you can say, "Well, the last company was like this. This isn't fair." And they say, "But you don't work with the last company. You work for us." And so it is a yoke to work for other people. Now it doesn't mean it can't be fun. I mean, I enjoy being a pastor. No, I love being a pastor. But there are days where it's tough. There's days where it's tough.

He says, “yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor." Why? I mean, all of us here have worked for some person that you know, wasn't worthy of honor, right? We've all been there. So why would you do that? And here's why. "So that the name of God and His teachings will not be blasphemed." So that the name of God won't be blasphemed. They may say, "I don't like you." They may not like you because you are so honest. They may not like you because you are obeying God, but God won't be blasphemed. And that's why I said, when you go to work, you represent God. When you go to work, you are there your work ethic is part of your Christianity. So yeah, we should talk about this. Yes, it is important. And yes, it is one of the keys to success.

And sometimes younger people, you know, struggle with… you know, we all did when… Although I didn't. When I was young, I figured out somehow, I don't know why, when I was about 15 years old, I made a list of all the things I wanted to do in life. You know, get baptized. Find me a good woman that will take me, have children. Okay, that was number three. After that, it was work in radio, become a television talk show host, become an author of books, work as a reporter for… I had all these things I was going to do. Some of them I've done, I tell you what, being a minister wasn't on the list. Some I've done. Some I haven't.

But we all struggle with, "What am I supposed to do with my life?" You will have lots of choices in life and you probably… whatever choice you make at 18, you're going to change. The important thing is, what is your work ethic? Because you can change. I mean, I've known people who were doctors and became something else at age 30 and have been very successful. They were successful doctors. Now, they're successful with something else. I mean, what a change. You become a doctor at 28, at 35 you change jobs. You can have lots of choices in life. The important thing is if you learn how to work, you actually are equipped to make those choices. And you'll be equipped to make the changes if you want to.

If you don't know how to work, you don't have the ability to make the changes. There are people who are trapped in jobs because they've never learned how to work and they can't get out of it. It's all they can do. Now, some people, it depends on your personality. You find a job and you like it, and you stay in it for the rest of your life. And that's great too. But you have the equipment to make the decision. You see what I mean? You have the ability to make those decisions because your character is right, your work ethic is right. Otherwise, other people make those decisions for you. So that's what this is about. And so you are following God. You are doing this because you represent God. Now, that would change a lot of things, how you handle a lot of things at work.

So that's the first point I want to make. You know, when you go to work, you're going to work there as a representative of God. Now, you have to accept that. If you don't accept that it's like everything else. You either accept you're a Christian or not, but we shouldn't call ourselves Christian if we don't believe that we are followers of Christ and represent Christ. If we're Christians, we're representing. What we do at work counts. What we do at work matters. I mean, you spend 8 hours, you know, 40 hours a week at least at work probably more.

And a lot of even your happiness depends on what happens when you work. You know, a lot of times people will drag home their problems from work and bring them home and have a rotten marriage because of the problems they have at work. Especially if they're both working, they both drag it home and, you know, one can't help the other and they're unhappy. And the real issue sometimes isn't the marriage. The real issue is what's happening at work.

The second point… Now, we're going to get down to some real practical… the first thing here is a little bit conceptual. We work to represent God. Okay, so that means what I do is important. The second is that a proper work ethic requires that there's a list, you accomplish the work that is assigned to you in the way that it has been assigned to you and in the time allotted. Here's your job, do it this way and do it in this amount of time. Now, sometimes you go back and say, "Hey, this way doesn't work." Sometimes you go back and say, "Hey, I can't do it in this amount of time." Sometimes you go back and say, "Hey, I finished early so I didn't go to sleep, or I didn't sit around and, you know, just call up and look at pictures of puppies. Instead, I've come and said, "What do you want me to do next boss?"

I mean, one of the reasons we hate work so much is we get bored because we're bored with what we're doing. You're never bored when you're locked into doing something and you're putting your effort into it. Proverbs 26. Here's where it shows laziness is a moral deficiency. It is a moral problem. Proverbs 26:13, "The lazy man says, ‘There's a lion in this road! A fierce lion in the streets!” In other words, "I can't go outside." They have an excuse for everything. I mean, the excuse is there's a lion in the street is silly. There's a lion in the street, it doesn't matter. In other words, the excuse doesn't matter. "I'm just not going to do it. I just make up an excuse."

"As the door turns on its hinges, so does the lazy man on his bed." I love that one. You know, you've heard an old creaky door that's all rusty and will hardly open. Although I have to admit it at 63 there's days that getting out of bed is like that. But it's literal, because that's the sound of my joints, okay. But we have to make ourselves get up and go. And there's a few people, most of us really can't believe it, they just wake up, jump out of bed. They're happy. They're ready to go. And it's, like, the rest of us, we just sort of walk around in a stupor for a while, and grunt for coffee and, you know. But you make yourself do it. More people have lost jobs because they simply won't make themselves do it.

And he calls this a lazy person. "The lazy man buries his hand in the bowl; and wearies him to bring it back to his mouth." Now you can imagine, you take your spoon and you stick it in the bowl and you just sit and stare and say, "Would someone feed me please?" It's an absurdity to this. "The lazy man is wiser in his own eyes than seven men who can answer sensibly." And that's very true. The more lazy we are, the more reasons we have for being lazy, the more reasons why it's somebody else's fault. And the more reasons why, everybody that tells us, "No, that's not how the way it works," we say they're either wrong or they don't understand, or "Hey, get out of my face. You're oppressing me." And so we stay the way we are.

So there is an amount of effort that we have to put into this. A small business had a sign hanging on the wall that said, "If you don't believe the dead come back to life, you've never been here at quitting time." You know, all work does have some drudgery. I mean, I have to admit, when I'm doing paperwork sometimes, I'd rather be out visiting people or, you know, working on a Bible study. I have certain paperwork I have to do. But it has to be done. So you pile through it, you know. I'll tell my wife, "I'm going up to my office. I'll be up there for three hours. I'm doing paperwork." And I find out when I tell her that she won't even talk to me for three hours. It's, like, "He's up there. Leave him alone." But you got to plow through it, you got to make yourself do it. It has to be done. There is a point we have to face no matter what the job you have. And sometimes when you start out in a job, you know, they give you the worst jobs to begin with then you have to do the worst jobs.

I think I've mentioned this before I worked… In the Worldwide Church of God, I worked in SEP. And I worked two summers, where I was in charge of the janitorial crew. Now, one of the things we had to do was the bathhouses every morning after hundreds of teenagers went in and destroyed it. We would get a dorm of maybe, you know, 30 teenagers, and now we had to go clean up something that was, like, out of a horror movie. I can't explain what 200 teenagers will do to a bathhouse, okay. And they would all be, I mean, griping and complaining. They didn't want to go in, So I had to give them the little speech all the time. That little speech was, "in life, you're going to be asked to do things you don't want to do. We have an hour to do this. We can go make this a game and I am…" the other two people I had working with me "we'll go in and help you do it. We'll get right…" I mean, the toilets were always clogged up. It was just horrible. "We will help you do this. And if we work as a team, and you do what we say, we'll be done in a half-hour. And then the other half hour, you have off. You can do whatever you want. You can go sit around." You know, all they ever wanted to do when they were done was just is sit around and talk. "You can do that. If you don't, you'll be here the full hour and only half the job will be done and you will hate it every minute."

And so we would go in, and for, you know, 20 minutes to a half-hour, we told them how to work as a team, we told them what to do, how to motivate each other. When one person slacks, everybody's got to make them work. And you know, they were always done in a half-hour. And then they had a half-hour off. Well, I can't say always. Because sometimes you get a group that just wouldn't do it. And an hour later, they were mad and grumpy. They'd be mad and grumpy the whole rest of the morning. They were upset. They hated it. How dare people make them have to do this? And they were miserable.

Now, everybody had the same job and it was just as bad for everybody. And you know, some groups came out of there, fired up ready to go, "Hey, man, we got a half-hour." Other groups after an hour were, "We hated this." And you know, it would take them a long time to get over it. The idea is at times, we just have to say, "The job has to be done," and we throw ourselves into it completely.

Many years later, I had a man come up to me and say, "Hey, you changed my life." I said, "I did. How did I ever change your life?" He said, "At SEP, that little talk you gave to us every time when we had to go in and clean out the bathhouse." I said, "Yeah?" He said, "I applied that to my life." And he says, "Now I own my own business and I'm quite wealthy." You simply attack the job at hand. And then you go do something else. But you attack the worst job by attacking it. You go into it. You do your work. Now, work ethic requires that you accomplish the work assigned to you, the way that it has been assigned, and in the time allotted. And so you do it.

The third point, a proper work ethic requires you use your time to give your employee a full day's work. You give them a full day's work. Say, "Yeah, but sometimes, you know, eight hours is a long time." I understand. But when I started to look at the reason people get fired, and so many of the times is because they're not working. They're talking, they're gossiping, they're texting, they're doing all different kinds of things.

Understand this, what if a friend of yours said, "Here. I can't go to the store. I'm going to give you $100 to go to the store and get all this stuff for me. Here's a $100. And since you're doing this for me, and it's so nice, you know, get yourself some lunch." You say, "Okay," and you took their $100. And you're supposed to be back in an hour. You come back three hours later and instead of the list, you have two things in a bag. And they say, "Well, wait a minute, you know, I had all this stuff." And you say, "Yeah, but, you know, I was having such a good time at lunch, picked up a couple of other friends and we used your money buying lunch and all I had enough was to get you this." You'd say, "You stole my money," right?

If someone did that to you wouldn't you say, "You stole my money?" When you go and work for a person and agree to work for them for a certain amount of money, and you don't give them a full day's work, I don't care how much the money is, the money isn't the issue. It's you that's the issue, who you are. And you don't give them a full day's work, you're stealing from the employer. You're stealing their time. "Here. I'm going to pay you to work for me." "Thank you. I'll take the money and I won't work." It's stealing. There's a point of dishonesty here. So we don't think that way. There's a point of dishonesty.

Ways that we waste time at work. "Oh good, another survey." No, I'm going to go to the Bible. Proverbs 14, a couple of places in Proverbs. Proverbs 14. There's a lot of benefits to work in our character and even some happiness. We'll talk about that in a minute. Proverbs 14:23. "In all labor, there is profit." There's a benefit from work. And once again, being a workaholic isn't the issue here. It's working that's the issue. When you are supposed to work you work.

"In all labor there's profit, but an idle chatter leads only to poverty." In other words, you spend all your time talking at work, on your computer at work, unless you're working on a computer, obviously, texting at work, sharing all your different plans and, you know, getting together all the people you're going out to dinner with afterwards, and you do all that while at work. You can end up in poverty because you're not going to have a job. You say, "Boy, that employer sure is mean and tough. What's their problem?" Now, remember, they paid you to work. They offered you money to work and you agreed to it. If you don't like the agreement, quit but don't steal from them.

You know, you're going to get in a bad job some point in life too. Once again, if you have the right character, if you have the tools, you'll be able to get out of a bad job. If you don't have the tools, guess what happens? "I can't get out of a bad job because I can't get any job," or you quit and end up what, doing nothing. I've seen people quit jobs. I knew a man one time who had been fired… I don't remember the exact number… It's been so many years ago. This was, like, 35 years ago. But I think he'd been fired from 12 jobs in 16 years all because of the Sabbath. I don't believe that. You might lose a job or two over the Sabbath, but if you're a good employee, you're going to find a job someplace. I think he's a bad employee. Now, a couple of times might be over the Sabbath but I don't believe all of them were.

Look at Proverbs 12:11. "He who tills his land will be satisfied with bread, but he who follows frivolity is devoid of understanding." In otherwise words, he who just…"All I want to do is have fun." Well, there's a time for fun, by the way, God is not against fun. There's a time for fun. And it's great when your work is fun, too. I mean, I have fun times at my job sometimes, and sometimes it's not. But when you just pursue having fun, instead of getting joy out of your work, he says, you don't understand what's going to happen to you. It doesn't work that way.

Proverbs 19:15 "Laziness casts one into a deep sleep, and an idle person will suffer hunger." In other words, when we are lazy, you know what happens? We get tired all the time. We lose a desire to achieve anything. Part of work is achieving something. It's achieving something. Now, some of you remember a couple of years ago, I kept using the example of how I told my wife I would paint the bathroom and then didn't do it. Okay. Well, I don't know, about nine months ago, I painted the bathroom, okay. But I have to tell you when I finished painting the bathroom… she wasn't there I thought I'd surprise her. And I looked around and I thought, "I really feel good about this." And then she walked in and said, "It needs another coat." So I put another coat on, and I felt good about that, too, right. When you accomplish something, you feel good and that is worth… You know, sometimes you don't work because of your boss and you don't work because of the money. Sometimes you work because in the end, "I did a good job. I did that." It's your character that counts. It's who you are that counts. And so you do what's right. Otherwise, you just get… the more lazy you are… Here's the strangest thing. You ever say, "Oh, I wish I had a day off with nothing to do."

Yeah, I do that and every once in a while I try to take a day off with nothing to do. And it's okay for a while then I start getting antsy and sort of nervous and sort of crazy like and then… then I have to tell myself, "Settle down. There's work to do tomorrow. It's okay." So you can't be a workaholic either. But it's funny, if I had nothing to do all the time, I'd be miserable. Wouldn't you? If you had nothing, no goals, nothing to do, nothing to achieve, you'd be miserable.

"Oh, I just wish somebody would take care of me." No, you don't, you wouldn't live life with somebody just taking care of you every moment. We're not designed to be that way. We're designed to go work and produce and achieve. All of us are every human being. Or we just get sleepy.

A fourth point is that a proper work ethic means that we exhibit a very high standard of honesty and morality. Let's go to Titus 2. Titus 2, I'm going to read this from the NIV. In the King James, it says bondservants here which is more of an employee relationship. But here in this translation… this is Titus 2:9. "Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, not talk back to them." Okay, you just don't talk back to your employer all the time. Now, that doesn't mean you shouldn't give good suggestions. Most employers want a good… I mean, you might get some hard-nosed person that doesn't. But most employers want a good suggestion if they can see it's good. "Hey, if we do this would this make this better?" You know, because they know you now hey, you're concerned about the job. You're concerned about what you're doing. Your work is important to you. But he says, "And not to steal from them, but to show that they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive." He says you be so honest, such a good upstanding person, such a moral person, that you make Christianity attractive to pagans.

"Boy, I wish I had more Christians like you working, you know, for me because you're good workers. I can trust you, people. You're not going to steal from me. I'm not going to have to worry because I can't figure out why.” You know, “I just bought a box of copy paper and half of it it's gone." "Oh yeah, I took it home. You know, my kids use it." That's stealing. And so we are to make… It's so fascinating here. Paul over and over again says, remember when you're out there working who you represent. Be moral and be honest. We should be very, very, very honest.

And don't think they don't notice. People notice whether you're honest or not. They do. They will notice whether you're honest or not. And this is more important than your job title. This is more important than how much money you make, your honesty. I've seen Christians sacrifice their honesty for more money, or sacrifice their honesty to get a higher position. And that's not what this is about. That higher position or more money means nothing to God. Honesty means something to God. So don't buy into this sort of American dream. "The more power and money I have, the more important I am to God," because that's not true. It's just not true. It's who you are as His child that's important to Him.

Let me just sort of wrap up with a few things here. Why do we work then? Okay, we work to… What's our benefit, if you will, from working? Constructive work gives us a sense of purpose and a sense of accomplishment in your daily life. You know, I'm 63. I know a lot of men and women that retire at 65. I couldn't imagine retiring at 65. I can't even imagine… I’ve got so much more to accomplish. In fact, I'm getting to the place that I'm even more serious about what I have to accomplish because, well, you know, I don't have a lot of time left here. I'm going to live another 30 years. I got more things to accomplish.

And so this constructive work gives us a sense of accomplishment. Even if our boss… see once again it's you get a benefit from working. What did God tell Adam and Eve? Go to Genesis 2:15. Genesis 2. It's a very important passage here. "Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend it and to keep it." "You are to work this garden." He didn't say, “Oh, here's the garden. It'll sort of grow itself. Just let everything run wild, it'll be fine." He says, "You are to tend it and to keep it." "You have work to do here, son, and you're going to like working. You're going to get up in the morning and you're going to enjoy going out and tending the garden." Without a sense of accomplishment, without things to do, Adam would have been bored, even in Eden. We are designed to accomplish things.

There's a study that was done in Harvard. And it's an interesting study because the first time I read of this study was in the 1980s. And it had started kind of back in the 1940s. I just read this week because I was looking at the study. The study continues on. Some of the people involved in this study in the 1940s are still alive and they're still studying them, these people at Harvard. The people who started the original study are all dead it's new, but they've been studying these… I think it was 465 boys. And they were all from inner-city, Boston. And they had all different backgrounds, and all different economic backgrounds, and educational backgrounds, and ethnic backgrounds. You know, they're just from all over the place. And so they started to go through them. What were they like at 15 or where were they at 25? So in the 1980s, these guys are in their 40s and 50s. Well, they're in their 50s at this point. And they found some very interesting things.

Now, as they continued on as they got older, into their ‘70s and ‘80s now, and '90s, they found that there were two things that changed their lives more than anything. One was the quality of relationships they had when they were younger. Were there adults who loved them or not? Oh, yeah that makes sense, doesn't it? That was the most… The number one impact on their lives, whether there were adults that loved them and interacted with them as children. The second one was whether they had work to do as a child.

You say, "Oh, we just put our kids in the salt mines." This was as simple as mowing the grass. It was as simple as cleaning your room. And in doing so, they found out that these young boys who had interactive relationships, people who actually cared for them, and taught them and interacted with them, and then they were made to work. Those were the two greatest factors in their success of life and how happy they were.

People who work and put themselves into their work are happier. They're not bored. They have purpose. And like I said, these jobs were just… "Okay, you're 15. Go get a job," you know. No. It could be as simple as, "Okay, you have chores, and you have to take out the garbage and you participate in what the family does." Or sometimes a lot… These boys came from broken families. Still, there was always some adults somewhere that interacted with them in a positive way. And they always had some value in their work. "I'm producing something, and as I produce something, I have value. I produce something and therefore I have value." And as they grew up that changed their lives.

One of the greatest gifts you can give your children… the greatest gift you can give your children is your love and your time. A second greatest gift you can give them is teaching them God's way. Now, you have to give them love and time before you can teach them God's way. "Okay, we're going to have school today. I'm going to teach you God's way and the rest of the time I'm going to ignore you." That doesn't work. You give them love and time first, and that builds the relationship that you can say, "let me tell you about God," and it means something.

If we don't give our children of ourselves, then somebody else gives them of themselves. And it's probably be the other kid next door. You see what I mean? We can't let other people raise our children. We have to give them our love and our time. Then the second most important thing you could do is give them God's way and teach it and live it for them. And the third most important thing you can do, make them do some chores, make them do some work. That there's purpose in work. There's meaning and work.

I could remember my dad telling me… we’re sanding floors, which is hard work. I was a teenager. He said, yeah, he says, "I worked hard, worked hard. My dad pushed me and pushed me. Because he was pushing me all the time. “Do this better. Work harder, do this,” you know, just all the time. He said that one day, he said, “Okay, you got to finish this job.” And he left. And he said, I thought, "Good. I'm going to take a cigarette break." Because he was a chain smoker before he came into the Church. He said, “But I couldn't. I tried, and I couldn't light it I had to go finish the job."

So when I was about 17, one day he said, "You got to finish the job." I said, "Oh, good." And when he showed up I'm just finishing it. And he said, "Yeah, that's what I figured how long would it take you to finish it." I thought, "Yeah, I just finished the job." He did the same thing to me that his dad did to him. We have to realize we teach them to work. And I sure was proud of that floor. I still remember it. I still remember that it was a Lebanese club and they had, like, a meeting room, ballroom in it. And that looked like a sheet of glass. That floor had been just sanded perfectly and finished perfectly. And it looked like… And I still remember that. I was probably 17 years old. I don't remember any of the girls when I was 17. But I remember that floor.

A secondary reason we work is to support our families. This is important to God. 1 Timothy 5:8. I don't remember any girls because it seems to me that I've been married… it seems to me, I've known my wife since I was a baby. It seems somehow we've been connected since we were children. I know that's not true. But it seems to me that way. So I don't remember anybody else. Yeah, she's always been there. 1 Timothy 5:8. "But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." Think about that statement. If you can work… Now, once again, sometimes we can't work or sometimes we're limited at what we can do or sometimes we just don't have opportunities.

I mean, sometimes you look at some… Darris McNeely just got back from a trip to Africa. And some of those people are doing as hard as they can and there's only so much money they can bring in. You can work 15 hours a day and you're never going to get out of a dirt hut. But they work, you know. You do your part. He's saying here the person says, "Nah, take care of me." He says you're worse than a person that's not even a Christian. See how much he ties this into our Christianity?

We have responsibilities. We work for other people. You know, and I will speak to the young men here. Guys, young men, when you marry and you have children, and especially if your wife says, "I need to stay home and take care of those children," your God-given responsibility is to take care of them. I don't care what the cost. If we can't do that don't get married and don't have children. Be man enough not to do it. Our responsibility is to take care of those if they need us. And, you know, sometimes women will have careers and then have two or three children say, "I can't do this. I can't do both of them." And we man up. How many hours a week do you work to do that? As many as it takes. As many as it takes. That's what we do.

And if we aren't willing to do that, you're not worthy of a wife. It's that simple. That's what Paul is saying. There's a loss of manhood that I'm concerned with. We sacrifice what we have to sacrifice for our families. That's part of work. Now, fortunately, hopefully, you have a job you don't have to do all that. But believe me, I know years ago, when I was a kid, I saw men work two or three jobs to feed a family, not because they had a great career. They worked two or three jobs just to feed a family. They would do whatever it took.

People had bigger families. The woman couldn't work. She had six kids. And that's what they did. Did they want to work three jobs? No. Why did they do it? It's what we do. We work to help those who are in financial need. I know sometimes some of these ideas are not popular in our society. The destruction of manhood is one of the most terrible things that's happened to our country. And now what's happening is destruction of womanhood. I mean, what God expects of women. If you destroy the men, what are the women going to do, right, what choice do they have?

And now where we have little three-year-olds that have decided that they're of a different sex. And parents who say, "Okay." A society cannot survive that, understand that. A society cannot survive that. Oh, it won't fall tomorrow, but it will fall. That is totally against the way anything is worked. Even the pagans knew that much. Even the ancient pagans knew that much.

Ephesians 4:28, "Let him who stole steal no more." So he's just telling people in church look, you got to change your… you know, if you used to be a thief, you're a Christian now. You got to stop being a thief. But notice what he says, "But rather let him labor, working with his hands, what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need." Paul actually says to people in the Church, "Okay, not stealing is the letter of the law. You and I have to go way beyond the letter of the law." He says, "Go work so you can help somebody else and give them a hand up. Go work so you can give to somebody else. Somebody gives you a hand up you go work and get somebody…" It's not, like, "Oh, good, somebody give me a hand up," keep giving your hand out. No. If someone gives you a hand up you go work and give somebody else a hand up. You and I are required by God to help each other in our times of need, and our times of poverty, and our times of old age, and our times of widowhood. We are required to help each other. It's at the center of God's way, that kind of love. And he says, start in the Church of God's, start in the house of God. And obviously with our own families, whether they're in the Church or not. That's where we just start.

And then the last reason, of course, is you and I have a duty to pay tithes and offerings to God. It's a duty. We should work because we wish to fulfill that duty. The work habits we form are part of our character. It's part of who we are. This is practical Christianity. "Wow, you've made looking at my cell phone, at my desk, some church issue." "No, it's practical Christianity. This isn't a church issue. It's Christianity issue." Work is important. And every day you have an opportunity when you go to work to be dependable and responsible and to show people what a Christian looks like. We're honest, we work hard, we're trustworthy. Those are all words that came up in what we've talked about here.

Also, you could be a whole lot happier when you just work hard. I don't care what it is. Scrubbing floors, cleaning toilets. I mean I think of all the things I've done in my life, sanding floors, painting houses. Well, I did have one job I failed miserably at. It was being a roofer. And the guy hired me… his son hired me and I said, "I don't know anything about roofing. I know nothing." He said, "Yeah, well, don't tell my dad. We just need some guys to work." So I spent 12 hours on the roof, trying to watch everybody else and figure out what they were doing. So at the end, the guy said, "You know, you're a hard worker, but you know absolutely nothing about roofing." And I said, "I know I don't." He says, "Well, I'm going to pay you because you're a hard worker, but I got to hire somebody that knows about roofing." I said, "I understand. I didn't tell your son I knew anything about roofing." And of course, they all laughed. They thought it was sort of funny. I was so glad I got fired from that job. I hated that job. But you know, I wasn't going to quit. I had told him I'd work the summer. I was going to work the summer and I thought, "By the end of summer I'll figure out how to be a roofer." But I was so glad I didn't have to figure out how to be a roofer. But I said I would. You know why I was going to do that? Not because I have great character because my dad had drilled me so much I had to finish the job. Even it was going to be all summer, I was going to learn how to be a roofer. So I was glad. And don't ask me to roof because I have no idea how to do that.

But these things make us happier. And it's these things that make up our work ethic. These are the traits that God is looking for. And these are the traits, not your job, but these character traits that God is going to use to serve Jesus Christ when He comes.


Darris McNeely works at the United Church of God home office in Cincinnati, Ohio. He and his wife, Debbie, have served in the ministry for more than 43 years. They have two sons, who are both married, and four grandchildren. Darris is the Associate Media Producer for the Church. He also is a resident faculty member at the Ambassador Bible Center teaching Acts, Fundamentals of Belief and World News and Prophecy. He enjoys hunting, travel and reading and spending time with his grandchildren.

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